Rounded to Australia by boat!
45-year-old resident of the German Freya Hoffmeister has set a new world record, going around Australia by kayak.
For the 332 days she overcame 13 thousand kilometers. The previous record belonged to the 1982 New Zealander Paul Caffyn, which took four weeks more ...
8 photos via Utro.ua
245 of the 332 days spent at sea Hoffmeister. In the middle of the way she had to miss two days ill with the flu.
Daily athlete took about 60 kilometers.
Slept most often on the beach in a tent. Only occasionally a woman in contact with people who are allowed to take her shower, as well as help with shopping.
Before you go around Australia, Freya, who at home has its own network of cafes and shops and a couple interested in bodybuilding, conducted a series of pilot training, rounded kayak Iceland and South Island in New Zealand.
"I love rowing and I love adventure. This campaign - challenge the nature and itself. Besides, I wanted to beat the existing record ... "- says fearless athlete ...
"I always had to contend with high waves, over, tropical heat and scorching sun, but most of all I scared the sharks, snakes and crocodiles. It was full of them! Crocodiles I saw only from afar and immediately tried otgresti away from them, but the sharks periodically tried to attack my boat ... »
During their journey Freya Hoffmeister has repeatedly faced with the sharks, one of which even tried to bite kayak and left in the casing of one tooth. Holes from the other teeth athlete stopped up and pump out the water, continued its way ...
For the 332 days she overcame 13 thousand kilometers. The previous record belonged to the 1982 New Zealander Paul Caffyn, which took four weeks more ...
8 photos via Utro.ua
245 of the 332 days spent at sea Hoffmeister. In the middle of the way she had to miss two days ill with the flu.
Daily athlete took about 60 kilometers.
Slept most often on the beach in a tent. Only occasionally a woman in contact with people who are allowed to take her shower, as well as help with shopping.
Before you go around Australia, Freya, who at home has its own network of cafes and shops and a couple interested in bodybuilding, conducted a series of pilot training, rounded kayak Iceland and South Island in New Zealand.
"I love rowing and I love adventure. This campaign - challenge the nature and itself. Besides, I wanted to beat the existing record ... "- says fearless athlete ...
"I always had to contend with high waves, over, tropical heat and scorching sun, but most of all I scared the sharks, snakes and crocodiles. It was full of them! Crocodiles I saw only from afar and immediately tried otgresti away from them, but the sharks periodically tried to attack my boat ... »
During their journey Freya Hoffmeister has repeatedly faced with the sharks, one of which even tried to bite kayak and left in the casing of one tooth. Holes from the other teeth athlete stopped up and pump out the water, continued its way ...