Mosfilm museum in the pavilions
Unexpected problems encountered filmmaking, then still silent.
Cinema became audible, and the project was designed Mosfilm in the 20s, when movies were still silent, so the pavilions were not designed for synchronous sound filming.
Studio employees worth considerable ore to produce a sound picture.
Serious work on acoustic insulation and finishing the first of four film studios managed to carry out only after the war.
Moving scenery for the film "Vij»
Already in the first decades have been filmed, which we will gladly look and still. Following the "Jolly Fellows" Grigory Alexandrov produced such wonderful comedy as "Circus", "Volga-Volga", which shone publicly favorite actress Lyubov Orlova. During these years, Ivan Pyryev filming the comedy "Tractor" and "Pig and shepherd" in which the main role performed by another star of Soviet cinema 30s - Marina Ladynina. In the film, Konstantin Yudin "The Girl with the character of" the audience captivated by Valentin Serov, and the brilliant Faina Ranevskaya role in the film Tatyana Lukashevich "Foundling" we admire today.
In September 1941, when the Germans were advancing towards Moscow, all the studios on the government's decision had been evacuated to the east in Alma-Ata. 950 employees Mosfilm, Cancellation Policy, volunteered in the division of the national militia, and in particular the third Moscow Communist Infantry Division. 685 employees of the studio were awarded orders and medals, 146 mosfilmovtsev not returned from the front ...
Inside the "Mosfilm»
The buildings on the Sparrow Hills was run only one shop for special purposes, in which a group of artists, engineers and hundreds of teenagers performed military orders - manufactured parts rockets and assault boats.
At the end of 1941 on the basis of local Alma-Ata studio feature films and evacuated "Mosfilm" and "Lenfilm" - originated Central United Film Studio (Cox). In difficult conditions, it was quickly established film production - instead of pavilions used circus "tent" under its huge dome housed large layouts and backgrounds, pictures were taken in a poorly adapted premises, with an acute shortage of actors, technicians, under conditions of severe shortage of film equipment and t. e.
Stand, devoted to the works of Leonid Gaidai
During this period, the question arose of what to do with unfinished films, begun in peacetime - such as "Pig and the shepherd." Directed by Ivan Pyryev recalled: "I decided that to continue shooting our purely peaceful movie makes no sense. Many members of our crew had applied to join the ranks of the army, received a summons to appear before the draft board and myself. Putting notify the Director of the studio, I'm the next morning was on the assembly point. However, when we, "spare", inspected, registered and built to bring him into the barracks, drove into the yard passenger car studio ... I was immediately "removed" from the system, put into a car and taken back. It turns out that the shooting was received designation "Pig" in that whatever was to continue, and I was at the time of filming book. Four months, during enemy attacks on Moscow, we shot our film ... 12 October, we passed "Pig" leadership of the Committee, and the 14th urgently together with the studio had to be evacuated in Kazakhstan. "
The masks are made from all actors to makeup
In difficult conditions, the front-line people much more than in peacetime needed rest. That is why during the war film industry was likened to the military - in spite of everything in these years continues to make sparkling comedies or movies that support the overall morale, and many popular actors went to the front in the front part of the special teams.
Collection of wigs from various films
By the end of 1942, as soon as it was possible, it was decided to restore "Mosfilm". It was necessary to resume the full production and technical and ancillary departments, and from Almaty began returning artists and technical staff. These persons were sent to the studio was discharged from the army after the wounds older workers. In addition, at Mosfilm was organized by a small artistic and vocational school for the training of new staff. And by the end of 1943 all the main shops studio working with a full load. All during the war years on "Mosfilm" was created about twenty feature films, including the famous painting "Ivan the Terrible" by Sergei Eisenstein, "Invasion" Abram Room and others.
Sketches for various films. Here we can see the film sketches "Noble Nest", "Journey Beyond Three Seas", "Romeo and Juliet»
Film sketches "Sisters" (1957). "Admiral Nakhimov»
Film sketches "An Ideal Husband", "The Ballad of the Valiant Knight Ivanhoe," "Scarecrow»
Film sketches "Girls", "The Circus", "Railway Station for Two»
Despite the difficult war years the film industry continues to evolve, and in 1944 on a specially created for the studio equipment was removed one of the first color films - "Ivan Nikulin - Russian sailor" (dir. I.Savchenko). And in 1946 a picture by Alexander Ptushko "Stone Flower" won an international prize at the Cannes Film Festival for the best use of color.
Various items - participants movies
At this time in the studio working masters such as Alexander Dovzhenko, Ivan Pyryev Julius Reisman, Sergei Yutkevich, Boris Barnet, Leo Arnshtam Alexander Ptushko Alexander Zarkhi Mikhail Kalatozov and others. Despite the fact that in the first postwar decade, as well as during the war Mosfilm, like the rest of the Soviet cinema, did not have the influx of young directors, the situation changed dramatically in the mid-50s and early 60s, became the era of discovering new talent. During these years, Gregory wins and conquered the audience of the film "The Forty-First" and "Ballad of a Soldier," Sergei Bondarchuk at the first Moscow International Film Festival won the award for the film "The Fate of Man", "The Cranes Are Flying" Michael Kalatozova were awarded the Palme d'Or at the XI International Film Festival Cannes, Eldar Ryazanov became popular after the movie "Carnival Night" and "Beware of the Car" Danelia and Igor Talankin released his first painting "Sergei."
Various camera that takes movies
The layout of the city air
Source: moya-moskva.livejournal.com
Cinema became audible, and the project was designed Mosfilm in the 20s, when movies were still silent, so the pavilions were not designed for synchronous sound filming.
Studio employees worth considerable ore to produce a sound picture.
Serious work on acoustic insulation and finishing the first of four film studios managed to carry out only after the war.
Moving scenery for the film "Vij»

Already in the first decades have been filmed, which we will gladly look and still. Following the "Jolly Fellows" Grigory Alexandrov produced such wonderful comedy as "Circus", "Volga-Volga", which shone publicly favorite actress Lyubov Orlova. During these years, Ivan Pyryev filming the comedy "Tractor" and "Pig and shepherd" in which the main role performed by another star of Soviet cinema 30s - Marina Ladynina. In the film, Konstantin Yudin "The Girl with the character of" the audience captivated by Valentin Serov, and the brilliant Faina Ranevskaya role in the film Tatyana Lukashevich "Foundling" we admire today.

In September 1941, when the Germans were advancing towards Moscow, all the studios on the government's decision had been evacuated to the east in Alma-Ata. 950 employees Mosfilm, Cancellation Policy, volunteered in the division of the national militia, and in particular the third Moscow Communist Infantry Division. 685 employees of the studio were awarded orders and medals, 146 mosfilmovtsev not returned from the front ...
Inside the "Mosfilm»

The buildings on the Sparrow Hills was run only one shop for special purposes, in which a group of artists, engineers and hundreds of teenagers performed military orders - manufactured parts rockets and assault boats.

At the end of 1941 on the basis of local Alma-Ata studio feature films and evacuated "Mosfilm" and "Lenfilm" - originated Central United Film Studio (Cox). In difficult conditions, it was quickly established film production - instead of pavilions used circus "tent" under its huge dome housed large layouts and backgrounds, pictures were taken in a poorly adapted premises, with an acute shortage of actors, technicians, under conditions of severe shortage of film equipment and t. e.

Stand, devoted to the works of Leonid Gaidai

During this period, the question arose of what to do with unfinished films, begun in peacetime - such as "Pig and the shepherd." Directed by Ivan Pyryev recalled: "I decided that to continue shooting our purely peaceful movie makes no sense. Many members of our crew had applied to join the ranks of the army, received a summons to appear before the draft board and myself. Putting notify the Director of the studio, I'm the next morning was on the assembly point. However, when we, "spare", inspected, registered and built to bring him into the barracks, drove into the yard passenger car studio ... I was immediately "removed" from the system, put into a car and taken back. It turns out that the shooting was received designation "Pig" in that whatever was to continue, and I was at the time of filming book. Four months, during enemy attacks on Moscow, we shot our film ... 12 October, we passed "Pig" leadership of the Committee, and the 14th urgently together with the studio had to be evacuated in Kazakhstan. "
The masks are made from all actors to makeup

In difficult conditions, the front-line people much more than in peacetime needed rest. That is why during the war film industry was likened to the military - in spite of everything in these years continues to make sparkling comedies or movies that support the overall morale, and many popular actors went to the front in the front part of the special teams.
Collection of wigs from various films

By the end of 1942, as soon as it was possible, it was decided to restore "Mosfilm". It was necessary to resume the full production and technical and ancillary departments, and from Almaty began returning artists and technical staff. These persons were sent to the studio was discharged from the army after the wounds older workers. In addition, at Mosfilm was organized by a small artistic and vocational school for the training of new staff. And by the end of 1943 all the main shops studio working with a full load. All during the war years on "Mosfilm" was created about twenty feature films, including the famous painting "Ivan the Terrible" by Sergei Eisenstein, "Invasion" Abram Room and others.

Sketches for various films. Here we can see the film sketches "Noble Nest", "Journey Beyond Three Seas", "Romeo and Juliet»

Film sketches "Sisters" (1957). "Admiral Nakhimov»

Film sketches "An Ideal Husband", "The Ballad of the Valiant Knight Ivanhoe," "Scarecrow»

Film sketches "Girls", "The Circus", "Railway Station for Two»

Despite the difficult war years the film industry continues to evolve, and in 1944 on a specially created for the studio equipment was removed one of the first color films - "Ivan Nikulin - Russian sailor" (dir. I.Savchenko). And in 1946 a picture by Alexander Ptushko "Stone Flower" won an international prize at the Cannes Film Festival for the best use of color.
Various items - participants movies

At this time in the studio working masters such as Alexander Dovzhenko, Ivan Pyryev Julius Reisman, Sergei Yutkevich, Boris Barnet, Leo Arnshtam Alexander Ptushko Alexander Zarkhi Mikhail Kalatozov and others. Despite the fact that in the first postwar decade, as well as during the war Mosfilm, like the rest of the Soviet cinema, did not have the influx of young directors, the situation changed dramatically in the mid-50s and early 60s, became the era of discovering new talent. During these years, Gregory wins and conquered the audience of the film "The Forty-First" and "Ballad of a Soldier," Sergei Bondarchuk at the first Moscow International Film Festival won the award for the film "The Fate of Man", "The Cranes Are Flying" Michael Kalatozova were awarded the Palme d'Or at the XI International Film Festival Cannes, Eldar Ryazanov became popular after the movie "Carnival Night" and "Beware of the Car" Danelia and Igor Talankin released his first painting "Sergei."

Various camera that takes movies



The layout of the city air


Source: moya-moskva.livejournal.com