Hillary Clinton had his own mail server

It turns out that Hillary Clinton is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. During operation, the Secretary of State she did not use the service address, and instead raised its own mail server, registered in the parents' home in upstate New York, пишет AP.
It is not only in the technical advancement Secretary of State, and the reasons which led it to such an act. There is a version that the way Clinton tried to bypass the standard procedure for archiving all official letters, as provided by law Federal Records Act.
This practice suggests that the Secretary of State to take responsibility for maintaining the confidentiality of information. In this sense, it is clearly superior to other well-known politicians such as Mitt Romney and Sarah Palin is known that used for correspondence free mail services from Microsoft and Yahoo.
Clinton herself does not explain what purpose she started mailbox hdr22@clintonemail.com i> under the pseudonym Eric Houthem (Eric Hoteham) in August 2010. Perhaps, at the request of Hillary did a technical consultant. With the same pseudonym associated presidentclinton.com another mail server and now not functioning website wjcoffice.com.
On the other hand, handicraft email-servers usually do not have high reliability, protection from hacking or loss of information as a service in professional data centers. According to records, in November 2012 on a personal e-mail server has been configured Clinton backs up your emails in the mailbox Google. Then, in July 2013 he was again reconfigured to use mail provider MX Logic, it is now owned by the company McAfee, which specializes in products related to information security.
In theory, according to Freedom of Information Act (US Freedom of Information Act), a US citizen or a foreign citizen can access the contents of the official correspondence of State Hillary Clinton, making a request for the opening of unclassified information. In practice, it is not known what specific part of your mail archive of former Secretary of State referred to the State Department.
In general, competent archiving of electronic materials - a very time consuming business. One intelligence agency generates a примерно 1 petabyte of classified documents every 18 months. According to the National Archives, to read and declassification of this bureaucratic product requires constant work two million employees. Instead, the state organization of 41 archivist.
With the declassification of documents from the authorities of the big problems. In the late '90s to declassify more than 200 million documents per year, and now this figure keeps around 30 million. And this despite the fact that the flow of documents with restricted access is much increased. Many people come just to destroy the rest is lost. For example, no one knows where the diplomatic correspondence of the United States for 70 years. It simply can not be found.
In other words, the state has ceased to fulfill one of its basic functions: to give citizens report that it makes on their behalf.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/246778/