Saler: beautiful French town
I've always loved "small" to France, this is not Paris and Marseille, and especially not in Cannes. But what he is charming author further comments:
Auvergne town of Saler (Salers) located off the beaten path - hundreds of kilometers from Paris, the Massif Central mountains, forest and hills. And in the middle of this beauty, tiny, old. He was more than a thousand years.
Like any respectable Medieval town, it has walls with fortifications and city gates, daring people to burst.
A piece of the city walls with fortifications
All houses under shingles layered stone, and the main building material there is volcanic pumice stone, black stone. And twined-strewn flowers - roses, geraniums, wisteria ...
The town is quiet and very joyful, festive.
In the Middle Ages it was known as the Law Center - it was a huge court of the surrounding region.
Church of St. Mathieu, romance, old. Belfry in her 12th century.
A wooden sculpture of the church, 14-15 century.
View of the plateau, all mallow yes hills. This garden restaurant
... And restaurant hut. We see former restaurant brought farmers so often happens in the province - will shift in farm campsites, in restaurants. Perhaps tourism is more profitable than agriculture.
Are treated to a meal at a local ancient recipes - meatloaf with prunes, tryuffadom (potatoes baked with cheese and spices) its special cheeses, blueberry pie and other delights.
medieval door
Stairs with wisteria
Fire Tower
Castle City:
Gothic window
Urban towers
there are a lot of towers, ancient palaces also quite small
and in the lives of all the town ... 359 people.
Templar Tower
central area
Bridge 11-12 century mototsiklistka and cat
Templar and a dog. Well, the dog may not be a direct descendant of Templar dogs, but it rests on the threshold of the house, once owned by the Knights Templar. Now there is a local museum.
Templar symbols on the ceiling
Auvergne town of Saler (Salers) located off the beaten path - hundreds of kilometers from Paris, the Massif Central mountains, forest and hills. And in the middle of this beauty, tiny, old. He was more than a thousand years.
Like any respectable Medieval town, it has walls with fortifications and city gates, daring people to burst.
A piece of the city walls with fortifications
All houses under shingles layered stone, and the main building material there is volcanic pumice stone, black stone. And twined-strewn flowers - roses, geraniums, wisteria ...
The town is quiet and very joyful, festive.
In the Middle Ages it was known as the Law Center - it was a huge court of the surrounding region.
Church of St. Mathieu, romance, old. Belfry in her 12th century.
A wooden sculpture of the church, 14-15 century.
View of the plateau, all mallow yes hills. This garden restaurant
... And restaurant hut. We see former restaurant brought farmers so often happens in the province - will shift in farm campsites, in restaurants. Perhaps tourism is more profitable than agriculture.
Are treated to a meal at a local ancient recipes - meatloaf with prunes, tryuffadom (potatoes baked with cheese and spices) its special cheeses, blueberry pie and other delights.
medieval door
Stairs with wisteria
Fire Tower
Castle City:
Gothic window
Urban towers
there are a lot of towers, ancient palaces also quite small
and in the lives of all the town ... 359 people.
Templar Tower
central area
Bridge 11-12 century mototsiklistka and cat
Templar and a dog. Well, the dog may not be a direct descendant of Templar dogs, but it rests on the threshold of the house, once owned by the Knights Templar. Now there is a local museum.
Templar symbols on the ceiling