Mosfilm - a childhood dream
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26 photos
As a child, probably, many dreamed of working at Mosfilm. I as well. So, I go there for a tour, I can say - work there difficult. Mock-ups of streets, urban, Grimm, mask on the face ... Oh, how much there is everything! But it is very interesting!
Tours are for groups of 20 people maximum is 1700 rubles, that is 85 rubles per person, if you have less than 20 people, all you pay anyway 1700 rubles. open on weekdays, excursion 1 -2 hours, 35 hectares of land. Last tour at 15-30, Mosphilmovskaya street address, 1, m.Kievskaya, trolley bus 34, 17, to the stop "Mosfilm" (10 minutes ride)
02 All the machines presented in the pavilion, on the move, and almost all were shot in more than one film
04 This Tatra interesting headlights starred in the movie "The Lost Empire", after the tour decided to watch a movie - not like ...
06 This Magirus starred in six films (seen on the plate). It is interesting that he airless rubber wheels for about 100 years (from 1912) go without problems, even on the road up to 70 km / h
09 This terrible Chinese crap hanging above the ceiling in the hall with cars. Workers have long believed that it is a dragon. But it turned out that this ... TIGER
10 first I thought it was a paintball ...
11 turned out a whole village, the scenery for the film "Wolfhound" - of rough logs with protruding tow, did not have to specifically sostarivayut.
12 The tree, which this film worshiped the whole village. When filming a movie, a building in the background was not yet, but they say it is easily removed computer graphics ...
13 Yet we are told that these decorations almost on its last legs breathe, like all rotten, so you can not go inside, climb on stage, too
14 It is scenery of the "Old Moscow", the students referred to this place as some sort Piterskva, because they think you can shoot like old Moscow, and Peter
15 At a time when we were there, there were shooting the film "The Institute for Noble Maidens»
16 On the site very smelled of manure. I thought, well, that the movie is not transmitted smells ...
17 Decorations made of plywood, plastered and painted. The windows are all kinds of sewing machines and other garbage, to create the kind of life. For the filming inside the house is not adapted, but if not, you can go into the entrance, and then continue filming elsewhere
18 Then the tour continued in the building of the Mosfilm. It showed casts of individual actors in plaster. They are created by a special technology, not flooding the actor plaster and pre-soaking the person putting it something less nasty than the plaster, the nose is inserted into the tubes, so that man is not strained, and breathing freely. And! Facial expressions should be loose, not tense. There are casts of both live actors and already lifeless ...
19 show the layouts that are used when the scenario head should be separated. In the context of repeated neck anatomy human eye - artificial limbs, very plausible. Head - latex and silicone, touch soft-nasty
21 I do not know, but it was very unpleasant to the severed head, so I tried on the mask, which is used when the actor looks really should change. We were told that the actors in masks very hot and not comfortable
22 there is still a few pictures with the scenery of old Moscow.
26 By the way, I forgot! Coverage in the village of "Wolfhound" - round slices of wood thickness of about 5 cm. But between them made it to the grass, so almost invisible
26 photos
As a child, probably, many dreamed of working at Mosfilm. I as well. So, I go there for a tour, I can say - work there difficult. Mock-ups of streets, urban, Grimm, mask on the face ... Oh, how much there is everything! But it is very interesting!
Tours are for groups of 20 people maximum is 1700 rubles, that is 85 rubles per person, if you have less than 20 people, all you pay anyway 1700 rubles. open on weekdays, excursion 1 -2 hours, 35 hectares of land. Last tour at 15-30, Mosphilmovskaya street address, 1, m.Kievskaya, trolley bus 34, 17, to the stop "Mosfilm" (10 minutes ride)

02 All the machines presented in the pavilion, on the move, and almost all were shot in more than one film


04 This Tatra interesting headlights starred in the movie "The Lost Empire", after the tour decided to watch a movie - not like ...



06 This Magirus starred in six films (seen on the plate). It is interesting that he airless rubber wheels for about 100 years (from 1912) go without problems, even on the road up to 70 km / h



09 This terrible Chinese crap hanging above the ceiling in the hall with cars. Workers have long believed that it is a dragon. But it turned out that this ... TIGER

10 first I thought it was a paintball ...

11 turned out a whole village, the scenery for the film "Wolfhound" - of rough logs with protruding tow, did not have to specifically sostarivayut.

12 The tree, which this film worshiped the whole village. When filming a movie, a building in the background was not yet, but they say it is easily removed computer graphics ...

13 Yet we are told that these decorations almost on its last legs breathe, like all rotten, so you can not go inside, climb on stage, too

14 It is scenery of the "Old Moscow", the students referred to this place as some sort Piterskva, because they think you can shoot like old Moscow, and Peter

15 At a time when we were there, there were shooting the film "The Institute for Noble Maidens»

16 On the site very smelled of manure. I thought, well, that the movie is not transmitted smells ...

17 Decorations made of plywood, plastered and painted. The windows are all kinds of sewing machines and other garbage, to create the kind of life. For the filming inside the house is not adapted, but if not, you can go into the entrance, and then continue filming elsewhere

18 Then the tour continued in the building of the Mosfilm. It showed casts of individual actors in plaster. They are created by a special technology, not flooding the actor plaster and pre-soaking the person putting it something less nasty than the plaster, the nose is inserted into the tubes, so that man is not strained, and breathing freely. And! Facial expressions should be loose, not tense. There are casts of both live actors and already lifeless ...

19 show the layouts that are used when the scenario head should be separated. In the context of repeated neck anatomy human eye - artificial limbs, very plausible. Head - latex and silicone, touch soft-nasty


21 I do not know, but it was very unpleasant to the severed head, so I tried on the mask, which is used when the actor looks really should change. We were told that the actors in masks very hot and not comfortable

22 there is still a few pictures with the scenery of old Moscow.




26 By the way, I forgot! Coverage in the village of "Wolfhound" - round slices of wood thickness of about 5 cm. But between them made it to the grass, so almost invisible
