In winter tents Near Moscow
After my two posts about the rest Polar Urals and Rafting r.Ohta I realized that the theme of eternal rest, and of interest to many. Delving into his image, I came across an interesting campaign in 2008.
Your stand at the judgment seat of the following selection: 2008, end of November, Moscow. Route: Куровское-Селиваниха-Авсюнино-Богородское-Мальково-Коробятя-Великий Region-Vereyka (former village leaders of the proletariat) -Chadlevo-Gorki-21 village 18 village-Shatura. After about 90-100 km. Objective - Rest. All questions are answered after, and in front of 56 photos and comments.
1. The train-Kurovskoye Voskresensk. As soon as we Wagon - 3 people. Few of the people: Do not be surprised that a man in an overcoat - it is a gift common friend. The goal is to test the device in the field. I have to say I felt sorry for those soldiers who have had the opportunity to wear an overcoat.
2. Actually Ya ideologist of any attacks. There are also a few things that I want to experience in winter conditions.
3. You can fool around and (because no one sees). Do not worry, we are not vandals, we even took off his shoes so as not to stain your seats.
4. Actually starting point - Kurovskoye. Setting up the system backpack.
5. Winter forest. Another participant Dmitry.
6. Local ads. Beer in the hands ...... Komrad treated patients goals. When they sat down to me in the wagon train, I was a bit shocked ... .melknula idea to cancel the march. It turned out yesterday was a holiday, which they successfully and noted. So in this location beer quickly cure.
7. A small lunch. Sandwiches and hot tea ... .Zimoy a fairy tale!
8. Name of the rivers and settlements in our country is amazing!
9. The so-called "crane". I was surprised that this place is mainly Moscow region "Cranes", while in other places (and I polazil many) well with a chain.
10. All day, without ceasing, it's snowing. Here on this road we walk. Come across areas with snow on the knee.
11. The first night. Snow does not cease to go. In winter hikes overnight slightly different concept. Since it gets dark early and late in the dawn hours of running very low. Outcome: campsite at 15: 30-16: 00 and start at 8: 00-8: 30 ... of the order of 15 hours of idleness. That's a lot. All stupidly tired to sleep !!!
12. Drying things. Membrane shoes appeared shit. 4500r thrown down the drain. After years of tests summarize: In bad weather, such as rain, snow, water underfoot, mud, etc., only one solution: good leather tur.botinki (like ankle boots) and fleece foot bindings.
13. The morning of the second day. And here is another puncture. In the evening for a meal stoked snow and rain during the night passed, respectively snowless morning. Send a messenger to the village, the benefit is not far away, there - back minutes 30.
14. The representative of the insect race. Not even sleeping creature.
15. The bridge over the creek. In general in this region Peat extraction and marshes with creeks nemerenno.
16. Yesterday's winter landscape turned into a nasty CHVAKU underfoot.
17. Ant.
18. Local dogs have about surprised.
19. Here is an ad hanging in the center of the village. And where in the village center ??? It used to be the center was a temple or a bell tower, is now the center - a shop. Zamudrennoe ads for the elderly.
20. And here is the old center. During his travels, I like to photograph temples. Faith rather nothing to do with me pleasant churches and monasteries from the architectural point of view.
21. A road does not end there. As the saying goes: "Dear enough for all!»
22. It's nice when a piece of wood is gaining field. We see that the pine is not planted by man, and grew themselves.
23. Bright bar gray day.
24. Now change the angle ....
25. Again the temple. That's who built it so? Who is the architect? Exactly the same church in Assasins Creed Templar mochish with them. And that I'm sorry ... Moscow.
26. Viewpoint ...
27. Green Beauty. This New Year and do not need to dress up. But it is not necessary to cut.
28. Vyvoroten - the root of a fallen pine. A huge pine tree.
29. Warehouse logs. It can be seen that are not the first year. Why they sawed them, if no one picks up?
30. The diameter of the trunks of some strikes. This tree 100 years old, I guess.
31. dabble with focus.
32. Endless Russia.
33. A map designated bridge. It took 20 minutes to explore, almost decided to go to a ford at yay ...... ca, but saved by a miracle. Next discovered cracked wood, 5 minutes of the ax, and we are on the opposite bank.
34. The second overnight. Trampling the snow - 10 minutes, setting tents - 10 minutes, the arrangement of beds - 10 minutes.
35. Bonfire stubbornly did not want to burn. Experienced gel ignition brand "expedition". I feel very firm settling, but they have some interesting solutions. The gel is cool, but the price tag on him 80 rubles - is too high.
36. Morning. God is our sun smiles.
37. Again the road.
38. Someone long ago built the foundation here.
39. Test overcoat continue.
40. During the night it was -15, -2 day. Steam rises from the ground. The sun struggles with frost.
41. Frozen drop.
42. swamp. On the map this place is designated forest. This site is probably burned about 2-3 years ago that came out of it: charred trunks lie in a chaotic manner, these same barrels create a natural dam to drain the water formed as a result of wetland with logs, then went to the growth of young willow and hazel. Treat this section hour and a half - two, it was decided to go on logs. I failed one leg knee, comrade, slipped from the trunk, went into the water with both feet just below the knee.
43. Ended the Great Region !!!
44. Rural prodvinotostyu hit stores! Dmitry Anatolyevich, come to the village CHIEF PROLETERIATA and praised their iPads.
45. Beer shampoo, but of course for men.
46. Third place in our nights. The table and the wood is.
47. Morning. At night the gale rose, we heard breaking trees.
48. The road between flooded peatlands. Previously, there was an old German narrow-gauge railway, but modern thieves pilfered it for scrap.
49. Actually Here is flooded peatlands. A lot of fishermen bodhodov water.
50. downpour began with hurricane wind. We see and hear the crunch of trees. Several large trees had fallen across the road.
51. Cool the bridge, as if from a fairy tale.
52. Shatura! And you have a movie theater in the city? In general the city was struck - the town dump is almost adjacent to the city.
53. From Shatura people traveling more.
54. Actually participants: J.
55. Dmitry.
56. Victor.
Dobavleno1 in [mergetime] 1290940863 [/ mergetime]
Results: 1. Do not Believe cards 2.Plohoy weather does not happen 3.Shinel wet and began to weigh heavier than 5 kg on poor soldiers 4.Svetovoy day must somehow increase (as we think, is in addition to a nuclear explosion no options) 5. On the Internet know not all residents of suburbs 6.For 4 days drunk 2, 5l beer and 0, 7l pepper vodka
In general, I have everything. If you have questions - answer
Your stand at the judgment seat of the following selection: 2008, end of November, Moscow. Route: Куровское-Селиваниха-Авсюнино-Богородское-Мальково-Коробятя-Великий Region-Vereyka (former village leaders of the proletariat) -Chadlevo-Gorki-21 village 18 village-Shatura. After about 90-100 km. Objective - Rest. All questions are answered after, and in front of 56 photos and comments.
1. The train-Kurovskoye Voskresensk. As soon as we Wagon - 3 people. Few of the people: Do not be surprised that a man in an overcoat - it is a gift common friend. The goal is to test the device in the field. I have to say I felt sorry for those soldiers who have had the opportunity to wear an overcoat.

2. Actually Ya ideologist of any attacks. There are also a few things that I want to experience in winter conditions.

3. You can fool around and (because no one sees). Do not worry, we are not vandals, we even took off his shoes so as not to stain your seats.

4. Actually starting point - Kurovskoye. Setting up the system backpack.

5. Winter forest. Another participant Dmitry.

6. Local ads. Beer in the hands ...... Komrad treated patients goals. When they sat down to me in the wagon train, I was a bit shocked ... .melknula idea to cancel the march. It turned out yesterday was a holiday, which they successfully and noted. So in this location beer quickly cure.

7. A small lunch. Sandwiches and hot tea ... .Zimoy a fairy tale!

8. Name of the rivers and settlements in our country is amazing!

9. The so-called "crane". I was surprised that this place is mainly Moscow region "Cranes", while in other places (and I polazil many) well with a chain.

10. All day, without ceasing, it's snowing. Here on this road we walk. Come across areas with snow on the knee.

11. The first night. Snow does not cease to go. In winter hikes overnight slightly different concept. Since it gets dark early and late in the dawn hours of running very low. Outcome: campsite at 15: 30-16: 00 and start at 8: 00-8: 30 ... of the order of 15 hours of idleness. That's a lot. All stupidly tired to sleep !!!

12. Drying things. Membrane shoes appeared shit. 4500r thrown down the drain. After years of tests summarize: In bad weather, such as rain, snow, water underfoot, mud, etc., only one solution: good leather tur.botinki (like ankle boots) and fleece foot bindings.

13. The morning of the second day. And here is another puncture. In the evening for a meal stoked snow and rain during the night passed, respectively snowless morning. Send a messenger to the village, the benefit is not far away, there - back minutes 30.

14. The representative of the insect race. Not even sleeping creature.

15. The bridge over the creek. In general in this region Peat extraction and marshes with creeks nemerenno.

16. Yesterday's winter landscape turned into a nasty CHVAKU underfoot.

17. Ant.

18. Local dogs have about surprised.

19. Here is an ad hanging in the center of the village. And where in the village center ??? It used to be the center was a temple or a bell tower, is now the center - a shop. Zamudrennoe ads for the elderly.

20. And here is the old center. During his travels, I like to photograph temples. Faith rather nothing to do with me pleasant churches and monasteries from the architectural point of view.

21. A road does not end there. As the saying goes: "Dear enough for all!»

22. It's nice when a piece of wood is gaining field. We see that the pine is not planted by man, and grew themselves.

23. Bright bar gray day.

24. Now change the angle ....

25. Again the temple. That's who built it so? Who is the architect? Exactly the same church in Assasins Creed Templar mochish with them. And that I'm sorry ... Moscow.

26. Viewpoint ...

27. Green Beauty. This New Year and do not need to dress up. But it is not necessary to cut.

28. Vyvoroten - the root of a fallen pine. A huge pine tree.

29. Warehouse logs. It can be seen that are not the first year. Why they sawed them, if no one picks up?

30. The diameter of the trunks of some strikes. This tree 100 years old, I guess.

31. dabble with focus.

32. Endless Russia.

33. A map designated bridge. It took 20 minutes to explore, almost decided to go to a ford at yay ...... ca, but saved by a miracle. Next discovered cracked wood, 5 minutes of the ax, and we are on the opposite bank.

34. The second overnight. Trampling the snow - 10 minutes, setting tents - 10 minutes, the arrangement of beds - 10 minutes.

35. Bonfire stubbornly did not want to burn. Experienced gel ignition brand "expedition". I feel very firm settling, but they have some interesting solutions. The gel is cool, but the price tag on him 80 rubles - is too high.

36. Morning. God is our sun smiles.

37. Again the road.

38. Someone long ago built the foundation here.

39. Test overcoat continue.

40. During the night it was -15, -2 day. Steam rises from the ground. The sun struggles with frost.

41. Frozen drop.

42. swamp. On the map this place is designated forest. This site is probably burned about 2-3 years ago that came out of it: charred trunks lie in a chaotic manner, these same barrels create a natural dam to drain the water formed as a result of wetland with logs, then went to the growth of young willow and hazel. Treat this section hour and a half - two, it was decided to go on logs. I failed one leg knee, comrade, slipped from the trunk, went into the water with both feet just below the knee.

43. Ended the Great Region !!!

44. Rural prodvinotostyu hit stores! Dmitry Anatolyevich, come to the village CHIEF PROLETERIATA and praised their iPads.

45. Beer shampoo, but of course for men.

46. Third place in our nights. The table and the wood is.

47. Morning. At night the gale rose, we heard breaking trees.

48. The road between flooded peatlands. Previously, there was an old German narrow-gauge railway, but modern thieves pilfered it for scrap.

49. Actually Here is flooded peatlands. A lot of fishermen bodhodov water.

50. downpour began with hurricane wind. We see and hear the crunch of trees. Several large trees had fallen across the road.

51. Cool the bridge, as if from a fairy tale.

52. Shatura! And you have a movie theater in the city? In general the city was struck - the town dump is almost adjacent to the city.

53. From Shatura people traveling more.

54. Actually participants: J.

55. Dmitry.

56. Victor.
Dobavleno1 in [mergetime] 1290940863 [/ mergetime]
Results: 1. Do not Believe cards 2.Plohoy weather does not happen 3.Shinel wet and began to weigh heavier than 5 kg on poor soldiers 4.Svetovoy day must somehow increase (as we think, is in addition to a nuclear explosion no options) 5. On the Internet know not all residents of suburbs 6.For 4 days drunk 2, 5l beer and 0, 7l pepper vodka
In general, I have everything. If you have questions - answer
