Graffiti stops shadow
7 attempts to stop a moment and capture the shadow)) Cool work!
Scott Kiloby: We are fighting our own shadows and cling to them
Shadow: who's the boss in the house
Graffiti - barbarism or art?
Myths and facts about human shadow (10 photos)
Banksy: Man, Myth, Legend
Graffiti - what is it?
Berlin street art
Graffiti in Athens (17 photos)
Speaking of graffiti
Dog flying a hang-glider
Our character is not ours, but our shadow ....
How to make eco-graffiti from moss
We clean our city
Room street art
The broken Windows theory: how to win the crime in new York
Battle graffiti artists
Ninth fight (with) 7_korov
Broken windows theory
Eco - graffiti on the wall in the grey city
Broken windows theory
Broken window theory
Banksy in the past month
Millions of euros in the London Waterloo
10 of the most unusual forms of contemporary art
"Vegetable" street art by Pablo Herrero
Scott Kiloby: We are fighting our own shadows and cling to them
Shadow: who's the boss in the house
Graffiti - barbarism or art?
Myths and facts about human shadow (10 photos)
Banksy: Man, Myth, Legend
Graffiti - what is it?
Berlin street art
Graffiti in Athens (17 photos)
Speaking of graffiti
Dog flying a hang-glider
Our character is not ours, but our shadow ....
How to make eco-graffiti from moss
We clean our city
Room street art
The broken Windows theory: how to win the crime in new York
Battle graffiti artists
Ninth fight (with) 7_korov
Broken windows theory
Eco - graffiti on the wall in the grey city
Broken windows theory
Broken window theory
Banksy in the past month
Millions of euros in the London Waterloo
10 of the most unusual forms of contemporary art
"Vegetable" street art by Pablo Herrero
Improvement of telephone directories
An abandoned police station