Accountant God
- Lord, to you it is possible? Or are you busy, as always?
- Come in, come in, Accountant. Urgent something?
- Urgent Lord - Accountant gently corrected wings, and maintaining white robes, sat in a chair in front of God. On the table I laid open the Book of Life text to the boss. - It is necessary you have to intervene. A week later Immortal Thomas birthday. Thirty three. Age of Christ, it is time to sum up, but I balance it does not "dancing».
- Administrator of dreams for him sent?
- Yeah, I tortured him, Thomas, dreams, hints. In the morning I wake up, cursing, and again all the old way .... All measures are being taken. It is time, I think ....
- Well, what specifically do not converge? Parish-consumption? I'm in your Talmuds do not understand, let's tell it!
- God, are you not believe me? Well, look:
Given: a minimum number of years - 96.
Material and spiritual provision.
1. Issued by: wife .................................... 1 (pers.)
Used: ......................... wife 3 (pers.)
2. Issued by: .................................... 4 children (pers.)
Used children ........................... 1 (pers.)
3. Do not give out adultery
Used .................................... 43 (times)
4. Service in the army. Issued ............ tarpaulin boots (2 Chronicles)
Not used. Do not served.
- Well, I did not serve for what reason? Maybe his district nedosledil Doctor?
- Well no. At the time the call was completely healthy. Otvertelsya. "Derailed", as he brags.
- Then come!
5. Visits to the mother. Issued on one week minimum, from 663.
Used 156 for 13 years. My mother is sick, lives alone. Next.
Well, then that's really sad ...
6. Alcohol. Issued by 78 liters of wine and 33 years maximum. The overrun of 585 liters.
7. Cigarettes, ugh, not isolated at all, do we ban all? Used 92,820 pieces! A pack a day smoker with twenty short years already.
8. Help other. Issued without limit, the minimum amount of time -13.
Used 7 times, and then, based on reciprocity.
9. Communication with nature, remembrance of the dead ancestors, fasting ....
- Lord, I am going to list ... endlessly. Inserts in the Book of Life is already dokleival eight times! How many are possible?
- So, why are driven to such extremes? Then on the disease will be written off, or what? Still young. Son, though the only one to raise it even necessary .... Although, with the accounting, he himself ... long stretch. So…. Let me think! Birthday him, say a week ... You're here, let's, let's go to him again, the last too, our Administrator of Dreams. Suppose further that this week will think. Week to give, and then come all at five-minute, and we decide until delov not done seriously. Although much too seriously? Go back to work.
- Tolkien's Lord, again tormented his dreams ?! Here and now, we remove it, so do not believe the same.
- Well, he and Thomas have. Go, go, I'll think. I am every day before the birthday Immortal report on the table, how he lived, what he did.
Thomas woke up at half past five. Covered in sweat. He got up, sighed, and went into the shower.
- You that, Tommy, just so early rehnulsya- jumped? - Called after Maria .- And quiet there, Vanya wake it up to one o'clock in the Internet stuck.
Thomas, wet and flushed, stepped out of the bath, she poured into a mug of porridge, put the kettle on to boil gruel. Stood silently, waiting for the whistle poaching some water, I looked out the window, beyond which was a warm summer rain.
My wife went and hugged her shoulders: "Fom, why are you? Again, whether that nightmares torment? So all in front of his birthday is. By myself I know, too, fall into depression. Well, do not worry. Come on, drink some coffee, smoke a cigarette to calm, but still you can take a nap for an hour.
- What nap ?! All my life so you can sleep. Go-ka Vanka wake, go with him to run, but then so dohlyakom then have to go into the army.
- What army? You Th, Thomas, completely crazy? I do not serve, and his son in the rain to the army to prepare udumal!
- Fool was not served here. And Vanya go and for me and for himself the duty to give the homeland! Today I'll be late-mother to come around after work, so I'll go home to help build Kolka, classmate after all, one.
- Wow! We're with you on this subject have spoken! What do you want some of that strain will be? It is something you ever helped?
- And he will, when it will be necessary!
- God, yes, well there for you nightmares? - Maria winced from the only type of Thomas, who was eating a teaspoon of tasteless oatmeal.
- Fu .... Although ... say good for the stomach. Well, why vkusnoe- harmful, and all useful always so unappetizing? - She said, scooping up a large spoon of porridge mugs spouse. - Tommy, whom you invited to the birthday party in a restaurant? I need to know how to dress.
- His parents call me, but my mother and father are. With the cake sit at home, tired of these constant feast, drinking .... Moreover, they say the peasants celebrate the thirty-three is not necessary. Age of Christ, turning. In the silence, I want to sit with your family .... A weekend let alone to the country Makhno Vanka grandmother leave.
- And what together? Boring. What shall we do something?
- Rest will have forgotten already, when dating arranged. Van sister time to plan ....
Mary laughed, but it was nice to hear that from their own spouse. I have not heard. She kissed him, giggling again: "Yeah .... We see serious talk in dreams, Thomas is ».
- FOM, and that your birthday present? I've been racking my head, and you can spec. wish you have any?
- What time you asked, Masha! I was just thinking ... buy himself urgently. You here that, give me a minute, please, Rabbit, a good calculator and weekly. No diary for a year at least. Okay?
- Yes, you Fomochka ... seriously ill ... Why the calculator you? Are you an accountant suddenly closed up?
- No, just one with an accountant to me from this day will be very closely communicate. I hope for a long time.
- I see you've decided to start a new life?
- We are together, the whole family will begin. The restructuring of our little family! Get ready! And not tomorrow, and from this very moment. Where there Vanya, call. We run through the forest, listen to the birds ....
- Well, what have you got for Immortal? Any progress?
- My God, I've just cleaned up, grease. It is ... It is necessary to give a chance. Cancels its decision on Thomas ... believe ... remember a dream ... I think not corrected naraduemsya simple.
- Okay, so he knew - again conspired! Well, the last time. If, say, at once, and we will close the issue without any calculations.
- Thank you, Lord!
- To your health. Hello Thomas. And it stop bothering him, he shall dream dreams earth, do not torture ...
© vesnyanka2007 Natalia Kornilova
- Come in, come in, Accountant. Urgent something?
- Urgent Lord - Accountant gently corrected wings, and maintaining white robes, sat in a chair in front of God. On the table I laid open the Book of Life text to the boss. - It is necessary you have to intervene. A week later Immortal Thomas birthday. Thirty three. Age of Christ, it is time to sum up, but I balance it does not "dancing».
- Administrator of dreams for him sent?
- Yeah, I tortured him, Thomas, dreams, hints. In the morning I wake up, cursing, and again all the old way .... All measures are being taken. It is time, I think ....
- Well, what specifically do not converge? Parish-consumption? I'm in your Talmuds do not understand, let's tell it!
- God, are you not believe me? Well, look:
Given: a minimum number of years - 96.
Material and spiritual provision.
1. Issued by: wife .................................... 1 (pers.)
Used: ......................... wife 3 (pers.)
2. Issued by: .................................... 4 children (pers.)
Used children ........................... 1 (pers.)
3. Do not give out adultery
Used .................................... 43 (times)
4. Service in the army. Issued ............ tarpaulin boots (2 Chronicles)
Not used. Do not served.
- Well, I did not serve for what reason? Maybe his district nedosledil Doctor?
- Well no. At the time the call was completely healthy. Otvertelsya. "Derailed", as he brags.
- Then come!
5. Visits to the mother. Issued on one week minimum, from 663.
Used 156 for 13 years. My mother is sick, lives alone. Next.
Well, then that's really sad ...
6. Alcohol. Issued by 78 liters of wine and 33 years maximum. The overrun of 585 liters.
7. Cigarettes, ugh, not isolated at all, do we ban all? Used 92,820 pieces! A pack a day smoker with twenty short years already.
8. Help other. Issued without limit, the minimum amount of time -13.
Used 7 times, and then, based on reciprocity.
9. Communication with nature, remembrance of the dead ancestors, fasting ....
- Lord, I am going to list ... endlessly. Inserts in the Book of Life is already dokleival eight times! How many are possible?
- So, why are driven to such extremes? Then on the disease will be written off, or what? Still young. Son, though the only one to raise it even necessary .... Although, with the accounting, he himself ... long stretch. So…. Let me think! Birthday him, say a week ... You're here, let's, let's go to him again, the last too, our Administrator of Dreams. Suppose further that this week will think. Week to give, and then come all at five-minute, and we decide until delov not done seriously. Although much too seriously? Go back to work.
- Tolkien's Lord, again tormented his dreams ?! Here and now, we remove it, so do not believe the same.
- Well, he and Thomas have. Go, go, I'll think. I am every day before the birthday Immortal report on the table, how he lived, what he did.
Thomas woke up at half past five. Covered in sweat. He got up, sighed, and went into the shower.
- You that, Tommy, just so early rehnulsya- jumped? - Called after Maria .- And quiet there, Vanya wake it up to one o'clock in the Internet stuck.
Thomas, wet and flushed, stepped out of the bath, she poured into a mug of porridge, put the kettle on to boil gruel. Stood silently, waiting for the whistle poaching some water, I looked out the window, beyond which was a warm summer rain.
My wife went and hugged her shoulders: "Fom, why are you? Again, whether that nightmares torment? So all in front of his birthday is. By myself I know, too, fall into depression. Well, do not worry. Come on, drink some coffee, smoke a cigarette to calm, but still you can take a nap for an hour.
- What nap ?! All my life so you can sleep. Go-ka Vanka wake, go with him to run, but then so dohlyakom then have to go into the army.
- What army? You Th, Thomas, completely crazy? I do not serve, and his son in the rain to the army to prepare udumal!
- Fool was not served here. And Vanya go and for me and for himself the duty to give the homeland! Today I'll be late-mother to come around after work, so I'll go home to help build Kolka, classmate after all, one.
- Wow! We're with you on this subject have spoken! What do you want some of that strain will be? It is something you ever helped?
- And he will, when it will be necessary!
- God, yes, well there for you nightmares? - Maria winced from the only type of Thomas, who was eating a teaspoon of tasteless oatmeal.
- Fu .... Although ... say good for the stomach. Well, why vkusnoe- harmful, and all useful always so unappetizing? - She said, scooping up a large spoon of porridge mugs spouse. - Tommy, whom you invited to the birthday party in a restaurant? I need to know how to dress.
- His parents call me, but my mother and father are. With the cake sit at home, tired of these constant feast, drinking .... Moreover, they say the peasants celebrate the thirty-three is not necessary. Age of Christ, turning. In the silence, I want to sit with your family .... A weekend let alone to the country Makhno Vanka grandmother leave.
- And what together? Boring. What shall we do something?
- Rest will have forgotten already, when dating arranged. Van sister time to plan ....
Mary laughed, but it was nice to hear that from their own spouse. I have not heard. She kissed him, giggling again: "Yeah .... We see serious talk in dreams, Thomas is ».
- FOM, and that your birthday present? I've been racking my head, and you can spec. wish you have any?
- What time you asked, Masha! I was just thinking ... buy himself urgently. You here that, give me a minute, please, Rabbit, a good calculator and weekly. No diary for a year at least. Okay?
- Yes, you Fomochka ... seriously ill ... Why the calculator you? Are you an accountant suddenly closed up?
- No, just one with an accountant to me from this day will be very closely communicate. I hope for a long time.
- I see you've decided to start a new life?
- We are together, the whole family will begin. The restructuring of our little family! Get ready! And not tomorrow, and from this very moment. Where there Vanya, call. We run through the forest, listen to the birds ....
- Well, what have you got for Immortal? Any progress?
- My God, I've just cleaned up, grease. It is ... It is necessary to give a chance. Cancels its decision on Thomas ... believe ... remember a dream ... I think not corrected naraduemsya simple.
- Okay, so he knew - again conspired! Well, the last time. If, say, at once, and we will close the issue without any calculations.
- Thank you, Lord!
- To your health. Hello Thomas. And it stop bothering him, he shall dream dreams earth, do not torture ...
© vesnyanka2007 Natalia Kornilova
