Space Alexei Leonov
the paintings of Alexei Leonov, pilot-cosmonaut, twice Hero of the Soviet Union.
1. The spacecraft "Vostok" - a symbol of the space age. On it flew into space the world's first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin on 12 April 1961.
Leonov. "Start of the East»
2. The first Soviet artificial communication satellite "Molniya-1", launched in 1965, resembles a flower or a fantastic space station from the films about the distant future. His giant "petals" - it is solar panels, which are always oriented to the sun, and parabolic antenna - to Earth. The satellite is designed to relay television programs and long-distance telephone and telegraph communications.
By the way, in 1967 one of the satellites of this series for the first time in the world was produced color image of the Earth.
Leonov. "Molniya-1»
3. Leonov. "Lightning - Space repeater»
4. Meteorological satellites have dramatically increased the reliability of weather forecasts made it possible to detect cyclones, typhoons and hurricanes in the steps of their origin, to measure the direction and speed of their propagation, to choose the best routes for vessels fishing and merchant fleet, and also to define the boundaries of the ice cover in the arctic regions of the track Northern Sea Route, to receive information about areas of precipitation and more. Satellites are able to warn about the appearance and movement of hazardous tsunami. It is difficult to estimate the number of lives saved because of weather satellites.
Leonov. "Meteorological systems - METEOR»
5. The first who saw seventeen days and nights per night, was a cosmonaut German Titov, the doubler of Yury Gagarin, in August 1962, has made day flight aboard the "Vostok-2". During this flight, Titov and saw "Terminator" - the border day and night, constantly changing space on each orbit flight. All the astronauts describe this as an unforgettable spectacle!
Leonov. "Over the terminator»
6. cosmonaut day - half hour - turnaround time ship-satellite around the Earth. For terrestrial day meet 17 astronauts space dawns.
The painting Leonova "night glow HALO atmosphere" ship flies over the night the earth. Through the veil of dark clouds visible reddish lights of cities. And on the horizon, behind which hides the sun, there was a rainbow band of the Earth's atmosphere. And above it all - embedded in black velvet outer space moon and brilliant stars.
Leonov. "Cosmic Dawn»
7. Alexei Leonov first of the astronauts in space was able to observe, and then portray the moment a fiery red disk of the sun had just risen over the horizon. Above the sun briefly appeared extraordinarily beautiful aura, reminiscent of an old Russian kokoshnik. The first sketch of this figure astronaut made with colored pencils on the page logbook on a spaceship "Voskhod-2».
Leonov. "Morning in space»
8. Alexei Leonov. "Space evening»
9. For the first time in the world as a result of manual docking of manned spacecraft in 1969 was assembled and operated on orbit satellite Soviet experimental space station - a prototype for future large space stations.
Leonov. "Automatic Docking»
10. In 1975, the space is already docked Soviet and American ships. The name of this first ever mezhdunrodnaya space program "Soyuz" - "Apollo". The commander of "Soyuz-19" was himself Alexei Leonov! During the six-day orbital flight of the "Soyuz-19" were held for the first time experimentally collaborative tools rendezvous and docking; performed docking of Soviet and American spacecraft, the astronauts mutual transitions from ship to ship, joint research experiments. In preparation for this flight Leonov learned in one year the English language "from scratch" (at school, he taught German)!
In flight, the Soviet and American astronauts have shown excellent cooperation and understanding, tasks are performed consistently and accurately, in a truly friendly atmosphere.
Leonov. "Soyuz-Apollo»
11. Leonov. "Soyuz-Apollo 1»
12. Today's space program is inconceivable without the working outputs of astronauts into space. And the first came out in open space Alexei Leonov, too! He demonstrated the ability to stay and work rights in conditions of weightlessness and Evacuation.
13. Leonov. "Over the Black Sea»
14. Leonov. "The spacewalk»
15. Leonov. "In the open space»
16. Leonov. "The man on the planet»
17. After this became possible even passages of astronauts from one spacecraft to another through open space!
Leonov. "Go to the open space»
18. Every flight into space, each program - are unique. They have in common one thing: the last stage of flight - the descent to Earth.
Spaceship coming from its orbit. The atmosphere becomes increasingly dense. On all sides the ship include plasma jet. The temperature at the surface of the capsule is increased to 10 thousands of degrees - is higher than the surface of the sun. Melts and vaporizes the outer coating. Giant "Space drop" is approaching the Earth ... You can see how small burn in the atmosphere of the "Meteor" - otstrelennye craft design.
Leonov. "The Return»
19. astronautics no "waste of time". Every second spent an astronaut or a satellite in orbit makes a huge contribution to world science. We all use daily at home by millions of things created through space and impossible without it!
And perhaps very soon, even the most fantastic pictures Alexei Leonov Repeat for amateur photography space tourists school.
Leonov. "Near Moon»
20. Leonov. "On the Moon»
21. Leonov. "Crater chain»
22. "We have a class of flying on a vacation to the star Beta Lyra!»
Leonov "Beta Lyrae»
23. "fuuuuu! This is a tour for kids! Here we fly into the nebula №443 displacement spectra observed! »
Leonov. "Planet Nebula IC443»
24. Leonov, A. Sokolov. "The beginning of braking»
25. Leonov. "The astronauts of the future»
26. Leonov. "In the nearest planet to the sun»
Source: shrrr.gorod.tomsk.ru
the paintings of Alexei Leonov, pilot-cosmonaut, twice Hero of the Soviet Union.

1. The spacecraft "Vostok" - a symbol of the space age. On it flew into space the world's first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin on 12 April 1961.
Leonov. "Start of the East»

2. The first Soviet artificial communication satellite "Molniya-1", launched in 1965, resembles a flower or a fantastic space station from the films about the distant future. His giant "petals" - it is solar panels, which are always oriented to the sun, and parabolic antenna - to Earth. The satellite is designed to relay television programs and long-distance telephone and telegraph communications.
By the way, in 1967 one of the satellites of this series for the first time in the world was produced color image of the Earth.
Leonov. "Molniya-1»

3. Leonov. "Lightning - Space repeater»

4. Meteorological satellites have dramatically increased the reliability of weather forecasts made it possible to detect cyclones, typhoons and hurricanes in the steps of their origin, to measure the direction and speed of their propagation, to choose the best routes for vessels fishing and merchant fleet, and also to define the boundaries of the ice cover in the arctic regions of the track Northern Sea Route, to receive information about areas of precipitation and more. Satellites are able to warn about the appearance and movement of hazardous tsunami. It is difficult to estimate the number of lives saved because of weather satellites.
Leonov. "Meteorological systems - METEOR»

5. The first who saw seventeen days and nights per night, was a cosmonaut German Titov, the doubler of Yury Gagarin, in August 1962, has made day flight aboard the "Vostok-2". During this flight, Titov and saw "Terminator" - the border day and night, constantly changing space on each orbit flight. All the astronauts describe this as an unforgettable spectacle!
Leonov. "Over the terminator»

6. cosmonaut day - half hour - turnaround time ship-satellite around the Earth. For terrestrial day meet 17 astronauts space dawns.
The painting Leonova "night glow HALO atmosphere" ship flies over the night the earth. Through the veil of dark clouds visible reddish lights of cities. And on the horizon, behind which hides the sun, there was a rainbow band of the Earth's atmosphere. And above it all - embedded in black velvet outer space moon and brilliant stars.
Leonov. "Cosmic Dawn»

7. Alexei Leonov first of the astronauts in space was able to observe, and then portray the moment a fiery red disk of the sun had just risen over the horizon. Above the sun briefly appeared extraordinarily beautiful aura, reminiscent of an old Russian kokoshnik. The first sketch of this figure astronaut made with colored pencils on the page logbook on a spaceship "Voskhod-2».
Leonov. "Morning in space»

8. Alexei Leonov. "Space evening»

9. For the first time in the world as a result of manual docking of manned spacecraft in 1969 was assembled and operated on orbit satellite Soviet experimental space station - a prototype for future large space stations.
Leonov. "Automatic Docking»

10. In 1975, the space is already docked Soviet and American ships. The name of this first ever mezhdunrodnaya space program "Soyuz" - "Apollo". The commander of "Soyuz-19" was himself Alexei Leonov! During the six-day orbital flight of the "Soyuz-19" were held for the first time experimentally collaborative tools rendezvous and docking; performed docking of Soviet and American spacecraft, the astronauts mutual transitions from ship to ship, joint research experiments. In preparation for this flight Leonov learned in one year the English language "from scratch" (at school, he taught German)!
In flight, the Soviet and American astronauts have shown excellent cooperation and understanding, tasks are performed consistently and accurately, in a truly friendly atmosphere.
Leonov. "Soyuz-Apollo»

11. Leonov. "Soyuz-Apollo 1»

12. Today's space program is inconceivable without the working outputs of astronauts into space. And the first came out in open space Alexei Leonov, too! He demonstrated the ability to stay and work rights in conditions of weightlessness and Evacuation.

13. Leonov. "Over the Black Sea»

14. Leonov. "The spacewalk»

15. Leonov. "In the open space»

16. Leonov. "The man on the planet»

17. After this became possible even passages of astronauts from one spacecraft to another through open space!
Leonov. "Go to the open space»

18. Every flight into space, each program - are unique. They have in common one thing: the last stage of flight - the descent to Earth.
Spaceship coming from its orbit. The atmosphere becomes increasingly dense. On all sides the ship include plasma jet. The temperature at the surface of the capsule is increased to 10 thousands of degrees - is higher than the surface of the sun. Melts and vaporizes the outer coating. Giant "Space drop" is approaching the Earth ... You can see how small burn in the atmosphere of the "Meteor" - otstrelennye craft design.
Leonov. "The Return»

19. astronautics no "waste of time". Every second spent an astronaut or a satellite in orbit makes a huge contribution to world science. We all use daily at home by millions of things created through space and impossible without it!
And perhaps very soon, even the most fantastic pictures Alexei Leonov Repeat for amateur photography space tourists school.
Leonov. "Near Moon»

20. Leonov. "On the Moon»

21. Leonov. "Crater chain»

22. "We have a class of flying on a vacation to the star Beta Lyra!»
Leonov "Beta Lyrae»

23. "fuuuuu! This is a tour for kids! Here we fly into the nebula №443 displacement spectra observed! »
Leonov. "Planet Nebula IC443»

24. Leonov, A. Sokolov. "The beginning of braking»

25. Leonov. "The astronauts of the future»

26. Leonov. "In the nearest planet to the sun»

Source: shrrr.gorod.tomsk.ru
An interesting project, the actors with themselves "young"
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