5 Laws of stupidity

Italian historian Carlo Cipolla economist thoroughly approached the question of the nature of stupidity. For many years, research has led scientists to the fact that he formulated five universal laws operating in any society. It turned out that nonsense in itself is much more dangerous than we used to think about it.
The first law of stupidity h3>
- The man always underestimate the amount of idiots that surround it.
- A man who always looked smart and rational, is an incredible idiot.
The second law of stupidity h3>
The probability that a person is stupid, is not dependent on his other qualities.Education has nothing to do with the probability of having a certain number of fools in society. This was confirmed by numerous experiments in universities on five groups: students, office workers, support staff, administrative staff and teachers. When I analyzed the group of low-skilled employees, the number of fools was larger than I expected (First Law), and I attribute it to the social conditions of poverty, segregation, lack of education. But climbing up the social ladder, the same relationship I have seen among white-collar workers and students. Even more impressive were seen among the same number of professors - I took a small provincial college or large university, the same proportion of teachers turned out to be fools. I was so impressed by the results that he had decided to conduct an experiment over the intellectual elite - Nobel laureates. The result confirmed the superpowers of nature: it is a certain number of laureates were stupid.
The idea, which expresses the second law, it is difficult to accept, but numerous experiments confirm its reinforced concrete case. Feminists support the second law because it says that women are not fools more than the fools among men. The inhabitants of the Third World will be comforted by the fact that developed countries are not so developed. Conclusions from the Second Law scare: Will you rotate the British high society, or move to Polynesia, made friends with the local bounty hunters; Do you grind yourself in a monastery or spend the rest of his life - you always have to deal with the same amount of idiots that (First Law) will always exceed your expectations.
The third law of stupidity h3>
The fool - a person whose actions lead to losses to another person or group of people and thus do not benefit most actor or even turn harm for him .If Peter takes action, which brings losses, and thus benefits the Vase, it relates to simpletons (zone II). If Peter is doing something that is beneficial to him and Basil, it is wise guy, because he acted wisely (zone A). If the actions are Petit benefit him, and Bob suffers from them, then Peter - Bandit (zone B). Finally, Peter-fool is in zone D, in the negative area on both axes.
It is not difficult to imagine the scale of damage that can cause fools getting in administrative authorities and enjoying political and social powers. But apart is to clarify what makes a dangerous fool.
Stupid people are dangerous because rational people can hardly imagine the logic of irrational behavior. An intelligent person is able to understand the logic of bandits, because the bandit rational - he just wants to get more goods and thus not smart enough to make their. Bandit is predictable, because it can be built against the defense. Predict the action can not be a fool, he hurt you for no reason, without a goal, without a plan, in the most unexpected place, at the wrong time. You have no way to predict when an idiot strike. In a confrontation with a fool intelligent man he gives himself completely at the mercy of fools, randomly without creating clear rules Egghead.
Attack fool usually caught off guard.
Even when the attack becomes apparent, it is difficult to defend against because it has no rational structure.
This is what Schiller wrote: "Against stupidity even the gods are powerless».
The fourth law of stupidity h3>
Non-fools always underestimate the destructive potential of fools.Innocents of zone II is not usually able to recognize the danger zone of Fools T, which is not surprising. It's amazing just what fools also underestimate and clever, and gangsters. In the presence of a fool they relax and enjoy their intellectual superiority, instead of rushing to get together and to minimize the damage when a fool something to throw.
Distributed stereotype that only a fool hurts himself. No. Not to be confused with a helpless fool simpletons. Do not enter into an alliance with fools, imagining that they can use for their own benefit - if you do, it is obvious that you do not understand the nature of stupidity. So give yourself a fool field where he can roam and cause more damage.
The fifth law of stupidity h3>
The fool - the most dangerous type of personality.The result is a perfect bandit action - a simple shift of benefits from one person to another. Society as a whole from this neither cold nor hot. If all members of the society were perfect bandits, they would quietly rotting, but the disaster would not have happened. The entire system is reduced to a transfer of wealth in favor of those who for the sake of taking action, and as perfect bandits would have been all, the system would enjoy stability. This is easily seen in any country where the government is corrupt, and the citizens are constantly evade the laws.
When on the scene fools, the picture changes completely. They inflict damage without removing the benefits. Good destroyed, society is impoverished.
History confirms that in every period the country is progressing when the power is enough smart people to deter active fools and do not let them destroy what clever people have made. The country of fools regressing as much, but among the top of the observed increase in the share of stupid criminals, and among the rest of the population - the naive simpletons. Such a change in the alignment invariably strengthens the destructive consequences of the actions of fools, and the whole country is going to hell.
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