November 23, 1852 in the UK has its first "stand-up" mailbox. Although paper love letters have long been replaced by virtual letters, each of us is always a pleasure to receive a paper card or a letter from friends, family or your mate. We offer a selection of creative mailboxes around the world. Delivery from the sea bottom
Themed mailbox is and at the Museum of Vintage diving museum (USA), dedicated to vintage and antique equipment as equipment for scuba diving. With the letter box will not be lost, and at a depth of 20 thousand leagues.
Robot R2D2 as a mailbox. What is symbolic for the 21st century.
Sending in Wonderland
Hot fan of "Alice in Wonderland" has openly declared his feelings by setting the front of the house design creative zip Account- "mushroom." However, instead of a fairy with a hookah caterpillar fungus live in letters and small parcels.
Mail for the whole family
Personal correspondence - is sacred. Protect email from falling into the wrong hands help private mailboxes for the whole family. To avoid confusion, you can fit them into the "size" of the addressee: more (and higher from curious children) - for parents, less - for children. If the latter has not yet made a final choice in favor of communicating via the Internet.
Separation of the family unit, and individual mail boxes can be timed for the New Year or Halloween. In the second case, it is important not to overdo it with the terrible details - high risk scare came to visit grandmother or permanently discourage the child from paper letters.
Post Office Robinson Crusoe
Creatively decorated zip Account- "hut" does not give the owner feel tenant uninhabited island and break away from civilization.
News from the world
Sometimes the answer to a letter is not so long, as if the ground had failed. Or gone. However, this can not be reproached for sure triumph "stay afloat" mailbox decorated for a guest from the world.
e-mail to the effect of 3D
Keeping up with technological progress can be different. Nothing prevents mask material mailbox quite a monitor with keyboard and proudly telling friends about the rapid development of the cyber-space.
But that's not all computers provide fast delivery of letters.
In light of recent news
While some machines the release of the last century kept stable on wheels and go under the hammer for fabulous money, others lose momentum and settle as they can. For example, change the qualifications. It was a means of transportation, the post office was in the garage.
Play on the box
In the box is not scared to play. But better still is not "in" and "on" it. How does a young musician, Equipped point for letters under the drum kit.
PO Box capacity of 2 horsepower
Sometimes it seems that the traditional letter format continue to deliver on the old-fashioned way - on horseback, if not on foot. Creative mailbox as a retro wagon for those who are willing to wait.
"Indefinitely" with a modern twist
Funny mailbox giraffe belongs to the 70-year-old American, who is always eager to get the latest news from their children and grandchildren. According vigorous pensioner, a long "neck" box allows you to slightly shorten the path and the postman to bring the long-awaited moment. There are the "giraffe" and minuses - postmen-beginners take a custom box for the barrier and cut circles in search of a typical mailbox.
My destination - artist and poet
Mailbox decorated with a claim to a piece of art will subtly hint fellow correspondence that it is time to change the slang to a more elegant style. One "but" - the stylistic imperfections have to put up as a letter with photos "suggestion" is on its way.
Feed the horse ... letters
On postal able to inspire creativity and cartoons. For example, "Toy Story» ...
Catching, letter, large and small
Design creative idea mailbox can be found in a fairy tale. For example, from the collection of Russian folklore, where every third story takes place in the animal world.
Message from the Ministry of Health
Or the answer is clear without words taking care of the health of the nation and the establishment neighbors athletes.
Source: www.novate.ru
Themed mailbox is and at the Museum of Vintage diving museum (USA), dedicated to vintage and antique equipment as equipment for scuba diving. With the letter box will not be lost, and at a depth of 20 thousand leagues.

Robot R2D2 as a mailbox. What is symbolic for the 21st century.

Sending in Wonderland
Hot fan of "Alice in Wonderland" has openly declared his feelings by setting the front of the house design creative zip Account- "mushroom." However, instead of a fairy with a hookah caterpillar fungus live in letters and small parcels.

Mail for the whole family
Personal correspondence - is sacred. Protect email from falling into the wrong hands help private mailboxes for the whole family. To avoid confusion, you can fit them into the "size" of the addressee: more (and higher from curious children) - for parents, less - for children. If the latter has not yet made a final choice in favor of communicating via the Internet.

Separation of the family unit, and individual mail boxes can be timed for the New Year or Halloween. In the second case, it is important not to overdo it with the terrible details - high risk scare came to visit grandmother or permanently discourage the child from paper letters.

Post Office Robinson Crusoe
Creatively decorated zip Account- "hut" does not give the owner feel tenant uninhabited island and break away from civilization.

News from the world
Sometimes the answer to a letter is not so long, as if the ground had failed. Or gone. However, this can not be reproached for sure triumph "stay afloat" mailbox decorated for a guest from the world.

e-mail to the effect of 3D
Keeping up with technological progress can be different. Nothing prevents mask material mailbox quite a monitor with keyboard and proudly telling friends about the rapid development of the cyber-space.

But that's not all computers provide fast delivery of letters.

In light of recent news
While some machines the release of the last century kept stable on wheels and go under the hammer for fabulous money, others lose momentum and settle as they can. For example, change the qualifications. It was a means of transportation, the post office was in the garage.

Play on the box
In the box is not scared to play. But better still is not "in" and "on" it. How does a young musician, Equipped point for letters under the drum kit.

PO Box capacity of 2 horsepower
Sometimes it seems that the traditional letter format continue to deliver on the old-fashioned way - on horseback, if not on foot. Creative mailbox as a retro wagon for those who are willing to wait.

"Indefinitely" with a modern twist
Funny mailbox giraffe belongs to the 70-year-old American, who is always eager to get the latest news from their children and grandchildren. According vigorous pensioner, a long "neck" box allows you to slightly shorten the path and the postman to bring the long-awaited moment. There are the "giraffe" and minuses - postmen-beginners take a custom box for the barrier and cut circles in search of a typical mailbox.

My destination - artist and poet
Mailbox decorated with a claim to a piece of art will subtly hint fellow correspondence that it is time to change the slang to a more elegant style. One "but" - the stylistic imperfections have to put up as a letter with photos "suggestion" is on its way.

Feed the horse ... letters
On postal able to inspire creativity and cartoons. For example, "Toy Story» ...

Catching, letter, large and small
Design creative idea mailbox can be found in a fairy tale. For example, from the collection of Russian folklore, where every third story takes place in the animal world.

Message from the Ministry of Health
Or the answer is clear without words taking care of the health of the nation and the establishment neighbors athletes.

Source: www.novate.ru