Man nearly killed a bottle of water
This wild story happened on August 6 at about eleven o'clock in the evening. 22-year-old resident of the village Bobrov shitty district Sergei Isakov, together with his grandmother and his mother returned home from Talovaya, which went to negotiate for repairs grandmother an old "Moskvich". We decided to shorten the path and not go on the road, and fields. Before the village Bobrov district Triplets car suddenly stalled - overheated engine. Sergei knew that fifty meters away is a pond, where he was vacationing with friends as a teenager. The boy asked his mother and grandmother in the car to wait for him, and he with an empty plastic bottle went to get water to cool the vehicle. When Sergei bent down to draw water, he felt a violent blow from behind.
- Some guy shouting "Are you for shoving my fish?" Began to beat me with a club, - says Sergey. - I tried to explain that just wanted to get some water, because the machine is in full swing, but he did not hear me and hit her on the head, one after another. At this point, he was joined by another man with a baton and a woman who beat me down. They did not want to listen to me, and only shouted: "We will drown you!»
How long does a brutal beating, the man does not remember. He lost consciousness several times. Then these people, in the words of Man, loaded it in the red "Niva", took to the track and threw. And finally, warned: "If what you say that you were hit by a car».
At this time the mother and grandmother of Sergey already started to worry, because the guy's not coming back. The machine has cooled down by then, and the women went to look for him (driving was my grandmother, who has 40 years of driving experience). At this point, Serge called my mother and said that he was beaten and left on the road. There he was, bleeding, picked up by relatives and taken to hospital.
- Over a bottle of water so disfigured son - crying Ludmila Isakova. - It's not the people, and monsters. But kill could not get over that.
Now Sergey is in Bobrovskaya CRH. The guy closed cranial trauma, an open fracture of the nose, cervical dislocation, numerous bruises.
Sergei told his mother that the people who beat him in a conversation between a man named Sergei, a woman - light. The name of the second man did not remember the man. On the same day afternoon Lyudmila together with a neighbor and her husband went to the pond. There they met Svetlana and Sergei Seleznev, who called themselves the owners of the pond. Later it turned out that the body of water from last year is in their rent for 10 years. However, no labels indicating that a private body of water, there is.
- I immediately realized that it was the very bandits who mutilated her son, - says Lyudmila. - Ask them what they beat the boy. And they answer me: "He is to us climbed into his pocket, he wanted to catch our fish!»
The next day, Sergei and Svetlana arrived in horseradish and offered Isakova Lyudmila "to solve the problem».
- They said that we have three options, - says Lyudmila. - Either our business will deal with the police, but they bought all, or they incite us bandits, or we take 300 thousand and will not complain. I agreed to take the money, because it is necessary for something to cure his son. But the next day, Svetlana called and said that wrote me a statement to the police. Ostensibly I extorted from them a large sum.
Lyudmila understood that more than talk to these people about, and wrote a statement to the police and prosecutor's office. As told to "mine" and. about. Chief OMVD Russia's Gennady Bubnov Bobrovsky District, now the police are checking in the course of which is determined by the severity of the beatings inflicted by Sergei Isakov, and will decide whether to institute criminal proceedings. By the way, Svetlana Selezneva, who announced her of extorting 300 thousand rubles, a criminal case was refused.
This wild story happened on August 6 at about eleven o'clock in the evening. 22-year-old resident of the village Bobrov shitty district Sergei Isakov, together with his grandmother and his mother returned home from Talovaya, which went to negotiate for repairs grandmother an old "Moskvich". We decided to shorten the path and not go on the road, and fields. Before the village Bobrov district Triplets car suddenly stalled - overheated engine. Sergei knew that fifty meters away is a pond, where he was vacationing with friends as a teenager. The boy asked his mother and grandmother in the car to wait for him, and he with an empty plastic bottle went to get water to cool the vehicle. When Sergei bent down to draw water, he felt a violent blow from behind.
- Some guy shouting "Are you for shoving my fish?" Began to beat me with a club, - says Sergey. - I tried to explain that just wanted to get some water, because the machine is in full swing, but he did not hear me and hit her on the head, one after another. At this point, he was joined by another man with a baton and a woman who beat me down. They did not want to listen to me, and only shouted: "We will drown you!»
How long does a brutal beating, the man does not remember. He lost consciousness several times. Then these people, in the words of Man, loaded it in the red "Niva", took to the track and threw. And finally, warned: "If what you say that you were hit by a car».
At this time the mother and grandmother of Sergey already started to worry, because the guy's not coming back. The machine has cooled down by then, and the women went to look for him (driving was my grandmother, who has 40 years of driving experience). At this point, Serge called my mother and said that he was beaten and left on the road. There he was, bleeding, picked up by relatives and taken to hospital.
- Over a bottle of water so disfigured son - crying Ludmila Isakova. - It's not the people, and monsters. But kill could not get over that.
Now Sergey is in Bobrovskaya CRH. The guy closed cranial trauma, an open fracture of the nose, cervical dislocation, numerous bruises.
Sergei told his mother that the people who beat him in a conversation between a man named Sergei, a woman - light. The name of the second man did not remember the man. On the same day afternoon Lyudmila together with a neighbor and her husband went to the pond. There they met Svetlana and Sergei Seleznev, who called themselves the owners of the pond. Later it turned out that the body of water from last year is in their rent for 10 years. However, no labels indicating that a private body of water, there is.
- I immediately realized that it was the very bandits who mutilated her son, - says Lyudmila. - Ask them what they beat the boy. And they answer me: "He is to us climbed into his pocket, he wanted to catch our fish!»
The next day, Sergei and Svetlana arrived in horseradish and offered Isakova Lyudmila "to solve the problem».
- They said that we have three options, - says Lyudmila. - Either our business will deal with the police, but they bought all, or they incite us bandits, or we take 300 thousand and will not complain. I agreed to take the money, because it is necessary for something to cure his son. But the next day, Svetlana called and said that wrote me a statement to the police. Ostensibly I extorted from them a large sum.
Lyudmila understood that more than talk to these people about, and wrote a statement to the police and prosecutor's office. As told to "mine" and. about. Chief OMVD Russia's Gennady Bubnov Bobrovsky District, now the police are checking in the course of which is determined by the severity of the beatings inflicted by Sergei Isakov, and will decide whether to institute criminal proceedings. By the way, Svetlana Selezneva, who announced her of extorting 300 thousand rubles, a criminal case was refused.
