Dress in the style of Angry Birds
Dress the wife of the founder of the company Rovio, behind popular worldwide game for mobile phones Angry Birds, Peter Vesterbakka, Theia, attracted worldwide attention.
4 photos via yle.fi
Dress made in the style of Angry Birds, noticed even in the newspaper Los Angeles Times.
In microblog Twitter Theia dress Vesterbakka actively commented since yesterday evening. Some admired him, others - criticized.
Dress commented in many blogs dedicated to fashion and games.
In microblog Twitter has become a theme of a holiday in one of the periods of time the fourth most popular in the world.
Game Angry Birds, created Vesterbakka, enjoys great popularity around the world. At the moment the game in the world more than 500 million downloads.
Vesterbakka was among the 100 most influential people in the world in 2011, according to the American magazine Time. In the ranking of the magazine Vesterbakka appeared in a list with these values of our time, as the founder of social networking site Facebook Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Wikileaks, Julian Assange, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and US President Barack Obama.
4 photos via yle.fi

Dress made in the style of Angry Birds, noticed even in the newspaper Los Angeles Times.

In microblog Twitter Theia dress Vesterbakka actively commented since yesterday evening. Some admired him, others - criticized.
Dress commented in many blogs dedicated to fashion and games.
In microblog Twitter has become a theme of a holiday in one of the periods of time the fourth most popular in the world.
Game Angry Birds, created Vesterbakka, enjoys great popularity around the world. At the moment the game in the world more than 500 million downloads.

Vesterbakka was among the 100 most influential people in the world in 2011, according to the American magazine Time. In the ranking of the magazine Vesterbakka appeared in a list with these values of our time, as the founder of social networking site Facebook Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Wikileaks, Julian Assange, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and US President Barack Obama.
