Show your papers!
Nominal lifetime document came to light recently ...
Any missing, paytszy dangerous (ie security) certificates, as well as throughput and prokormezhnye issued letters to people since time immemorial.
In the Islamic world permission to travel had the check for the payment of zakat-tax (jizya for non-Muslims). Ie travel allowed only honest taxpayers - scheme, which is now trying to apply in Russia, refusing to exit the debtors of banks.
The Italian word meaning passaporto written permission for the arrival at the port, free trade zone, the French passeport - the document to pass through gates in the city wall (through the gate) and travel on the surrounding land.
identity, China, Qing dynasty in 1898
In medieval Europe, in nominal Podorozhniy document normally have entered the city, which its owner was permitted to enter.
Travel document, Prussia, 1829
At the end of the 13th century in Novgorod, and 15 are already widely traveling to other countries and foreign visitors were given "letters carriageways" indicating who is one and where he was going.
A Council Code of 1649 for the first time to legislate a requirement ID. The decree was written very intelligibly: "A bude who go to another state without arbitrariness carriageway certificates for treason or some other wrong, the fact syskivat hard and kazniti death. And in Buda inquest announce that someone went to another state without the road to ratification is not bad, but for commercial fishing, and he was punished for uchiniti - Biti whip to the fact despite other nepovadno ».
Foreign merchants carriageways letters gave Ambassadorial order.
Later, the use of forged passports added servitude.
The bureaucracy has developed, adopted the Charter of the Passport and runaway. According to him, no one could leave without institutionalized form (passport). Not to serve in the public service nobles had the documents they are replaced in the charter noble rank.
The merchants, as before, used the certificates carriageways. Military personnel on temporary leave from the service, issued a written release and discharged from service - "abshidy." Both documents are in the military SKU 1715 is often called as "pass" (from the French passe - pass, pass).
Decree 1803 established the passport printing (instead of the manuscript) for merchants, burghers and peasants, to complicate izgotvlenie fakes.
Identity documents of foreigners arriving in Russia, as well as the departing Russian nationals abroad became "pashport" ("pass»).
For the issuance of passports Russian citizen, was in the service, should represent abshid signed by the presidents of the board.
Passports issued in the College of Foreign Affairs.
Regulations 1895, the entire population of the empire divided into two groups. The first - the nobility, the officers, honorable citizens, merchants and commoner - issued undated passport. Tradesmen and artisans selnam three residence permits of limited duration.
"Passport book" was 20 pages and contained information about the name, marital status, children, religion, if illiterate - special signs and place of residence.
That perpetual:
... And a passport book for a period of 5 years, in the name of Jacob Ivanovich Zubarev. Orthodox, single, doctor, educated (as evidenced by his personal signature) - so the passport book is not his personal marks.
On the right edge is worth the price of a passport book form - for an indefinite 15 cents for 5letnyuyu - 50 kopecks.
These passports without any changes existed till 1917.
Passports issued 5 years. Foreigners arriving in Russia to get a passport for one year with an indication of the place of residence.
Stamp Russian consulate, allowing entry to a certain citizen of the United States in Russia, 1917
The passport was issued to males 18 years and female - in 21 years, ie, proving not only the individual, but also the age of the person and his legal capacity. Minors fit into the passport of his father, and his wife - in the passport of their husbands. And only in 1914, due to the war and a call to the front men, married women, to lead the remaining family and conduct business in the absence of her husband, was allowed to receive a personal passport, even without the consent of their husbands.
Revolution abolished internal passports as a legacy of the tsarist. Word remains only for passports, in 1918 the decision of the Central Executive Committee work book, which has become the main document in the RSFSR. Identity cards of any officially recognized issued a document - by reference to the parish executive committee of the trade union of the ticket.
Therefore proletarian pathos Mayakovsky took out wide leg, it relates purely to the travel document. Inside the country, often from the leg to get there was nothing.
Passport of the citizen Belaruskaya Narodnaya Respubliki, 1918
This Polish passport, 1931
After 1920, there were information on the service, social and marital status + special stamp from persons deprived of suffrage.
Rarity - Passport issuance in 1929.
In 1932 the USSR adopted a uniform and mandatory passport system. Passports were put adult residents of cities and towns. The soldiers, peasants and disqualifications ("disenfranchised") passports did not rely.
At the initiative of the traveler Norwegian Fridtjof Nansen, who was then the League of Nations Commissioner for Refugees, in 1922 was launched the first issue of an international passport for stateless persons.
Nansen passport, which has become the only instrument for almost half a million people, the homeland that no longer exist:
Nansen passport of the Russian philosopher Berdyaev
But the documents that were in vogue in different countries
Iranian passport issuance in 1919, the sample to the 1979 revolution
British passport, 1924
Passport of the citizen of Palestine, which was then under British mandate of 1937
UN passport lesse-passe sample 1967
old Soviet passport and exit visa so-called second kind - ie all
Diplomatic passport Playboy and embezzler Josip Broz Tito
via honestlil

Any missing, paytszy dangerous (ie security) certificates, as well as throughput and prokormezhnye issued letters to people since time immemorial.
In the Islamic world permission to travel had the check for the payment of zakat-tax (jizya for non-Muslims). Ie travel allowed only honest taxpayers - scheme, which is now trying to apply in Russia, refusing to exit the debtors of banks.
The Italian word meaning passaporto written permission for the arrival at the port, free trade zone, the French passeport - the document to pass through gates in the city wall (through the gate) and travel on the surrounding land.
identity, China, Qing dynasty in 1898

In medieval Europe, in nominal Podorozhniy document normally have entered the city, which its owner was permitted to enter.
Travel document, Prussia, 1829

At the end of the 13th century in Novgorod, and 15 are already widely traveling to other countries and foreign visitors were given "letters carriageways" indicating who is one and where he was going.
A Council Code of 1649 for the first time to legislate a requirement ID. The decree was written very intelligibly: "A bude who go to another state without arbitrariness carriageway certificates for treason or some other wrong, the fact syskivat hard and kazniti death. And in Buda inquest announce that someone went to another state without the road to ratification is not bad, but for commercial fishing, and he was punished for uchiniti - Biti whip to the fact despite other nepovadno ».
Foreign merchants carriageways letters gave Ambassadorial order.
Later, the use of forged passports added servitude.
The bureaucracy has developed, adopted the Charter of the Passport and runaway. According to him, no one could leave without institutionalized form (passport). Not to serve in the public service nobles had the documents they are replaced in the charter noble rank.
The merchants, as before, used the certificates carriageways. Military personnel on temporary leave from the service, issued a written release and discharged from service - "abshidy." Both documents are in the military SKU 1715 is often called as "pass" (from the French passe - pass, pass).

Decree 1803 established the passport printing (instead of the manuscript) for merchants, burghers and peasants, to complicate izgotvlenie fakes.
Identity documents of foreigners arriving in Russia, as well as the departing Russian nationals abroad became "pashport" ("pass»).
For the issuance of passports Russian citizen, was in the service, should represent abshid signed by the presidents of the board.
Passports issued in the College of Foreign Affairs.
Regulations 1895, the entire population of the empire divided into two groups. The first - the nobility, the officers, honorable citizens, merchants and commoner - issued undated passport. Tradesmen and artisans selnam three residence permits of limited duration.
"Passport book" was 20 pages and contained information about the name, marital status, children, religion, if illiterate - special signs and place of residence.
That perpetual:


... And a passport book for a period of 5 years, in the name of Jacob Ivanovich Zubarev. Orthodox, single, doctor, educated (as evidenced by his personal signature) - so the passport book is not his personal marks.
On the right edge is worth the price of a passport book form - for an indefinite 15 cents for 5letnyuyu - 50 kopecks.
These passports without any changes existed till 1917.

Passports issued 5 years. Foreigners arriving in Russia to get a passport for one year with an indication of the place of residence.
Stamp Russian consulate, allowing entry to a certain citizen of the United States in Russia, 1917

The passport was issued to males 18 years and female - in 21 years, ie, proving not only the individual, but also the age of the person and his legal capacity. Minors fit into the passport of his father, and his wife - in the passport of their husbands. And only in 1914, due to the war and a call to the front men, married women, to lead the remaining family and conduct business in the absence of her husband, was allowed to receive a personal passport, even without the consent of their husbands.

Revolution abolished internal passports as a legacy of the tsarist. Word remains only for passports, in 1918 the decision of the Central Executive Committee work book, which has become the main document in the RSFSR. Identity cards of any officially recognized issued a document - by reference to the parish executive committee of the trade union of the ticket.
Therefore proletarian pathos Mayakovsky took out wide leg, it relates purely to the travel document. Inside the country, often from the leg to get there was nothing.
Passport of the citizen Belaruskaya Narodnaya Respubliki, 1918

This Polish passport, 1931




After 1920, there were information on the service, social and marital status + special stamp from persons deprived of suffrage.
Rarity - Passport issuance in 1929.

In 1932 the USSR adopted a uniform and mandatory passport system. Passports were put adult residents of cities and towns. The soldiers, peasants and disqualifications ("disenfranchised") passports did not rely.

At the initiative of the traveler Norwegian Fridtjof Nansen, who was then the League of Nations Commissioner for Refugees, in 1922 was launched the first issue of an international passport for stateless persons.
Nansen passport, which has become the only instrument for almost half a million people, the homeland that no longer exist:


Nansen passport of the Russian philosopher Berdyaev

But the documents that were in vogue in different countries
Iranian passport issuance in 1919, the sample to the 1979 revolution

British passport, 1924

Passport of the citizen of Palestine, which was then under British mandate of 1937

UN passport lesse-passe sample 1967

old Soviet passport and exit visa so-called second kind - ie all


Diplomatic passport Playboy and embezzler Josip Broz Tito
via honestlil
