Climb to the highest tower in the world.
In January of this year, once again I had to go to the United Arab Emirates for Dubai changed, perhaps the most significant event was the opening of the world's highest tower Burj Al Khalifa, the height of 828 meters. I was among the first (well, maybe not exactly the first place) was able to visit the observation deck, located in the tower.
During the construction of the tower called the Burj Al Dubai, now bears the name Burj Al Khalifa. According to rumors, this is due to the fact that because of the crisis loot on completion of the project has ended, and the United Arab Emirates Khalifa Dubai emirate has allocated the money necessary for the completion of the tower-record holder. Therefore, Sheikh of Dubai decided to rename the tower. Is it in fact I do not know.
This is how the tower looked in May 2008.
Total 38 images.
And so the tower looks like now.
At the foot.
View of the tower from the Persian Gulf.
It should be noted that with all my skeptical attitude to the Dubai skyscraper, the Burj Al Khalifa looks really impressive. Absolutely fantastic sight, from some "Chronicles of Riddick».
At the foot of the tower is an artificial (like everything else in Dubai) pool which, starting from 18.00 pm to 22.00, passes fountain show. Here photos of fountains will not spread, they were already in the internet.
Preparing for the fountain show.
Rehearsal fountain show.
View of the tower in the afternoon, from a nearby restaurant.
Also, a few hundred meters from the symbol of Dubai is a gigantic shopping center Mall of Dubai. Within which, in addition to stores with Moscow prices, you can find a huge waterfall with statues of people jumping down, and the world's largest aquarium.
Naturally, it is next to the tower, very much wanted to get inside. Login to the observation deck of the tower through a shopping center located close by. Entrance fee of 100 dirhams (1 US dollar = 3, 66 dirhams), place a couple of hours, since Top miss small groups. In addition, tickets can be taken only on the next day or the day after. Given that we were leaving in the evening with a friend, this is not an option we approached.
In the old Soviet tradition, decided to find a porter / lifters / guard who surcharge, we would have spent today and the queue. It turned out that jump the queue can be completely legal, just 400 dirhams ($ 110). There were also bought two tickets and we got this experience.
Distracted in Dubai all speak in English, but it seemed to me, the best two favorite words, it is already mentioned experience, well, enjoy. Use these words, both individually and collectively, to the point and without a place - stepping into the elevator, the elevator man to you - «enjoy» and you will enjoy the ride in the elevator. Go into a spa, a massage therapist to you - «enjoy experience», the restaurant-and even more so!
After buying a ticket, go through the hall, where there is a layout of the tower and all its parameters are described. Further, if you are in a group, then wait until all gather and come the time stated in the ticket, if you are 400 dirhams individually, then pass immediately. Crosses the turnstiles in the subway and find yourself on an escalator that carries you through the dark gallery, one wall is a screen with a long translation of sketches from the life of Dubai and the construction of the tower.
The screen in the wall.
Further, in light transitions and escalators pass the tower. In one of the passages glass roof and if you look in the "scope" you can see where you go up in a couple of minutes.
Every 10 meters stands guard, or someone from the staff.
All the walls are inscribed in English and Arabic.
Also very curious panel, which shows a cartoon how to build a tower, with dates and height.
On the walls of photos and pictures, how to build a tower.
You come to the two lifts with one button and the inscription AT THE TOP, veiled woman presses the button and ... you startuesh in the mirror cabin upstairs.
During the construction of the tower called the Burj Al Dubai, now bears the name Burj Al Khalifa. According to rumors, this is due to the fact that because of the crisis loot on completion of the project has ended, and the United Arab Emirates Khalifa Dubai emirate has allocated the money necessary for the completion of the tower-record holder. Therefore, Sheikh of Dubai decided to rename the tower. Is it in fact I do not know.
This is how the tower looked in May 2008.
Total 38 images.

And so the tower looks like now.

At the foot.

View of the tower from the Persian Gulf.

It should be noted that with all my skeptical attitude to the Dubai skyscraper, the Burj Al Khalifa looks really impressive. Absolutely fantastic sight, from some "Chronicles of Riddick».
At the foot of the tower is an artificial (like everything else in Dubai) pool which, starting from 18.00 pm to 22.00, passes fountain show. Here photos of fountains will not spread, they were already in the internet.
Preparing for the fountain show.

Rehearsal fountain show.

View of the tower in the afternoon, from a nearby restaurant.

Also, a few hundred meters from the symbol of Dubai is a gigantic shopping center Mall of Dubai. Within which, in addition to stores with Moscow prices, you can find a huge waterfall with statues of people jumping down, and the world's largest aquarium.

Naturally, it is next to the tower, very much wanted to get inside. Login to the observation deck of the tower through a shopping center located close by. Entrance fee of 100 dirhams (1 US dollar = 3, 66 dirhams), place a couple of hours, since Top miss small groups. In addition, tickets can be taken only on the next day or the day after. Given that we were leaving in the evening with a friend, this is not an option we approached.

In the old Soviet tradition, decided to find a porter / lifters / guard who surcharge, we would have spent today and the queue. It turned out that jump the queue can be completely legal, just 400 dirhams ($ 110). There were also bought two tickets and we got this experience.
Distracted in Dubai all speak in English, but it seemed to me, the best two favorite words, it is already mentioned experience, well, enjoy. Use these words, both individually and collectively, to the point and without a place - stepping into the elevator, the elevator man to you - «enjoy» and you will enjoy the ride in the elevator. Go into a spa, a massage therapist to you - «enjoy experience», the restaurant-and even more so!
After buying a ticket, go through the hall, where there is a layout of the tower and all its parameters are described. Further, if you are in a group, then wait until all gather and come the time stated in the ticket, if you are 400 dirhams individually, then pass immediately. Crosses the turnstiles in the subway and find yourself on an escalator that carries you through the dark gallery, one wall is a screen with a long translation of sketches from the life of Dubai and the construction of the tower.

The screen in the wall.

Further, in light transitions and escalators pass the tower. In one of the passages glass roof and if you look in the "scope" you can see where you go up in a couple of minutes.

Every 10 meters stands guard, or someone from the staff.
All the walls are inscribed in English and Arabic.

Also very curious panel, which shows a cartoon how to build a tower, with dates and height.

On the walls of photos and pictures, how to build a tower.

You come to the two lifts with one button and the inscription AT THE TOP, veiled woman presses the button and ... you startuesh in the mirror cabin upstairs.
