Without fools and roads

It seems that the Russians decided to cut the Gordian knot of road building and make it a mutually beneficial manner.
It seems that ministers are ready to give the nod to the bill amending Art. 265 Part 2 of the Tax Code and Art. 12 of the Federal Law "On the roads and road activities in the Russian Federation and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation. In short - will be given tax breaks to business structures, which will invest its own funds in road construction and repair.
It is clear that it will deal with not all. But businessmen interested in the development of infrastructure construction of commercial, residential and office complexes, as such a measure would not be more appropriate.
Taken any firm, for example, to build a new facility, investing including the transportation network, and thus has the ability to take into account the costs for tax purposes. Trifle, but nice. Earlier attempts to hold a deductible on the amounts spent on the creation of roads, suffered a fiasco in the courts. So there is quite a serious incentive. And, quite possibly, the old sayings about "fools and roads" will be only half. And there, staring, and the second will understand.
A good example of the way. Worth a closer look.