Lipetsk region for 1 day
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18 photos of Victor Borisov
Photographer Viktor Borisov made a short but productive fotopoezdku in the Lipetsk region. The purpose of the trip was the exploration of new "photogenic" species for landscape photography.
1) To begin, we stood in a traffic jam on the M4 highway is constantly being repaired and it is difficult to move on. They arrived at the settlement Ishutinskogo and drove toward Dankova.
2) In addition to the search of beautiful places to take photos I was looking for the local camp sites and hotels. And just a few kilometers from the settlement Ishutinskogo we found this.
3) Next, too, have something to shoot.
4) Lipetsk region for 1 day
5) Another view of the beautiful sword. Over there on the right bend of the river - Ishutinskoe settlement.
6) Of course midday completely modal time for landscape photography, but the frames will be used for logging.
7) Then I turned on the Navigator and asked him to take us to see the ruins of the church on the beach. Do not glance overview map we went, and it turned out thin Count road was wound up in godforsaken village, and all around it was a riddle for the navigator. Navigator switched off and on Google MAPS. The road was still nothing, 20 km / h could go.
8) And then suddenly - a pine forest on the mountain.
9) and local roads, perhaps one of the best sites. Potholes are small, the wheel is not entirely fails. Shook killed on the road and suddenly 20 kilometers were on the ideal of European roads - smooth asphalt, the new layout. So we got to Dankova, purchased at the local bread-baking scones for 3 rubles. 40 kopecks. and went in Lebedyan.
10) Lebedyan look underground. The rest of us were interested in much less. As part Fotoshashlykov we will have a tour here in "Metro" to take a picture. Here I experience as 16 people fit into these labyrinths, and even so not to interfere with each other taking pictures ...
11) Well, it's Lebedyansky elevator.
12) then drove to the hydroelectric power plant in Troekurovo. Take your time and do not go to the other side, and there still remain mechanisms for control gate spillway. Let's try to fix this misunderstanding this weekend. From here on Galic by a fantastic mountain roads. First there was a section of road which apparently bombed craters of half a meter to the left, then right, and sometimes in the middle of the road impressed, but there was no time to stop. Then, over the bridge it differs little from the dam above the frame, only this worn Kamaz trucks loaded at full speed. We looked at the harvest with the help of old combines Niva and Kamaz trucks with trailers ...
13) Next to the mountain Galichya field of sunflowers.
14) View from Galichya mountains. Once upon a time there was a rock Teschin language freely hanging edge length of about two meters in the air. Of course it broke the tourists.
15) behold a sign "forbidden zone - passage forbidden", is full of tourists.
16) we are going to find Vorgolskie rocks before sunset, but the result is not yet. While looking for the entrance to it was dark, the light day, and so now it is short, and in addition we were south of 400 kilometers.
17) Well, we go back to Moscow.
18) Well, we go back to Moscow. They stood in one night in a traffic jam on the M4 to the large concrete ring and 2:30 am in the area were at home. The total mileage was exactly 1000 km.
So you can spend one day of his interesting life!
18 photos of Victor Borisov
Photographer Viktor Borisov made a short but productive fotopoezdku in the Lipetsk region. The purpose of the trip was the exploration of new "photogenic" species for landscape photography.
1) To begin, we stood in a traffic jam on the M4 highway is constantly being repaired and it is difficult to move on. They arrived at the settlement Ishutinskogo and drove toward Dankova.

2) In addition to the search of beautiful places to take photos I was looking for the local camp sites and hotels. And just a few kilometers from the settlement Ishutinskogo we found this.

3) Next, too, have something to shoot.

4) Lipetsk region for 1 day

5) Another view of the beautiful sword. Over there on the right bend of the river - Ishutinskoe settlement.

6) Of course midday completely modal time for landscape photography, but the frames will be used for logging.

7) Then I turned on the Navigator and asked him to take us to see the ruins of the church on the beach. Do not glance overview map we went, and it turned out thin Count road was wound up in godforsaken village, and all around it was a riddle for the navigator. Navigator switched off and on Google MAPS. The road was still nothing, 20 km / h could go.

8) And then suddenly - a pine forest on the mountain.

9) and local roads, perhaps one of the best sites. Potholes are small, the wheel is not entirely fails. Shook killed on the road and suddenly 20 kilometers were on the ideal of European roads - smooth asphalt, the new layout. So we got to Dankova, purchased at the local bread-baking scones for 3 rubles. 40 kopecks. and went in Lebedyan.

10) Lebedyan look underground. The rest of us were interested in much less. As part Fotoshashlykov we will have a tour here in "Metro" to take a picture. Here I experience as 16 people fit into these labyrinths, and even so not to interfere with each other taking pictures ...

11) Well, it's Lebedyansky elevator.

12) then drove to the hydroelectric power plant in Troekurovo. Take your time and do not go to the other side, and there still remain mechanisms for control gate spillway. Let's try to fix this misunderstanding this weekend. From here on Galic by a fantastic mountain roads. First there was a section of road which apparently bombed craters of half a meter to the left, then right, and sometimes in the middle of the road impressed, but there was no time to stop. Then, over the bridge it differs little from the dam above the frame, only this worn Kamaz trucks loaded at full speed. We looked at the harvest with the help of old combines Niva and Kamaz trucks with trailers ...

13) Next to the mountain Galichya field of sunflowers.

14) View from Galichya mountains. Once upon a time there was a rock Teschin language freely hanging edge length of about two meters in the air. Of course it broke the tourists.

15) behold a sign "forbidden zone - passage forbidden", is full of tourists.

16) we are going to find Vorgolskie rocks before sunset, but the result is not yet. While looking for the entrance to it was dark, the light day, and so now it is short, and in addition we were south of 400 kilometers.

17) Well, we go back to Moscow.

18) Well, we go back to Moscow. They stood in one night in a traffic jam on the M4 to the large concrete ring and 2:30 am in the area were at home. The total mileage was exactly 1000 km.
So you can spend one day of his interesting life!
