"Joe's Apartment"
The author writes, shkvarun:
Well, we moved back.
I am personally all the most sad cat back to Devoted Alison.
I'm used to the cat and I am extremely furious that she stayed with these fuck who we fucked luck shooting hut
I must say, the kind of apartment in its current condition has forced the owners arrived from America hvatatsa his heart and rabid fits nositsa the apartment with lamentations - you destroyed all our lives! We collected all this lifetime!
was certainly a scandal, screaming, rushed in wardrobes, died from loss, threatened ...
to be honest, we have not tormented conscience never.
presented were:
-vybroshennye baby teeth ("as you do not keep your mlochnye teeth? This is part of our lives!"). No, we do not store.
-vybroshennaya glass jar with bulls ("gdeee my jar! I can only keep butts in a jar with a lid!»).
- Obosannye rags and clothes, diapers, and baby the way too! a child is 10 years (also a part of life) .vonyalo so watery eyes.
- Discarded smelly carpet ("he was only cleaning! Plush carpet!"). I must say that what we did in the carpet walking shoes stremayutsya.
- Obosanny sofa ("we are not allowed to throw it away!"). I must say generally allowed right now, but for some reason denied.
- Thrown shovels wall ("it was new, in perfect condition!"). We threw it after the adhesive tape on how to keep DSP-shnaya glass door, looking almost to brake my skull.
- Reduced the size of the kitchen ('cuisine has become less! "). Well I do not know Cho and say ...
- Discarded smelly decrepit curtains ("Our family used to live with the windows closed!"). we have drawn curtains greasy stools.
- Books. Well, we threw a book about Satanism, practical rukovodsva for magicians and sorcerers, Works Dontsova jokes by Petrosyan ... more from gossips from the godfather of sosedushki ... by dick knows who else.
- Terrible food color ("oooo that awful red"). He clutched at his heart and cling ...
... And so on ...
By the way! we joked saying that before the arrival of their type on the dump housing set - and failed! :))
the requirements of the extended payment of moral damages, promised to declare musarnyu and other tantrums
-Old wall. Only old! new furniture - shit, but sovetskaya - very high quality. so the current need shovels.
-old sofa \ sofa. sovetskoe too.
-old small TV.
komputer-old. (one of those that is usually deducted from factories and other state ucherezhdeny). By the way if anyone was overlooked and too lazy to throw out - we can help%)
-zerkalo large. well, or dressing.
Hair dryer. shovels, too ... mdeee
Well, and of course the carpet. power shovels, too, no new, woven or knitted there is not a channel.
All this is easy to find in the garbage, or give away, etc.
If, by the way, you Friend, there is something in the trash of the above - can help you with getting rid of the rubbish and us from hiking in the dumps crap
That way even remind you how it was
and it probably had a stock of bottles for breeding ...
By the way in the bathroom, they said that the niche has changed, and it was.
Current "column," we threw. Column - a wardrobe that the hells. she ran in fits and wailed about his column, and we dare to throw it.
toilet way too, and this was ...
There is a push by the way is the same jar with a lid with gobies she ran to look for and a scandal
and they had no rot and mold, we have come up with))
Here is a wonderful new wall
it's curtains ...
this sofa we left. izbavitsa truth too thought of it in the near future
as such people are considered normal way to take shelter))
on armchairs and sofas strewn prosannoe stank of sweat and armor, dirty socks and scraps
This wall in our execution of their natural plunged into shock. Current child was genuinely happy
this here sofa they went in the trash. we took her back.
and the carpet
as such, we were invited to live ... Exodus strewn on the floor everywhere))
and cat.
It was
and began to contact
via alisa-sch
Well, we moved back.
I am personally all the most sad cat back to Devoted Alison.
I'm used to the cat and I am extremely furious that she stayed with these fuck who we fucked luck shooting hut
I must say, the kind of apartment in its current condition has forced the owners arrived from America hvatatsa his heart and rabid fits nositsa the apartment with lamentations - you destroyed all our lives! We collected all this lifetime!
was certainly a scandal, screaming, rushed in wardrobes, died from loss, threatened ...
to be honest, we have not tormented conscience never.

presented were:
-vybroshennye baby teeth ("as you do not keep your mlochnye teeth? This is part of our lives!"). No, we do not store.
-vybroshennaya glass jar with bulls ("gdeee my jar! I can only keep butts in a jar with a lid!»).
- Obosannye rags and clothes, diapers, and baby the way too! a child is 10 years (also a part of life) .vonyalo so watery eyes.
- Discarded smelly carpet ("he was only cleaning! Plush carpet!"). I must say that what we did in the carpet walking shoes stremayutsya.
- Obosanny sofa ("we are not allowed to throw it away!"). I must say generally allowed right now, but for some reason denied.
- Thrown shovels wall ("it was new, in perfect condition!"). We threw it after the adhesive tape on how to keep DSP-shnaya glass door, looking almost to brake my skull.
- Reduced the size of the kitchen ('cuisine has become less! "). Well I do not know Cho and say ...
- Discarded smelly decrepit curtains ("Our family used to live with the windows closed!"). we have drawn curtains greasy stools.
- Books. Well, we threw a book about Satanism, practical rukovodsva for magicians and sorcerers, Works Dontsova jokes by Petrosyan ... more from gossips from the godfather of sosedushki ... by dick knows who else.
- Terrible food color ("oooo that awful red"). He clutched at his heart and cling ...
... And so on ...
By the way! we joked saying that before the arrival of their type on the dump housing set - and failed! :))
the requirements of the extended payment of moral damages, promised to declare musarnyu and other tantrums
-Old wall. Only old! new furniture - shit, but sovetskaya - very high quality. so the current need shovels.
-old sofa \ sofa. sovetskoe too.
-old small TV.
komputer-old. (one of those that is usually deducted from factories and other state ucherezhdeny). By the way if anyone was overlooked and too lazy to throw out - we can help%)
-zerkalo large. well, or dressing.
Hair dryer. shovels, too ... mdeee
Well, and of course the carpet. power shovels, too, no new, woven or knitted there is not a channel.
All this is easy to find in the garbage, or give away, etc.
If, by the way, you Friend, there is something in the trash of the above - can help you with getting rid of the rubbish and us from hiking in the dumps crap
That way even remind you how it was





and it probably had a stock of bottles for breeding ...

By the way in the bathroom, they said that the niche has changed, and it was.
Current "column," we threw. Column - a wardrobe that the hells. she ran in fits and wailed about his column, and we dare to throw it.




toilet way too, and this was ...
There is a push by the way is the same jar with a lid with gobies she ran to look for and a scandal



and they had no rot and mold, we have come up with))



Here is a wonderful new wall

it's curtains ...

this sofa we left. izbavitsa truth too thought of it in the near future

as such people are considered normal way to take shelter))
on armchairs and sofas strewn prosannoe stank of sweat and armor, dirty socks and scraps

This wall in our execution of their natural plunged into shock. Current child was genuinely happy


this here sofa they went in the trash. we took her back.

and the carpet

as such, we were invited to live ... Exodus strewn on the floor everywhere))

and cat.

It was

and began to contact
via alisa-sch
