Gopnik. Bezkulturnaya mass subculture Russia
Photoproject Alik Yakubovich.
Cattle, bydlyak, gopari, Gopnik, imbitsily, boys with rayёna, gopstopari and other terms - represent in our reality ubiquitous presence of mass inadequate and rude himself leading, uneducated and bezkulturnyh moral monsters, spoiling their existence, the life of the rest of the society.
Source: alldayplus.ru
Cattle, bydlyak, gopari, Gopnik, imbitsily, boys with rayёna, gopstopari and other terms - represent in our reality ubiquitous presence of mass inadequate and rude himself leading, uneducated and bezkulturnyh moral monsters, spoiling their existence, the life of the rest of the society.

Source: alldayplus.ru