Writes konsultant34:
Someone can confirm or deny?
I can not help the census. I can not find words. Very scary.
"Letter daughter»:
"Dad, I have to you business. Pin pictures - at first look, then read on. Just before watching, just in case breathe deeply (I'm serious)
Looked? You may be my mother said that I am a volunteer slightly. I go to take care of conscientious objectors in the city children №1. In the pictures - the boy came from the Pavlovsk orphanage. We have the whole of the House, all from there. They recumbent disabilities (cerebral palsy) and there add up to 30 people in the group and fed, apparently, a day at best. What is not fed - we know from the words of the doctors in the hospital, but officially no one will say. Now we are looking for an independent doctor who would give anonymous - although by- peer review that is. Because the position dd - a muscular dystrophy due to the severity of the underlying disease - but the naked eye can see that it is bullshit: we feed them and they are eaten off immediately - and depots. Health, where people wrote about it - evading what you say, no one - not the guardians, not the parents, not social workers, and how dd says so. There's all tied. In such a child dd receives 25,000 per month - if it is not fed and clothed only in diapers that charities are brought, it is possible to save 24 thousand. And if he gets to the hospital (as these children once or twice a month to get stable) gets to the hospital he already 50,000 per month. You catch? They live in inhuman conditions, and they are not allowed to die, because every month of their life - is money. Adopt these children is impossible in principle (and wishes to have - I have personally met) ward refuses under any pretext delusional. This is a business. We are looking for access to all possible information channels to create a public outcry. Can something (someone) to advise?
From me.
Events at the moment in St. Petersburg developed so that it takes care of the public order that would compel the administration to conduct an independent examination of the situation in this institution.
Thank you. »
It is impossible that such a situation continued!
Link under the source leads to the blogger snob.ru, which in turn text:
"At the request of the author's writing, I remove text, because, according to those who lead a real job in St. Petersburg, all the attention should be concentrated on the address" Business Petersburg »- www.dp.ru/a/2011/01/17/Podobnoe_do_jetogo_ja_vide "
ZY Text of the letter from the Business Petersburg a little different, but it seems the problem is the same.
via konsultant34, dp.ru
Someone can confirm or deny?
I can not help the census. I can not find words. Very scary.
"Letter daughter»:
"Dad, I have to you business. Pin pictures - at first look, then read on. Just before watching, just in case breathe deeply (I'm serious)

Looked? You may be my mother said that I am a volunteer slightly. I go to take care of conscientious objectors in the city children №1. In the pictures - the boy came from the Pavlovsk orphanage. We have the whole of the House, all from there. They recumbent disabilities (cerebral palsy) and there add up to 30 people in the group and fed, apparently, a day at best. What is not fed - we know from the words of the doctors in the hospital, but officially no one will say. Now we are looking for an independent doctor who would give anonymous - although by- peer review that is. Because the position dd - a muscular dystrophy due to the severity of the underlying disease - but the naked eye can see that it is bullshit: we feed them and they are eaten off immediately - and depots. Health, where people wrote about it - evading what you say, no one - not the guardians, not the parents, not social workers, and how dd says so. There's all tied. In such a child dd receives 25,000 per month - if it is not fed and clothed only in diapers that charities are brought, it is possible to save 24 thousand. And if he gets to the hospital (as these children once or twice a month to get stable) gets to the hospital he already 50,000 per month. You catch? They live in inhuman conditions, and they are not allowed to die, because every month of their life - is money. Adopt these children is impossible in principle (and wishes to have - I have personally met) ward refuses under any pretext delusional. This is a business. We are looking for access to all possible information channels to create a public outcry. Can something (someone) to advise?
From me.
Events at the moment in St. Petersburg developed so that it takes care of the public order that would compel the administration to conduct an independent examination of the situation in this institution.
Thank you. »
It is impossible that such a situation continued!
Link under the source leads to the blogger snob.ru, which in turn text:
"At the request of the author's writing, I remove text, because, according to those who lead a real job in St. Petersburg, all the attention should be concentrated on the address" Business Petersburg »- www.dp.ru/a/2011/01/17/Podobnoe_do_jetogo_ja_vide "
ZY Text of the letter from the Business Petersburg a little different, but it seems the problem is the same.
via konsultant34, dp.ru