Well ... Trade Khan?
18 photo + slightly letters
In the morning, how to prepare your own breakfast, the phone rang.
-Hey, Mit!
-Hey, Andryush.Chto are you calling so early?
-heard News?
-What ???
-Sobyanin Tonight, all shot in the center of the waist.
-How? For one night ??? They are also thousands!
-And like this! Walk, pofotkat ...
-And How advertisers? There's also a billion dough, consider spinning!
Yes, behold, they say will sue. Yes, all this is to no avail.
And sure enough.
After work, I walk around the center of Moscow.
If only one would be found.
Yes, to hell!
Now panimayu, you walk down the street ...
And the feeling that returned to the USSR.
Eh ...
1. This picture Avenue Sakharov did 2 years ago (1st and 2nd picture made soap):
2.Vot such Tver was over a year ago:
3.Tverskaya yesterday:
4. On Moss Street between playpens and oldest universities:
5.Bolshaya Ordynka. Recently, the situation around the monitor there Kadashey.Na street from the drainage channel and to metro "Tretyakov" hung at least 15-18 extensions. That is kind of the last:
6.Potom drove Sadovuyu.Snimal from Mayakovsky Square (behind the hotel "Beijing»):
7.Dvigayas Sadovaya by trolleybus home I photographed house, which stands on the corner of Orchard and Chernogryazskaya Minor Bronnoy.Vot and photo a week ago (when the monitor Kozihi):
8.A here became yesterday. Work with great haste remove designs:
9.I way around the Garden Ring. With many homes or have already removed the timber with the former advertising or preparing to take off:
10. And so I came to his home here Smolenku.I much has changed for the luchshemu.Zdanie gastronomy "Smolensky" on the ground floor a week ago:
11.Tak was:
12.Zdanie across from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (with byvsh.magazinom "Ruslan") a few days ago:
13.Tak was yesterday:
14.No still have some stretch marks on the area. Looks like his last live chasy.Vid of the area in the direction of the promenade and the Kutuzovsky Prospect:
16.Edinstvenno that left in place stretch - it labels firms that manufacture and install reklamu.Po law they can be removed only through the court:
17. But to be honest, I was not irritated stretching, these exaggerated giant TVs, stumbles anywhere in the historic center, shamelessly disfiguring architectural environment:
18.Hochu through this blog to ask our mayor Sobyanin.
Dear Sergey Semenovich! The fact that you're shooting in the center of the façade advertising and banners - it's just great! My deep you uvazhenie.No you have not addressed the issue of withdrawal of these giant TVs that are annoying, in my opinion, the vast majority of moskvichey.Ne time to deal with this mess?
Posted in [mergetime] 1314704538 [/ mergetime]
But in brief the problems that emerged in connection with the removal of stretch marks, and which I read on the Internet:
Cut the waist began to midnight. The aid workers had the charge of the traffic police to regulate the traffic flow in such a way as not to create traffic jams.
BUT !!!
According to the law "On Advertising" authorities do not have to dismantle their own banners.
However, officials have cut themselves a cloth, leaving all the cables.
Before the rally banners owners promised that once again hang advertisements in the city and sue officials for damages.
We already know that advertising agencies have filed 11 lawsuits against the Department of media and advertising, and one lawsuit against the Moscow city government on the illegality of cancellation of contracts and the ban constrictions.
The first hearing in these cases should take place in September.
Well ... wait-with.
Around to see, "brawl" Amusing and be serious.
After all, billions of bucks at stake.

In the morning, how to prepare your own breakfast, the phone rang.
-Hey, Mit!
-Hey, Andryush.Chto are you calling so early?
-heard News?
-What ???
-Sobyanin Tonight, all shot in the center of the waist.
-How? For one night ??? They are also thousands!
-And like this! Walk, pofotkat ...
-And How advertisers? There's also a billion dough, consider spinning!
Yes, behold, they say will sue. Yes, all this is to no avail.
And sure enough.
After work, I walk around the center of Moscow.
If only one would be found.
Yes, to hell!
Now panimayu, you walk down the street ...
And the feeling that returned to the USSR.
Eh ...
1. This picture Avenue Sakharov did 2 years ago (1st and 2nd picture made soap):

2.Vot such Tver was over a year ago:

3.Tverskaya yesterday:

4. On Moss Street between playpens and oldest universities:

5.Bolshaya Ordynka. Recently, the situation around the monitor there Kadashey.Na street from the drainage channel and to metro "Tretyakov" hung at least 15-18 extensions. That is kind of the last:

6.Potom drove Sadovuyu.Snimal from Mayakovsky Square (behind the hotel "Beijing»):

7.Dvigayas Sadovaya by trolleybus home I photographed house, which stands on the corner of Orchard and Chernogryazskaya Minor Bronnoy.Vot and photo a week ago (when the monitor Kozihi):

8.A here became yesterday. Work with great haste remove designs:

9.I way around the Garden Ring. With many homes or have already removed the timber with the former advertising or preparing to take off:

10. And so I came to his home here Smolenku.I much has changed for the luchshemu.Zdanie gastronomy "Smolensky" on the ground floor a week ago:

11.Tak was:

12.Zdanie across from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (with byvsh.magazinom "Ruslan") a few days ago:

13.Tak was yesterday:

14.No still have some stretch marks on the area. Looks like his last live chasy.Vid of the area in the direction of the promenade and the Kutuzovsky Prospect:


16.Edinstvenno that left in place stretch - it labels firms that manufacture and install reklamu.Po law they can be removed only through the court:

17. But to be honest, I was not irritated stretching, these exaggerated giant TVs, stumbles anywhere in the historic center, shamelessly disfiguring architectural environment:

18.Hochu through this blog to ask our mayor Sobyanin.
Dear Sergey Semenovich! The fact that you're shooting in the center of the façade advertising and banners - it's just great! My deep you uvazhenie.No you have not addressed the issue of withdrawal of these giant TVs that are annoying, in my opinion, the vast majority of moskvichey.Ne time to deal with this mess?
Posted in [mergetime] 1314704538 [/ mergetime]
But in brief the problems that emerged in connection with the removal of stretch marks, and which I read on the Internet:
Cut the waist began to midnight. The aid workers had the charge of the traffic police to regulate the traffic flow in such a way as not to create traffic jams.
BUT !!!
According to the law "On Advertising" authorities do not have to dismantle their own banners.
However, officials have cut themselves a cloth, leaving all the cables.
Before the rally banners owners promised that once again hang advertisements in the city and sue officials for damages.
We already know that advertising agencies have filed 11 lawsuits against the Department of media and advertising, and one lawsuit against the Moscow city government on the illegality of cancellation of contracts and the ban constrictions.
The first hearing in these cases should take place in September.
Well ... wait-with.
Around to see, "brawl" Amusing and be serious.
After all, billions of bucks at stake.
