10 fines issued prominent politicians
In mid-October, the former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton did not pay for parking in the center of London and was fine. She is not the only senior politician, who had responsibility for administrative violations. Recall, for that in recent years, fined mayors, ministers and even presidents.
The fine, which can not even keep guard
Hillary Clinton, the former US Secretary of State
The fine 40 pounds (a little less than $ 65)
In London for illegal parking in the heart punished severely. It does not matter whether it violated the rules of stopping an old Mini Cooper local housewives or motorcade of former US Secretary of State. Car Hillary Clinton, who visited the British capital in early October 2013, was parked on the paid parking lot near the Royal Institute of International Affairs. However, receipt of payment of parking and has not appeared on the windshield of the car. In spite of the high status of the driver, as well as several security guards who were near the car Clinton, a member of the traffic police did not hesitate to prescribe a fine of 80 pounds. A few days later, Mrs. Clinton paid a receipt, and the amount of the fine was reduced to 40 pounds. According to local regulations, if the offender extinguishes the fine within 14 days, its amount is reduced by half.
The motorcade said for Obama
Barack Obama, the US president
The fine 120 pounds (about $ 194)
The penalty for violation of traffic rules in the British capital in 2011 was discharged motorcade of President of the United States. Barack Obama, according to The Daily Mail, «regretted" 10 pounds, which relies to pay for entry to the center of London. Surveillance cameras recorded as Obama's limousine broke the rule. But due to the fact that the presidential car has no license plate (and it is necessary for registration of a fine), we decided to impose a penalty on one of the machines motorcade, which was the number. And to pay punitive £ 120 representatives of the American Embassy refused. They referred to the Vienna Convention in 1960 on diplomatic relations, according to which levy taxes on diplomatic missions prohibited. However, authorities in London insist that the fee for entry into the center of the British capital, which was introduced in 2003, taxes are not.
During the time until reaching the dispute, US officials, according to the publication, evaded paying taxes for 45 thousand times, thereby "owed" the British Treasury nearly 5 million pounds (more than $ 8 million). Total arriving in London on a diplomatic mission for unpaid foreigners entering the city center have to pay 50 million pounds (more than $ 80 million). Among the violators of the 14 countries, including Russia, for "punitive" 4, 4 million pounds (more than $ 7 million).
The penalty for samopiar
Dorin Chirtoaca, mayor of Chisinau
The fine: $ 83
In 2011, the mayor of Chisinau, Dorin Chirtoaca, showed that he could easily sit behind the wheel of a snowplow. He rolled on the special equipment to reporters during a show at the service of new tehsredstv public utilities. But police noticed Chirtoaca took on too much: right to drive heavy machinery he was not. "Defile" before the press took place on Sunday, and on Tuesday the governor came to the notice of the fine.
"I wanted to do a good deed, to help the workers to clean the streets of snow. However, if you broke the rules, you'll pay a penalty, "- immediately repented mayor of the Moldovan capital.
Penalty for being rude slave
Takumi Nemoto, Japan's Minister for Reconstruction
The fine: a monthly salary
In Japan, the Japanese Minister for Reconstruction Takumi Nemoto in June 2013 voluntarily collected from fines for being rude slave and openly apologized for his actions. The scandal broke out due to the fact that Yasuhido Mizuno, an official of the agency for the reconstruction of the plant "Fukushima-1", which in 2011, the accident occurred several times publicly insulted turned to him for help the victims. In particular, Mizuno called them in his "tweet" "silly leftists." Nemoto, whose subordinate was disgraced official, felt obliged to announce it would pay a penalty of one month's salary, and dismiss subordinate.
Penalty for Terminator
Arnold Schwarzenegger, the former governor of California
The fine 400 euros
Strict laws of Austria did not give to relax with a cigarette in a public place, even the former governor of California and Terminator.
Arnold Schwarzenegger in 2011, received two fines for violating the ban on smoking in airports. In the air port of Salzburg and Graz actor and politician was smoking outside designated areas, for which he was charged with two fines of 200 euros each.
Penalty for clucking
Philippe Le Ray, a deputy of the National Assembly of France
The size of the fine: EUR 1,300
The French National Assembly is not the place for cackling. Understand it had a deputy from the Union for the Presidential Majority Philippe Le Ray. In October 2013 the Presidium of the Assembly fined him 1300 euros for the fact that Ray met his colleagues cackle statement Veronica Masson. Show bird Le Ray prompted words Masson, who spoke out against adoption of the pension law. However, women parliamentarians and quickly found a colleague said that it was "not a chicken." Determined the amount of the fine parliamentary colleagues: it is equal to a quarter of his monthly salary.
President without a license
Fernando Lugo, President of Paraguay in the 2008 - 2012 biennium.
The fine: $ 104
The President signs laws, but do not always follow them. For example, the President of Paraguay, Fernando Lugo in 2009 was penalized for overtaking in the wrong place and driving with expired rights. The total amount of the fine was $ 104. Traffic police have been very surprised to see the wheel stopped Ford Explorer president, but, in spite of such high status of the offender, the penalty he still discharged. Fernando Lugo pleaded guilty and promised to pay a receipt for five days as provided by the law of the country. Ironically, among the policemen who detained the ex-president of Paraguay, he was also the chief of traffic police, Eduardo Petta. It Lugo appointed to this position Petty and, according to the order of the guards, "he asked not to give descent anyone, not even the Pope».
Mayor quitter
Miguel Angel Mansehra, the mayor of Mexico City
The fine: $ 800
The mayor of the Mexican capital Miguel Angel Manser could not be absent from work without consequences. The mayor was forced to pay a penalty for being absent for five days in the post. In March 2013 Mansehra without warning, went to the Vatican to the enthronement of Pope then decided to visit Madrid and at the same time. However, permission to visit the mayor of Mexico City, no one gave. Tour to Europe Mansehra paid from its own funds. However, even that did not help him avoid a penalty of $ 800 dollars. It is so much deducted from the monthly salary of Mansehra, which is $ 7,800.
The mayor worthy of the Guinness Book of Records
Adriano passwords, the mayor of the Italian city of Brescia
The fine 21 000 euros
85 times in three years. This is the number of speeding tickets written to the mayor of the Italian Brescia (a city in the north of the country) Adriano password. According to the Italian tax authorities, 47 offenses were recorded in 2009-2010, and another 38 - in 2011. The total amount of fines was 21 000 euros. In fairness it should be noted that the mayor of Brescia was in a police car is not always the case. Several fines paid his deputy - Fabio Rolfe.
Inveterate smoker
Gediminas Kirkilas, Lithuania's former Prime
The fine 290 euros
Smoked pipe cost the former prime minister of Lithuania expensive. In 2008, Gediminas Kirkilas was fined by the State Service for Control of alcohol and tobacco for smoking in a public place. This prohibition is valid in Lithuania from January 1, 2007. According to the politician, he asked permission from the owner of a cigarette places, and he was not against it. But it "surrendered" bodies paparazzi. Away from the penalty did not become a politician and promised to pay it. But to give up tobacco Kirkilas is going. Despite the anti-smoking campaign of the Lithuanian authorities, the former prime minister puts on its website photos with a pipe.
The fine, which can not even keep guard

Hillary Clinton, the former US Secretary of State
The fine 40 pounds (a little less than $ 65)
In London for illegal parking in the heart punished severely. It does not matter whether it violated the rules of stopping an old Mini Cooper local housewives or motorcade of former US Secretary of State. Car Hillary Clinton, who visited the British capital in early October 2013, was parked on the paid parking lot near the Royal Institute of International Affairs. However, receipt of payment of parking and has not appeared on the windshield of the car. In spite of the high status of the driver, as well as several security guards who were near the car Clinton, a member of the traffic police did not hesitate to prescribe a fine of 80 pounds. A few days later, Mrs. Clinton paid a receipt, and the amount of the fine was reduced to 40 pounds. According to local regulations, if the offender extinguishes the fine within 14 days, its amount is reduced by half.
The motorcade said for Obama

Barack Obama, the US president
The fine 120 pounds (about $ 194)
The penalty for violation of traffic rules in the British capital in 2011 was discharged motorcade of President of the United States. Barack Obama, according to The Daily Mail, «regretted" 10 pounds, which relies to pay for entry to the center of London. Surveillance cameras recorded as Obama's limousine broke the rule. But due to the fact that the presidential car has no license plate (and it is necessary for registration of a fine), we decided to impose a penalty on one of the machines motorcade, which was the number. And to pay punitive £ 120 representatives of the American Embassy refused. They referred to the Vienna Convention in 1960 on diplomatic relations, according to which levy taxes on diplomatic missions prohibited. However, authorities in London insist that the fee for entry into the center of the British capital, which was introduced in 2003, taxes are not.
During the time until reaching the dispute, US officials, according to the publication, evaded paying taxes for 45 thousand times, thereby "owed" the British Treasury nearly 5 million pounds (more than $ 8 million). Total arriving in London on a diplomatic mission for unpaid foreigners entering the city center have to pay 50 million pounds (more than $ 80 million). Among the violators of the 14 countries, including Russia, for "punitive" 4, 4 million pounds (more than $ 7 million).
The penalty for samopiar

Dorin Chirtoaca, mayor of Chisinau
The fine: $ 83
In 2011, the mayor of Chisinau, Dorin Chirtoaca, showed that he could easily sit behind the wheel of a snowplow. He rolled on the special equipment to reporters during a show at the service of new tehsredstv public utilities. But police noticed Chirtoaca took on too much: right to drive heavy machinery he was not. "Defile" before the press took place on Sunday, and on Tuesday the governor came to the notice of the fine.
"I wanted to do a good deed, to help the workers to clean the streets of snow. However, if you broke the rules, you'll pay a penalty, "- immediately repented mayor of the Moldovan capital.
Penalty for being rude slave

Takumi Nemoto, Japan's Minister for Reconstruction
The fine: a monthly salary
In Japan, the Japanese Minister for Reconstruction Takumi Nemoto in June 2013 voluntarily collected from fines for being rude slave and openly apologized for his actions. The scandal broke out due to the fact that Yasuhido Mizuno, an official of the agency for the reconstruction of the plant "Fukushima-1", which in 2011, the accident occurred several times publicly insulted turned to him for help the victims. In particular, Mizuno called them in his "tweet" "silly leftists." Nemoto, whose subordinate was disgraced official, felt obliged to announce it would pay a penalty of one month's salary, and dismiss subordinate.
Penalty for Terminator

Arnold Schwarzenegger, the former governor of California
The fine 400 euros
Strict laws of Austria did not give to relax with a cigarette in a public place, even the former governor of California and Terminator.
Arnold Schwarzenegger in 2011, received two fines for violating the ban on smoking in airports. In the air port of Salzburg and Graz actor and politician was smoking outside designated areas, for which he was charged with two fines of 200 euros each.
Penalty for clucking

Philippe Le Ray, a deputy of the National Assembly of France
The size of the fine: EUR 1,300
The French National Assembly is not the place for cackling. Understand it had a deputy from the Union for the Presidential Majority Philippe Le Ray. In October 2013 the Presidium of the Assembly fined him 1300 euros for the fact that Ray met his colleagues cackle statement Veronica Masson. Show bird Le Ray prompted words Masson, who spoke out against adoption of the pension law. However, women parliamentarians and quickly found a colleague said that it was "not a chicken." Determined the amount of the fine parliamentary colleagues: it is equal to a quarter of his monthly salary.
President without a license

Fernando Lugo, President of Paraguay in the 2008 - 2012 biennium.
The fine: $ 104
The President signs laws, but do not always follow them. For example, the President of Paraguay, Fernando Lugo in 2009 was penalized for overtaking in the wrong place and driving with expired rights. The total amount of the fine was $ 104. Traffic police have been very surprised to see the wheel stopped Ford Explorer president, but, in spite of such high status of the offender, the penalty he still discharged. Fernando Lugo pleaded guilty and promised to pay a receipt for five days as provided by the law of the country. Ironically, among the policemen who detained the ex-president of Paraguay, he was also the chief of traffic police, Eduardo Petta. It Lugo appointed to this position Petty and, according to the order of the guards, "he asked not to give descent anyone, not even the Pope».
Mayor quitter

Miguel Angel Mansehra, the mayor of Mexico City
The fine: $ 800
The mayor of the Mexican capital Miguel Angel Manser could not be absent from work without consequences. The mayor was forced to pay a penalty for being absent for five days in the post. In March 2013 Mansehra without warning, went to the Vatican to the enthronement of Pope then decided to visit Madrid and at the same time. However, permission to visit the mayor of Mexico City, no one gave. Tour to Europe Mansehra paid from its own funds. However, even that did not help him avoid a penalty of $ 800 dollars. It is so much deducted from the monthly salary of Mansehra, which is $ 7,800.
The mayor worthy of the Guinness Book of Records

Adriano passwords, the mayor of the Italian city of Brescia
The fine 21 000 euros
85 times in three years. This is the number of speeding tickets written to the mayor of the Italian Brescia (a city in the north of the country) Adriano password. According to the Italian tax authorities, 47 offenses were recorded in 2009-2010, and another 38 - in 2011. The total amount of fines was 21 000 euros. In fairness it should be noted that the mayor of Brescia was in a police car is not always the case. Several fines paid his deputy - Fabio Rolfe.
Inveterate smoker

Gediminas Kirkilas, Lithuania's former Prime
The fine 290 euros
Smoked pipe cost the former prime minister of Lithuania expensive. In 2008, Gediminas Kirkilas was fined by the State Service for Control of alcohol and tobacco for smoking in a public place. This prohibition is valid in Lithuania from January 1, 2007. According to the politician, he asked permission from the owner of a cigarette places, and he was not against it. But it "surrendered" bodies paparazzi. Away from the penalty did not become a politician and promised to pay it. But to give up tobacco Kirkilas is going. Despite the anti-smoking campaign of the Lithuanian authorities, the former prime minister puts on its website photos with a pipe.
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Demolished the 50-meter power transmission towers.