The second man in space - Titov (38 photos)
History in pictures of a man who was second in space.
Childhood 1939. Altai region
with. May morning, Altai Territory, in which GS Titov lived from 1942 to 1946.
German Titov in the group of members of the literary circle of the seven-year school. Polkovnikovo Kosikhinsky District.
Nalobihinskaya High School, from which he graduated GS Titov.
GS Titov, cadets of military aviation school, another by Yuri.
GS Titov - a candidate for the astronauts.
Parents GS Stepan Pavlovich Titov, Alexander M. and sister Zemfira with. Polkovnikovo.
GS Titov, his wife Tamara. 1960
Crimea. Sergei Korolev, surrounded by the first group of astronauts. From left to right, are (top row), Pavel Popovich, Grigory Nelyubov, German Titov
Titov training
YA Gagarin and GS Titov on theoretical studies in TsPK.Zvezdny town. 1961
YA Gagarin, GS Titov, GG Nelyubov on Red ploschadi.Moskva. Not later than 5 April 1961 Mr.
GS Titov speaking at a meeting with members of the astronauts of the State Commission before the first manned space flight
GG Nelyubov, VF Bykovsky, Yuri Gagarin, AG Nikolaev GS Titov, PR Popovich before meeting with members of the State Commission for the launch of spacecraft "Vostok" .Baykonur. April 10, 1961
Gherman Titov was the backup of Yuri Gagarin, 12.04.1961
GS Titov in the CPC on the treadmill dorozhke.Zvezdny town
GS Titov during training at the Cosmonaut Training Center on a swing heals. 1961
GS Titov during flight training. Chkalovsky Airfield. 1961
GS Titov during a hockey game. 1961
GS Titov skiing in the woods. Star City in 1961
GS Titov before training to the CPC in rotore.Zvezdny town. 1961
GS Titov and PR Popovich in the CPC during practical lessons on kinopodgotovke. Star City. 1961
GS Titov Park TSNIAG.
GS Titov during a medical examination in TSNIAG.
GS Titov during the pre-medical examination. Moscow 1961
Titov during the pre-medical examination. Moscow 1961
A meeting of the main crew and backup crew of spacecraft "Vostok-2" GS Titov and AG Nikolaev with starting komandoy.Baykonur. August 5, 1961
A meeting of the main crew and backup crew of spacecraft "Vostok-2" GS Titov and AG Nikolaev from the starting team. Speaker SP Korolev.Baykonur. August 5, 1961
Meeting GS Titov with the ground tracking stations spaceport. SP Korolev, GS Titov, N. Kamanin.Baykonur. August 1961
GS Titov and SP Korolyov at the Baikonur. Baikonur. August 1961 Mr.
GS Titov reported to the State Commission on the preparedness poletu.Baykonur. August 6, 1961
GS Titov skafandre.Baykonur. August 6, 1961 Mr.
Portrait Titov made before the start
Logbook cosmonaut GS Titov
The image of the Earth, made by GS Titov on board the spacecraft "Vostok-2» 6.08.1961
GS Titov in the cabin after the successful completion of the flight on the spacecraft "Vostok-2" 7 August 1961
Solemn meeting GS Titov after the successful completion of space flight at Vnukovo airport. NS Khrushchev, Soviet cosmonaut GS Titov and Yuri Gagarin, LI Brezhnev, AI Mikoyan and others.
Solemn meeting GS Titov after the successful completion of space flight. GS Titov, Yuri Gagarin, the First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, Chairman of the USSR, NS Khrushchev, a member of the Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee FR Kozlov
Childhood 1939. Altai region

with. May morning, Altai Territory, in which GS Titov lived from 1942 to 1946.

German Titov in the group of members of the literary circle of the seven-year school. Polkovnikovo Kosikhinsky District.

Nalobihinskaya High School, from which he graduated GS Titov.

GS Titov, cadets of military aviation school, another by Yuri.

GS Titov - a candidate for the astronauts.

Parents GS Stepan Pavlovich Titov, Alexander M. and sister Zemfira with. Polkovnikovo.

GS Titov, his wife Tamara. 1960

Crimea. Sergei Korolev, surrounded by the first group of astronauts. From left to right, are (top row), Pavel Popovich, Grigory Nelyubov, German Titov

Titov training

YA Gagarin and GS Titov on theoretical studies in TsPK.Zvezdny town. 1961

YA Gagarin, GS Titov, GG Nelyubov on Red ploschadi.Moskva. Not later than 5 April 1961 Mr.

GS Titov speaking at a meeting with members of the astronauts of the State Commission before the first manned space flight

GG Nelyubov, VF Bykovsky, Yuri Gagarin, AG Nikolaev GS Titov, PR Popovich before meeting with members of the State Commission for the launch of spacecraft "Vostok" .Baykonur. April 10, 1961

Gherman Titov was the backup of Yuri Gagarin, 12.04.1961

GS Titov in the CPC on the treadmill dorozhke.Zvezdny town

GS Titov during training at the Cosmonaut Training Center on a swing heals. 1961

GS Titov during flight training. Chkalovsky Airfield. 1961

GS Titov during a hockey game. 1961

GS Titov skiing in the woods. Star City in 1961

GS Titov before training to the CPC in rotore.Zvezdny town. 1961

GS Titov and PR Popovich in the CPC during practical lessons on kinopodgotovke. Star City. 1961

GS Titov Park TSNIAG.

GS Titov during a medical examination in TSNIAG.

GS Titov during the pre-medical examination. Moscow 1961

Titov during the pre-medical examination. Moscow 1961

A meeting of the main crew and backup crew of spacecraft "Vostok-2" GS Titov and AG Nikolaev with starting komandoy.Baykonur. August 5, 1961

A meeting of the main crew and backup crew of spacecraft "Vostok-2" GS Titov and AG Nikolaev from the starting team. Speaker SP Korolev.Baykonur. August 5, 1961

Meeting GS Titov with the ground tracking stations spaceport. SP Korolev, GS Titov, N. Kamanin.Baykonur. August 1961

GS Titov and SP Korolyov at the Baikonur. Baikonur. August 1961 Mr.

GS Titov reported to the State Commission on the preparedness poletu.Baykonur. August 6, 1961

GS Titov skafandre.Baykonur. August 6, 1961 Mr.

Portrait Titov made before the start

Logbook cosmonaut GS Titov

The image of the Earth, made by GS Titov on board the spacecraft "Vostok-2» 6.08.1961

GS Titov in the cabin after the successful completion of the flight on the spacecraft "Vostok-2" 7 August 1961

Solemn meeting GS Titov after the successful completion of space flight at Vnukovo airport. NS Khrushchev, Soviet cosmonaut GS Titov and Yuri Gagarin, LI Brezhnev, AI Mikoyan and others.

Solemn meeting GS Titov after the successful completion of space flight. GS Titov, Yuri Gagarin, the First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, Chairman of the USSR, NS Khrushchev, a member of the Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee FR Kozlov