And why supporting wall - to demolish it!
30.01.2011 at 17.50 at the remote duty of the State Institution "Center for Crisis Management EMERCOM of Russia in the Yaroslavl region" from the tenant of an apartment house on the main avenue in Yaroslavl was reported. As a result of violations of repairs in an apartment on the 2nd floor (demolished bearing wall) structures collapsed in the entryway.
Residents 3 entrances homes evacuated. Temporarily housed in the Palace of Culture. Dobrynin. Evacuees provide a warm drink, food.
Nearby homes are disconnected from the gas, water, heat. Residents of homes on the emergency stop notified.
At the scene are the Main Department of EMERCOM of Russia in the Yaroslavl region, the mayor's office of Yaroslavl, the Leninsky district of Yaroslavl, CMC operational group EMERCOM of Russia in the Yaroslavl region, the commission on prevention and liquidation of emergency situations and fire safety Leninsky district, emergency repair teams , rescue workers, ambulance crews.
via 76.mchs.gov.ru
Residents 3 entrances homes evacuated. Temporarily housed in the Palace of Culture. Dobrynin. Evacuees provide a warm drink, food.
Nearby homes are disconnected from the gas, water, heat. Residents of homes on the emergency stop notified.
At the scene are the Main Department of EMERCOM of Russia in the Yaroslavl region, the mayor's office of Yaroslavl, the Leninsky district of Yaroslavl, CMC operational group EMERCOM of Russia in the Yaroslavl region, the commission on prevention and liquidation of emergency situations and fire safety Leninsky district, emergency repair teams , rescue workers, ambulance crews.
via 76.mchs.gov.ru
