He was born without legs (2 photos)
With five pairs of dentures boy who was born without legs, wins running races and swimming
The boy, who was born without legs now has five pairs of lower limb for all occasions.
For a child with a disability experts produced five different prostheses with which he now can not only walk, but run, swim or even take part in competitions.
Makkaslend Cody was born 6 weeks early. Doctors said the baby parents that their son was seriously ill: because of congenital anomalies of the spine it was irreversibly damaged even during fetal life. A terrible disease has deprived the boy legs, disrupt the gall bladder, intestines and lungs. Forecasts of experts were disappointing, in their opinion, the child was not viable.
But the love of parents and the hands of doctors performed a miracle. Having suffered a number of transactions, Cody has found a chance at a full life. And when he was six years old, the boy got his first prosthetic leg.
via Zhizn.ru
- It was amazing - if Cody had been waiting for such an opportunity, - says his 36 year old mother Tina. - Now my son is 7 years old, he is able to run, swim, play golf, ice hockey, even karate.
The prostheses were made for Cody in a children's hospital in Texas. Available Cody have several options of artificial legs, including individual devices for walking and jogging.
Now little Cody runs a hundred meters in 33 seconds and 4 is going to participate in the Paralympic Games.
- I will get the gold medal - confidently declares a brave kid.
The boy, who was born without legs now has five pairs of lower limb for all occasions.
For a child with a disability experts produced five different prostheses with which he now can not only walk, but run, swim or even take part in competitions.
Makkaslend Cody was born 6 weeks early. Doctors said the baby parents that their son was seriously ill: because of congenital anomalies of the spine it was irreversibly damaged even during fetal life. A terrible disease has deprived the boy legs, disrupt the gall bladder, intestines and lungs. Forecasts of experts were disappointing, in their opinion, the child was not viable.
But the love of parents and the hands of doctors performed a miracle. Having suffered a number of transactions, Cody has found a chance at a full life. And when he was six years old, the boy got his first prosthetic leg.
via Zhizn.ru

- It was amazing - if Cody had been waiting for such an opportunity, - says his 36 year old mother Tina. - Now my son is 7 years old, he is able to run, swim, play golf, ice hockey, even karate.
The prostheses were made for Cody in a children's hospital in Texas. Available Cody have several options of artificial legs, including individual devices for walking and jogging.
Now little Cody runs a hundred meters in 33 seconds and 4 is going to participate in the Paralympic Games.
- I will get the gold medal - confidently declares a brave kid.
