Summer! (Truth and myths)
1. If RINSE scratch sea water, it quickly heals (but)
"Scratch it heals faster simply because they do not fester. The sea water due to the high content of salt for disinfection superficial lesions of the skin, "- explains dermatologist Scandinavian Health Center Stepan Oganesov. But only if water is clean - on public beaches there are many different microorganisms and scratches here is better not to wash. And with deep cuts, stab wounds and gunshot wounds water treatments are contraindicated in any waters.
TIP: Wash the scratch clean sea water, starts looking for first-aid kits to treat the damaged area of skin antiseptic and seal the plaster. Prompts - in Russia kits traffic rules must be in all cars.
2. SWIM LESS than half an hour after eating harmful (TRUE)
Gastroenterologist network of clinics "Niarmedik" Anastasia Shikhova advised to refrain from any exercise within an hour after a meal, "Sudden movements can cause reflux - throwing undigested food from one digestive tract to other in the opposite to the natural direction, and it is fraught with not only heartburn, but and inflammation. " In water, the risk of reflux increases, since the person is in a horizontal position.
3. Do not walk in the wet smelting (TRUE)
Wet trunks on the beach in the heat of the special health risks are not. But if going on a cool swim in the evening - immediately dry in disguise. Otherwise, you can pick up a whole bunch of diseases of the genitourinary system. The list of small but impressive: urethritis (inflammation of the urethra), orhoepidimit (inflammation of the testicle and its appendages) and prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate gland).
4. even dark baseball cap fleeing from the solar impact (MIF)
"The dark baseball cap can protect the head only from sunburn. From sunstroke, which is a kind of heat, dark fabric protects bad "- says MD zav¬kafedroy Human and Animal Physiology of Moscow State University Andrei Kamensky. Black baseball cap absorbs the rays and thus heats up, transferring heat to the head.
TIP: In the heat on the head better to wear something white, reflecting the rays. And if you really want to go out in the sun is in the dark headdress, have to buy a fur cap or hat sheepskin. Long hair has good insulating properties. Tested on shepherds.
5. The smoke is harmful to health (MIF)
When burning wood emits toxic carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide vapors as well as mutagenic and carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. In addition, particulates in the smoke amount is less than 10 microns, and therefore easily penetrates through the protective system of the lungs alveoli. But drastic harm one or two evenings by the fire will not cause.
"Noxious compounds in the smoke from burning wood is much less than, for example, in tobacco smoke" - soothes MD, deputy director of the Institute of Pulmonology, Sergey Avdeev. Besides outdoor concentration of these substances in the air are small.
6. If the place to scratch a mosquito bite, it will itch even stronger (but)
Touching activates the proteins at the site of the bite-messengers of the immune system, and skin irritation is enhanced.
TIP: Freeze the bite, enclosing a jar of cold cola or an ice cube. Lower temperatures slow chemical reactions in the body and inhibits signaling from irritable skin area to the brain. If itching from the bite can not be tolerated, smazh bitten place alcohol camphor alcohol or camphor ointment.
7. EAR exposed to water? Cocked his head and jump in place (MIF)
"The external auditory meatus is tortuous, so water can get stuck in it," - says audiologist, otolaryngologist Scandinavian Health Center Elena Avdienko. Try to straighten the ear canal (not all of course). Cocking his head, massage the tragus (the small hryaschik before opening the external ear canal) or pull up and back ear, holding the cartilage over the lobe. The main thing - do not overdo it. If you tear off the ear, we currently do not forgive.
8. If, sweating in the heat, drink ice beer, sick Angina (TRUE)
Because of cold drinks going hypothermia throat and weaken local immunity, but the man then becomes vulnerable to all the microorganisms that cause diseases of the upper respiratory tract, and not just for a particular infection, responsible for angina, which is rare.
TIP: Cold beer not so good. When you drink ice liquid significantly reduced the sensitivity of taste buds. "Experts recommend tasting the drink, temperature is 10-14˚S" - said Professor of Moscow State University of Food production Dmitry Karpenko. This, of course, a good beer, the taste of which is not necessary to mask the cold.
9. Hot tea quenches thirst BETTER THAN COLD DRINKS (MIF)
And fired tea, lemonade and iced equally well compensate for the lack of fluid in the body. As explained zav¬kafedroy Human and Animal Physiology of Moscow State University Andrei Kamensky adopted in Central Asia in the heat of tea - a tradition associated with the peculiarities of life of local people. For example, in the Karakum Desert nomads simply was not possible to quickly cool boiled (to disinfect) water.
TIP: Hot tea can be drunk in the heat in order to sweat harder, because due to the evaporation of sweat from the skin of a person easier to tolerate the high temperature of the air. However, we should not forget that, together with the sweat you lose moisture, and therefore, after a hot beverage to drink want faster than after a cold soda.
1. If RINSE scratch sea water, it quickly heals (but)
"Scratch it heals faster simply because they do not fester. The sea water due to the high content of salt for disinfection superficial lesions of the skin, "- explains dermatologist Scandinavian Health Center Stepan Oganesov. But only if water is clean - on public beaches there are many different microorganisms and scratches here is better not to wash. And with deep cuts, stab wounds and gunshot wounds water treatments are contraindicated in any waters.
TIP: Wash the scratch clean sea water, starts looking for first-aid kits to treat the damaged area of skin antiseptic and seal the plaster. Prompts - in Russia kits traffic rules must be in all cars.

2. SWIM LESS than half an hour after eating harmful (TRUE)
Gastroenterologist network of clinics "Niarmedik" Anastasia Shikhova advised to refrain from any exercise within an hour after a meal, "Sudden movements can cause reflux - throwing undigested food from one digestive tract to other in the opposite to the natural direction, and it is fraught with not only heartburn, but and inflammation. " In water, the risk of reflux increases, since the person is in a horizontal position.

3. Do not walk in the wet smelting (TRUE)
Wet trunks on the beach in the heat of the special health risks are not. But if going on a cool swim in the evening - immediately dry in disguise. Otherwise, you can pick up a whole bunch of diseases of the genitourinary system. The list of small but impressive: urethritis (inflammation of the urethra), orhoepidimit (inflammation of the testicle and its appendages) and prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate gland).

4. even dark baseball cap fleeing from the solar impact (MIF)
"The dark baseball cap can protect the head only from sunburn. From sunstroke, which is a kind of heat, dark fabric protects bad "- says MD zav¬kafedroy Human and Animal Physiology of Moscow State University Andrei Kamensky. Black baseball cap absorbs the rays and thus heats up, transferring heat to the head.
TIP: In the heat on the head better to wear something white, reflecting the rays. And if you really want to go out in the sun is in the dark headdress, have to buy a fur cap or hat sheepskin. Long hair has good insulating properties. Tested on shepherds.

5. The smoke is harmful to health (MIF)
When burning wood emits toxic carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide vapors as well as mutagenic and carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. In addition, particulates in the smoke amount is less than 10 microns, and therefore easily penetrates through the protective system of the lungs alveoli. But drastic harm one or two evenings by the fire will not cause.
"Noxious compounds in the smoke from burning wood is much less than, for example, in tobacco smoke" - soothes MD, deputy director of the Institute of Pulmonology, Sergey Avdeev. Besides outdoor concentration of these substances in the air are small.

6. If the place to scratch a mosquito bite, it will itch even stronger (but)
Touching activates the proteins at the site of the bite-messengers of the immune system, and skin irritation is enhanced.
TIP: Freeze the bite, enclosing a jar of cold cola or an ice cube. Lower temperatures slow chemical reactions in the body and inhibits signaling from irritable skin area to the brain. If itching from the bite can not be tolerated, smazh bitten place alcohol camphor alcohol or camphor ointment.

7. EAR exposed to water? Cocked his head and jump in place (MIF)
"The external auditory meatus is tortuous, so water can get stuck in it," - says audiologist, otolaryngologist Scandinavian Health Center Elena Avdienko. Try to straighten the ear canal (not all of course). Cocking his head, massage the tragus (the small hryaschik before opening the external ear canal) or pull up and back ear, holding the cartilage over the lobe. The main thing - do not overdo it. If you tear off the ear, we currently do not forgive.

8. If, sweating in the heat, drink ice beer, sick Angina (TRUE)
Because of cold drinks going hypothermia throat and weaken local immunity, but the man then becomes vulnerable to all the microorganisms that cause diseases of the upper respiratory tract, and not just for a particular infection, responsible for angina, which is rare.
TIP: Cold beer not so good. When you drink ice liquid significantly reduced the sensitivity of taste buds. "Experts recommend tasting the drink, temperature is 10-14˚S" - said Professor of Moscow State University of Food production Dmitry Karpenko. This, of course, a good beer, the taste of which is not necessary to mask the cold.

9. Hot tea quenches thirst BETTER THAN COLD DRINKS (MIF)
And fired tea, lemonade and iced equally well compensate for the lack of fluid in the body. As explained zav¬kafedroy Human and Animal Physiology of Moscow State University Andrei Kamensky adopted in Central Asia in the heat of tea - a tradition associated with the peculiarities of life of local people. For example, in the Karakum Desert nomads simply was not possible to quickly cool boiled (to disinfect) water.
TIP: Hot tea can be drunk in the heat in order to sweat harder, because due to the evaporation of sweat from the skin of a person easier to tolerate the high temperature of the air. However, we should not forget that, together with the sweat you lose moisture, and therefore, after a hot beverage to drink want faster than after a cold soda.
