1% for Nikita - postal flashmob
All of us here love and appreciate Nikita Mikhalkov. His tireless activity in the field of cinematography, in public life and protection kopirastov gave us a lot of lulz. Khrushchev even gave us a new medical term "Mikhalkov brain».
Of particular delight progressive community initiative has caused our friend: impose a new kind of slaves raseyskoy tax, tax on carriers.
It is proposed to thank dear Nikita Sergeyevich, sending its postal address as much as possible banderolek with silver coins of denomination of 30 common srebryanikovkopeek and blank CD-drive for free reproduction of phonograms and audiovisual works for personal purposes.
One banderolku receipt requested, I have already sent. Join now.
1. Take a clean CD / DVD-ROM Write to Mikhalkov's films do not need - a violation of the law. If you wish, you can roll your own photos or distributors are Ubuntu.
2. Take six coins of 5 cents (because 5-kopeck coins of silver).
3. We leave the post office and send items harvested letter / parcel to the address:
123290, Moscow, Shelepihinskaya Embankment. 8a, "Russian Union of right holders," Mikhalkov Nikita
via teh-nomad.livejournal.com/705433.html
Of particular delight progressive community initiative has caused our friend: impose a new kind of slaves raseyskoy tax, tax on carriers.
It is proposed to thank dear Nikita Sergeyevich, sending its postal address as much as possible banderolek with silver coins of denomination of 30 common srebryanikovkopeek and blank CD-drive for free reproduction of phonograms and audiovisual works for personal purposes.

One banderolku receipt requested, I have already sent. Join now.
1. Take a clean CD / DVD-ROM Write to Mikhalkov's films do not need - a violation of the law. If you wish, you can roll your own photos or distributors are Ubuntu.
2. Take six coins of 5 cents (because 5-kopeck coins of silver).
3. We leave the post office and send items harvested letter / parcel to the address:
123290, Moscow, Shelepihinskaya Embankment. 8a, "Russian Union of right holders," Mikhalkov Nikita
via teh-nomad.livejournal.com/705433.html
