Tales of underground tunnels
I would like to hear the opinion of people - say, in the vast depths of a few kilometers there are many underground tunnels huge.
Straight as an arrow - and extending for thousands of kilometers ...
In some places, as a consequence of old tectonic accidents - fragments of them were on the surface.
The presence of tunnels is the fact that the nuclear tests in deep water at a certain range in Nevada gave an unexpected effect. Two hours later, in Canada, in one of the military bases in the distance of 2000 km from the Nevada test site, it was recorded radiation levels 20 times higher than normal. How could this happen? It turned out that was near the base of a huge cave, which is part of a vast system of caves and tunnels of the continent. In 1963, when tunneling stumbled upon a huge door through which they came down the marble steps. Perhaps it was once the entrance to the tunnel system. Unfortunately, it is not known, where it has occurred.
And here in Idaho anthropologist James McKean examined a large cave and advanced on a wide stone tunnel several hundred meters before he was stopped by an unbearable smell of sulfur, terrible remains of human skeletons and distinct noise from the depths. As a result, the study had to be stopped.
On the territory of Mexico in one of the most arid and sparsely populated areas marked by ancient cave de las Golondrinas of Satan, which has a depth of more than a kilometer and a width of several hundred meters. Its steep walls perfectly flat and smooth. But the bottom it is a maze of different "rooms", "transition" and the tunnels at this depth diverging in different directions. One of the nodes of intercontinental tunnels?
South America is not part of the tunnel behind the North. Recent studies by Professor E. von Denikin under the surface of the desert Nazca found many kilometers of tunnels, which are still flowing clean water.
And in June 1965, Ecuador, Argentine explorer Juan Moritz in the province of Morona Santiago, in the territory, contouring Galakviza cities - San Antonio - Yopi, discovered and mapped an unknown system of underground tunnels and ventilation shafts with a total length of hundreds kilometers.
Login tunnel looks like a neat cut in the rocks the size of a barn gate. The descent to the successive horizontal platform leads to a depth of 230 m. There are tunnels of rectangular section, width varying with turns at an angle of 90 degrees. The walls are smooth, as if covered with glaze or polished. Strictly periodically arranged ventilation shafts with a diameter of about 70 cm and a room the size of a concert hall.
It has been found that in the center of one of them are placed like structure section and seven "electrons" of the unknown material similar to plastic. Next to the "Tron" place of gold alloy found large pieces of fossil dinosaurs, elephants, crocodiles, lions, camels, bison, bears, monkeys, wolves, jaguars and even crabs and snails. In the same room is a "library" of several thousand embossed metal plates measuring 96x48 cm with some icons. Each plate is stamped in a special way. X. Moritz also found stone "amulet» (11x6 cm) depicting human figures, standing on a globe.
The tunnels and halls abound piles of gold items (disks, plates, huge "necklaces") with different figures and symbols. There are pictures of dinosaurs carved on the walls. On the plates there are images of the pyramids, built of blocks. A symbol of the pyramid with flying side by side (not crawling!) Snakes in the sky. We found hundreds of such images. Some records reflected astronomical concepts and ideas of space travel.
Without a doubt, a discovery made by X. Moritz somewhat lifts the veil of who digging tunnels, their level of knowledge and tentatively - an age when this happened (they saw the dinosaurs).
And already in 1976, a joint Anglo-Ecuadorian expedition examined one of the underground tunnels in the Los Tayos, on the border of Peru and Ecuador. They found a room where there was also a table surrounded by chairs with backs more than two meters high, made of an unknown material. Another room is a long room with a narrow passage in the middle. On its walls were shelves of ancient books, thick tomes - about 400 pages each. Sheets of volumes of pure gold were filled with obscure characters.
Of course, the creators of tunnels and rooms were used not only for transportation but also as a repository of valuable information designed for a long time. It's clear that these areas are not used.
Expedition scientists and cavers in 1971 in Peru discovered the cave, the entrance to which was blocked by rock blocks. Having overcome them, the researchers found at a depth of about 100 m large hall, whose floor was paved with blocks with a special relief. On (again) polished walls could be seen strange inscriptions resembling hieroglyphs. The opposite sides of the hall ran numerous tunnels. Some of them are towards the sea, and under water continues on its bottom.
Thus, we are faced, apparently, to the next node station.
On the other hand, the portion of the secondary circuit, which stretches from La Poma to Kayafate (Argentina) near the city of Cacho subjected currently high levels of radioactivity and the electrification of the soil, vibration and microwave radiation, according to research by scientists Equal Biophysical Institute Omar Jose and Jorge Dilletayna held in June 2003. They believe this phenomenon bears hundred man-made and is a consequence of the work of certain technical devices (machines) under the ground at a depth of several kilometers. Perhaps this is the underground workings, currently used as a working space.
Absolutely amazing reports from Chile. In November 1972, at the request of the Government of Chile, Allende arrived Soviet expedition with experts on mining Nikolai Popov and Yefim Chubarinym for the survey and the possibility of resuming the work of the old ore mines for the production of copper, what is needed republic. Experts went to the mountains for a forgotten field, located 40 km from the city Chichuana.
Clearing procedure littered the entrance to the mine, Popov and Chubarin passed several tens of meters and found the course, leaves an angle of 10 degrees downward. The course had a half meters in diameter with a wavy surface. Our experts decided to examine the course and after 80 meters, he moved to the horizontal state, and resulted in the production of large, rich copper conductors. They were drawn by no less than a hundred meters.
But it turned out that the veins have already developed, with high-tech method: waste remained untouched, no landslides and debris. A little farther to see specialists copper ingots, the shape and size resemble ostrich eggs collected in heaps of 40 to 50 pieces at a distance of 25-30 From other steps. As they saw the snake-like th movement - combine a diameter of about one meter and a length of 5-6 meters. Snake cling to the copper core and literally sucks the veins of copper from the walls of the tunnel. But how long could not watch, because there are new mechanisms for smaller serpentine - a diameter of about 20 cm and a length of 1, 5-2 m. Apparently, they got into a place not accessible to a large mechanism, and also performs a protective function of unwanted visitors.
Now let us remember the chemical composition of the UFO which is 90 percent composed of copper. And it is possible that our specialists accidentally discovered one of the copper deposits developed by representatives of the UFO for their needs repair and the creation of new types of vehicles of UFOs, one of the bases of which are in the mountains of South America. However, this also makes it possible to understand how to set up large tunnels with their shining like polished walls.
Thus, the legend of the presence in South America, an extensive system of underground tunnels are not without foundation, and it is possible that the gold and jewels, finding that the conquistadors have devoted more than one hundred years, the Incas hid in underground tunnels in the Andes, the center of which is od ancient capital Cusco, and spread them on many hundreds of kilometers, not only for Peru, but the Equator, Chile and Bolivia. But the entrances are ordered to wall up the wife of the last ruler of the Inca. So deep past side by side and intertwined with the events of the recent present.
Southeast Asia is also suffering from a lack of ne ancient tunnels. Shambhala is famous in numerous caves of Tibet, connected by underground passages and tunnels, with its initiates, in a state of "somatic" (neither dead nor alive), sitting in the lotus position in which many hundreds of thousands of years. Ready tunnels used for other purposes - preservation of the gene pool of the Earth and core values. Repeatedly mentioned the words dedicated to having access to in a state of "somatic" of stored there and unusual vehicles on tunnels with absolutely smooth walls.
In Hunan Province, China, on the south bank of Dongting Lake, to the southwest of the city of Wuhan, near one of the round pyramids, Chinese archaeologists have discovered strewn passage that brought them into the underground labyrinth. Its stone walls were very smooth and carefully processed, which was the basis for the scientists to exclude their natural origin.
One of the plurality of symmetrically arranged passages led archaeologists to a large underground hall, where the walls and ceiling were covered with a variety of patterns. One of the drawings shows a hunting scene, as could be seen at the top of beings (gods?) "In modern clothes", sitting in a round ship, very similar to the apparatus of the UFO. People with spears chase the beast, and flying over them "supermen" are aiming at a target object resembling a gun.
Another design consists of a ball 10 at an equal distance from each other, placed around the center, and resembles the solar system, the third balloon (earth) and the fourth (Mars) are connected in a loop line. It speaks about the relationship of the Earth and Mars, some relationships. Age adjacent pyramids, scientists have identified as 45,000 years.
But the tunnels could be built much earlier, and only used the subsequent inhabitants of the Earth.
But in the northwest of China, desert and sparsely populated area of Qinghai province, in Tibet, near the city of Da Qaidam towering mountain Baygong with adjacent fresh and salty lakes. On the south bank of the salty lake Toson 60 meters stands a lone rock caves; one of them with a flat and smooth, clearly artificial walls obliquely extends from the top of the wall rusty pipe with a diameter of 40 cm and the other pipe goes into the ground, and at the entrance to the cave encased another 12 tubes of smaller diameter - from 10 to 40 cm.
They are parallel to each other. On the shore of the lake and its vicinity you can see many iron pipes sticking out of the rocks and sand, with a diameter of 2-4, 5 cm and oriented east-west. There pipe and smaller cross-section - a few millimeters, but none clogged inside. Such tubes are found in the lake itself - outwardly or hidden in the depths. In the study ended pipes turned out that they have 30 percent iron oxide, a large amount of silica and calcium oxide. The composition shows a long iron oxidation and points to the very ancient origins of pipes.
All of this - and the caves, and the pipe - the remains of buildings, probably - launch pad launch rockets and spaceships, erected deep in the past, representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization, which, it is possible to be engaged in the construction of underground tunnels around the world after for some -What reasons (for example, the destruction of launch complexes), they failed to leave Earth.
Everyone is familiar with the pyramids and the ruins of ancient temples at Giza in Egypt. But few know what is under the ground. Recent research scientists have shown that under the pyramid plateau tucked inside a huge unexplored underground structures, and the researchers suggest that the network of tunnels spread over tens of kilometers, and extends in the direction of the Red Sea and to the Atlantic Ocean. Now let us remember the results of research in South America tunnels running under the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean ... Maybe they are going to meet each other.
In the Middle East, in Syria, near Aleppo, we have examined a little-known in science, received from local residents called "failure." This hilly area is dry, but when they got to one of the hills, we were extremely surprised to see instead of the top of a huge cavity with steep walls to a depth of 70 m and a diameter of up to 120 m. How could this be formed out of the blue?
In the words of residents formed a failure instantly, in one day, even in remote antiquity. And at first remained at the bottom of a hole with a diameter of about 10 meters, then falls asleep. It is also obvious that to have a failed volume of rock to be below the cavity with vertical walls to a depth of 70 m and a diameter of up to 120 m. How could this be formed out of the blue? In the words of residents formed a failure instantly, in one day, even in remote antiquity. And at first remained at the bottom of a hole with a diameter of about 10 meters, then falls asleep.
It is also evident that to have a failed volume of rock below the cavity volume should be at least 1, 6 million. Cubic meters of soil, since the loosening rock volume is increased at least twice. Now let us remember the principles of construction of the known underground halls in other places - Medveditskaya ridge Babia Mountain, underground halls in the Andes. Everywhere they were built in the mountains or hills. Perhaps this was one of the "nodes" of another underground tunnel.
Along the Lebanese mountains, on the part of Syria known to a few of these gaps, formed as a result of earthquakes and the destruction of a species from time to time - the code could not resist the vertical load.
Knowing about the possible location of a network of tunnels across the globe, partly submerged and partly dry and sometimes destroyed, often used for covert transportation vehicles UFOs, imagine how he could get into the lake Bottomless in the suburbs of Aden strait jacket BELOVSKIJj whose owner apparently died from Actions sharks or fish, of which there are many.
To do this requires that a network of underground tunnels, filled with water and its movement to the north. Perhaps at this point in the Arabian Peninsula, there are tunnels leading through Syria to the Caspian Sea, where they are connected with tunnels from Krasnodar, Rostov further tapped in the Voronezh region, to the bottomless lake and then connected with a tunnel from the Tatra Mountains, going to the Volga region.
With regard to the establishment of the tunnel, their age difference is obvious: from the ancient (more than 30 mln. Years), already destroyed and partially collapsed, covered as a result of disasters in the world (Crimea, Syria, etc.), To quite young - less than 1 million. years, well, sometimes perfectly preserved and are in working order and used machines UFOs. These tunnels are created, probably in the early stages of human development, according to the left on the walls of the tunnels drawings of joint actions "supermen" and ordinary people (the Andes). And soon, it was still not extraterrestrial space aliens, and one of the four ancient advanced civilizations, is mentioned by the Incas, has high technology, allows you to create these engineering structures, which stretch over great distances. For newcomers there is no need in the case of threat of disasters on the planet to create underground tunnels where they could safely retire to her, from a distance watching the events on Earth.
Now, based on the currently known materials, and ancient sources, try to create the layout of the tunnels on the continent (see. Fig.). Of course, this scheme is rather approximate, since there is no evidence and little studied from this point of view, Africa, India, Australia, most of Russia and Japan.
But this scheme gives an idea of the scope of work of ancient civilizations. But why it was necessary?
We know that every 200 million. Years on Earth is undergoing global catastrophe with the disappearance of up to 80 percent of the fauna and flora, and the last such was in the Eocene boundary, only 30 million. Years ago by the fall of next asteroids.
Straight as an arrow - and extending for thousands of kilometers ...
In some places, as a consequence of old tectonic accidents - fragments of them were on the surface.

The presence of tunnels is the fact that the nuclear tests in deep water at a certain range in Nevada gave an unexpected effect. Two hours later, in Canada, in one of the military bases in the distance of 2000 km from the Nevada test site, it was recorded radiation levels 20 times higher than normal. How could this happen? It turned out that was near the base of a huge cave, which is part of a vast system of caves and tunnels of the continent. In 1963, when tunneling stumbled upon a huge door through which they came down the marble steps. Perhaps it was once the entrance to the tunnel system. Unfortunately, it is not known, where it has occurred.
And here in Idaho anthropologist James McKean examined a large cave and advanced on a wide stone tunnel several hundred meters before he was stopped by an unbearable smell of sulfur, terrible remains of human skeletons and distinct noise from the depths. As a result, the study had to be stopped.
On the territory of Mexico in one of the most arid and sparsely populated areas marked by ancient cave de las Golondrinas of Satan, which has a depth of more than a kilometer and a width of several hundred meters. Its steep walls perfectly flat and smooth. But the bottom it is a maze of different "rooms", "transition" and the tunnels at this depth diverging in different directions. One of the nodes of intercontinental tunnels?
South America is not part of the tunnel behind the North. Recent studies by Professor E. von Denikin under the surface of the desert Nazca found many kilometers of tunnels, which are still flowing clean water.

And in June 1965, Ecuador, Argentine explorer Juan Moritz in the province of Morona Santiago, in the territory, contouring Galakviza cities - San Antonio - Yopi, discovered and mapped an unknown system of underground tunnels and ventilation shafts with a total length of hundreds kilometers.
Login tunnel looks like a neat cut in the rocks the size of a barn gate. The descent to the successive horizontal platform leads to a depth of 230 m. There are tunnels of rectangular section, width varying with turns at an angle of 90 degrees. The walls are smooth, as if covered with glaze or polished. Strictly periodically arranged ventilation shafts with a diameter of about 70 cm and a room the size of a concert hall.
It has been found that in the center of one of them are placed like structure section and seven "electrons" of the unknown material similar to plastic. Next to the "Tron" place of gold alloy found large pieces of fossil dinosaurs, elephants, crocodiles, lions, camels, bison, bears, monkeys, wolves, jaguars and even crabs and snails. In the same room is a "library" of several thousand embossed metal plates measuring 96x48 cm with some icons. Each plate is stamped in a special way. X. Moritz also found stone "amulet» (11x6 cm) depicting human figures, standing on a globe.

The tunnels and halls abound piles of gold items (disks, plates, huge "necklaces") with different figures and symbols. There are pictures of dinosaurs carved on the walls. On the plates there are images of the pyramids, built of blocks. A symbol of the pyramid with flying side by side (not crawling!) Snakes in the sky. We found hundreds of such images. Some records reflected astronomical concepts and ideas of space travel.
Without a doubt, a discovery made by X. Moritz somewhat lifts the veil of who digging tunnels, their level of knowledge and tentatively - an age when this happened (they saw the dinosaurs).
And already in 1976, a joint Anglo-Ecuadorian expedition examined one of the underground tunnels in the Los Tayos, on the border of Peru and Ecuador. They found a room where there was also a table surrounded by chairs with backs more than two meters high, made of an unknown material. Another room is a long room with a narrow passage in the middle. On its walls were shelves of ancient books, thick tomes - about 400 pages each. Sheets of volumes of pure gold were filled with obscure characters.
Of course, the creators of tunnels and rooms were used not only for transportation but also as a repository of valuable information designed for a long time. It's clear that these areas are not used.

Expedition scientists and cavers in 1971 in Peru discovered the cave, the entrance to which was blocked by rock blocks. Having overcome them, the researchers found at a depth of about 100 m large hall, whose floor was paved with blocks with a special relief. On (again) polished walls could be seen strange inscriptions resembling hieroglyphs. The opposite sides of the hall ran numerous tunnels. Some of them are towards the sea, and under water continues on its bottom.
Thus, we are faced, apparently, to the next node station.
On the other hand, the portion of the secondary circuit, which stretches from La Poma to Kayafate (Argentina) near the city of Cacho subjected currently high levels of radioactivity and the electrification of the soil, vibration and microwave radiation, according to research by scientists Equal Biophysical Institute Omar Jose and Jorge Dilletayna held in June 2003. They believe this phenomenon bears hundred man-made and is a consequence of the work of certain technical devices (machines) under the ground at a depth of several kilometers. Perhaps this is the underground workings, currently used as a working space.

Absolutely amazing reports from Chile. In November 1972, at the request of the Government of Chile, Allende arrived Soviet expedition with experts on mining Nikolai Popov and Yefim Chubarinym for the survey and the possibility of resuming the work of the old ore mines for the production of copper, what is needed republic. Experts went to the mountains for a forgotten field, located 40 km from the city Chichuana.
Clearing procedure littered the entrance to the mine, Popov and Chubarin passed several tens of meters and found the course, leaves an angle of 10 degrees downward. The course had a half meters in diameter with a wavy surface. Our experts decided to examine the course and after 80 meters, he moved to the horizontal state, and resulted in the production of large, rich copper conductors. They were drawn by no less than a hundred meters.
But it turned out that the veins have already developed, with high-tech method: waste remained untouched, no landslides and debris. A little farther to see specialists copper ingots, the shape and size resemble ostrich eggs collected in heaps of 40 to 50 pieces at a distance of 25-30 From other steps. As they saw the snake-like th movement - combine a diameter of about one meter and a length of 5-6 meters. Snake cling to the copper core and literally sucks the veins of copper from the walls of the tunnel. But how long could not watch, because there are new mechanisms for smaller serpentine - a diameter of about 20 cm and a length of 1, 5-2 m. Apparently, they got into a place not accessible to a large mechanism, and also performs a protective function of unwanted visitors.

Now let us remember the chemical composition of the UFO which is 90 percent composed of copper. And it is possible that our specialists accidentally discovered one of the copper deposits developed by representatives of the UFO for their needs repair and the creation of new types of vehicles of UFOs, one of the bases of which are in the mountains of South America. However, this also makes it possible to understand how to set up large tunnels with their shining like polished walls.
Thus, the legend of the presence in South America, an extensive system of underground tunnels are not without foundation, and it is possible that the gold and jewels, finding that the conquistadors have devoted more than one hundred years, the Incas hid in underground tunnels in the Andes, the center of which is od ancient capital Cusco, and spread them on many hundreds of kilometers, not only for Peru, but the Equator, Chile and Bolivia. But the entrances are ordered to wall up the wife of the last ruler of the Inca. So deep past side by side and intertwined with the events of the recent present.

Southeast Asia is also suffering from a lack of ne ancient tunnels. Shambhala is famous in numerous caves of Tibet, connected by underground passages and tunnels, with its initiates, in a state of "somatic" (neither dead nor alive), sitting in the lotus position in which many hundreds of thousands of years. Ready tunnels used for other purposes - preservation of the gene pool of the Earth and core values. Repeatedly mentioned the words dedicated to having access to in a state of "somatic" of stored there and unusual vehicles on tunnels with absolutely smooth walls.
In Hunan Province, China, on the south bank of Dongting Lake, to the southwest of the city of Wuhan, near one of the round pyramids, Chinese archaeologists have discovered strewn passage that brought them into the underground labyrinth. Its stone walls were very smooth and carefully processed, which was the basis for the scientists to exclude their natural origin.
One of the plurality of symmetrically arranged passages led archaeologists to a large underground hall, where the walls and ceiling were covered with a variety of patterns. One of the drawings shows a hunting scene, as could be seen at the top of beings (gods?) "In modern clothes", sitting in a round ship, very similar to the apparatus of the UFO. People with spears chase the beast, and flying over them "supermen" are aiming at a target object resembling a gun.

Another design consists of a ball 10 at an equal distance from each other, placed around the center, and resembles the solar system, the third balloon (earth) and the fourth (Mars) are connected in a loop line. It speaks about the relationship of the Earth and Mars, some relationships. Age adjacent pyramids, scientists have identified as 45,000 years.
But the tunnels could be built much earlier, and only used the subsequent inhabitants of the Earth.
But in the northwest of China, desert and sparsely populated area of Qinghai province, in Tibet, near the city of Da Qaidam towering mountain Baygong with adjacent fresh and salty lakes. On the south bank of the salty lake Toson 60 meters stands a lone rock caves; one of them with a flat and smooth, clearly artificial walls obliquely extends from the top of the wall rusty pipe with a diameter of 40 cm and the other pipe goes into the ground, and at the entrance to the cave encased another 12 tubes of smaller diameter - from 10 to 40 cm.
They are parallel to each other. On the shore of the lake and its vicinity you can see many iron pipes sticking out of the rocks and sand, with a diameter of 2-4, 5 cm and oriented east-west. There pipe and smaller cross-section - a few millimeters, but none clogged inside. Such tubes are found in the lake itself - outwardly or hidden in the depths. In the study ended pipes turned out that they have 30 percent iron oxide, a large amount of silica and calcium oxide. The composition shows a long iron oxidation and points to the very ancient origins of pipes.

All of this - and the caves, and the pipe - the remains of buildings, probably - launch pad launch rockets and spaceships, erected deep in the past, representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization, which, it is possible to be engaged in the construction of underground tunnels around the world after for some -What reasons (for example, the destruction of launch complexes), they failed to leave Earth.
Everyone is familiar with the pyramids and the ruins of ancient temples at Giza in Egypt. But few know what is under the ground. Recent research scientists have shown that under the pyramid plateau tucked inside a huge unexplored underground structures, and the researchers suggest that the network of tunnels spread over tens of kilometers, and extends in the direction of the Red Sea and to the Atlantic Ocean. Now let us remember the results of research in South America tunnels running under the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean ... Maybe they are going to meet each other.

In the Middle East, in Syria, near Aleppo, we have examined a little-known in science, received from local residents called "failure." This hilly area is dry, but when they got to one of the hills, we were extremely surprised to see instead of the top of a huge cavity with steep walls to a depth of 70 m and a diameter of up to 120 m. How could this be formed out of the blue?
In the words of residents formed a failure instantly, in one day, even in remote antiquity. And at first remained at the bottom of a hole with a diameter of about 10 meters, then falls asleep. It is also obvious that to have a failed volume of rock to be below the cavity with vertical walls to a depth of 70 m and a diameter of up to 120 m. How could this be formed out of the blue? In the words of residents formed a failure instantly, in one day, even in remote antiquity. And at first remained at the bottom of a hole with a diameter of about 10 meters, then falls asleep.
It is also evident that to have a failed volume of rock below the cavity volume should be at least 1, 6 million. Cubic meters of soil, since the loosening rock volume is increased at least twice. Now let us remember the principles of construction of the known underground halls in other places - Medveditskaya ridge Babia Mountain, underground halls in the Andes. Everywhere they were built in the mountains or hills. Perhaps this was one of the "nodes" of another underground tunnel.

Along the Lebanese mountains, on the part of Syria known to a few of these gaps, formed as a result of earthquakes and the destruction of a species from time to time - the code could not resist the vertical load.
Knowing about the possible location of a network of tunnels across the globe, partly submerged and partly dry and sometimes destroyed, often used for covert transportation vehicles UFOs, imagine how he could get into the lake Bottomless in the suburbs of Aden strait jacket BELOVSKIJj whose owner apparently died from Actions sharks or fish, of which there are many.
To do this requires that a network of underground tunnels, filled with water and its movement to the north. Perhaps at this point in the Arabian Peninsula, there are tunnels leading through Syria to the Caspian Sea, where they are connected with tunnels from Krasnodar, Rostov further tapped in the Voronezh region, to the bottomless lake and then connected with a tunnel from the Tatra Mountains, going to the Volga region.

With regard to the establishment of the tunnel, their age difference is obvious: from the ancient (more than 30 mln. Years), already destroyed and partially collapsed, covered as a result of disasters in the world (Crimea, Syria, etc.), To quite young - less than 1 million. years, well, sometimes perfectly preserved and are in working order and used machines UFOs. These tunnels are created, probably in the early stages of human development, according to the left on the walls of the tunnels drawings of joint actions "supermen" and ordinary people (the Andes). And soon, it was still not extraterrestrial space aliens, and one of the four ancient advanced civilizations, is mentioned by the Incas, has high technology, allows you to create these engineering structures, which stretch over great distances. For newcomers there is no need in the case of threat of disasters on the planet to create underground tunnels where they could safely retire to her, from a distance watching the events on Earth.
Now, based on the currently known materials, and ancient sources, try to create the layout of the tunnels on the continent (see. Fig.). Of course, this scheme is rather approximate, since there is no evidence and little studied from this point of view, Africa, India, Australia, most of Russia and Japan.
But this scheme gives an idea of the scope of work of ancient civilizations. But why it was necessary?
We know that every 200 million. Years on Earth is undergoing global catastrophe with the disappearance of up to 80 percent of the fauna and flora, and the last such was in the Eocene boundary, only 30 million. Years ago by the fall of next asteroids.