Hell on the early childhood
From time to time I reminded of a story that happened to me in my childhood. Ninety-some years old, I was 13 years old. And the first time I was traveling on a train without a parent with two cousins in the village. We Pawson 3, left to themselves, about the day went to Sverdlovsk. Almost blackjack with whores, but as a child: a beer in a closed compartment, and smoke-free in the vestibule. From now on, decisions were made independently, and not to impose their parents. In a month we became adults, and free people. Who has not dreamed of such a child?
With jokes and rhymes we reached a certain city, even now I do not remember what it was called. Took to the streets to breathe, take a refreshing dip. Smoke, again, for all to see - to show people that we are not maminkiny sons and adults, independent man.
Among the sellers, traders, collectors of bottles and the like folk, the station in small groups roamed the Roma. They did the usual thing for myself - a divorce suckers gullible people for money:
- Gold, diamond, gold-plated pen, to tell fortunes, tell, show, etc.
My brother once their rebuffs, he was older than the two of us for one year and was, like, looking for us. When the gypsies around us a little flock, shouting excitedly, saying, Now lay out the truth, brother face Einstein replied:
- Everything you say, then ... Well, tell me, mother, half-life of cesium!
Roma calmed down and tried to digest the newly received information. My brother went on sadly:
- Do not know, so ... And the third in a row planet from the Sun ?! And I do not know? Eeeh ... And you said that everything lay ...
And Roma lost to us all interest. They evaporated as suddenly as it appeared. I quietly asked his brother, almost in a whisper:
- And a half-life of cesium?
- 30 years. Dozhivёsh to my age, and did not know this. - He said authoritatively.
- And the third in a row planet from the Sun? - I was interested in drawing in the mind of the solar system.
- This one, on which stand ...
15-20 minutes of parking we bother to focus a total of a gypsy camp.
And then comes to me the grandmother of theirs, of the gypsies. While my brothers portrayed Onotole, or, at worst, Alexandra friends, the grandmother took me aside. Looking at my hand, something kept saying, like, right now all recognize myself, grandson ... Considering his hand, she always wondered how a bud could not find the line, as if I was wearing gloves.
Then she took me by the shoulders and looked into my eyes. So deep, piercing eyes ... Have you ever seen how people are moving hair? And I've seen. After 3-4 seconds the game in daylight Babkino face rigid with terror. His gray hair was combed back, and roots in the area of the forehead shevelelilis. In my opinion, it is aged for 20 more years, if not received the sickly discharge current. Her eyes were wild, chilling fear. After 5 seconds, she screamed like a siren. And all eyes were on us - it is something incoherent to speak their language, pointing his finger at me. Her countrymen moved away from us and were baptized, someone in that much - who with his right hand, who left ... And the old woman came to, she turned and gave dёru. Sorry, there was no stopwatch, because it had a good chance to put the record in the 100m. The remains of the camp hobbled behind her, looking anxiously at us.
And I stood there and thought that I could see my grandmother in my eyes? What frightened her so? Babayka? Shaitan? Then, because of their age, it seemed ridiculous. And now, as adults, sometimes I recall the case and again wonder. It's been more than 15 years, is alive and well, pah-pah-pah ... But sometimes the thought creeps in that without some kind of devilry is not done.
Recently, the media, including Internet, overflowing the subject. I do not want to delve into all sorts of debris, I want to read your authoritative opinion on the matter. Maybe you have a website people involved or familiar with divination, mysticism, Freddy Krueger and all such nonsense. Someone fumbles - explain to me, when the end of the world what sinister forces me asleep. Thanks in advance !!!
Instead of an epilogue I want to say the following: This site sit for a couple of years, although recently registered. Specificity motley company has already learned. Especially amusing is that in any matter under discussion, as if in a barrel of honey, a spoon of tar present. Ie if the 99 reviews on the positive, then there appear 100th only one that will take up his head, and say that all morons. And he was, say, 38 years every day is faced with this kind of thing, and it does not matter that the date of birth in the profile - in 1993 ... So, the subsequent picture is quite predictable, but nevertheless, I would like to read reviews seasoned experiences YaPovtsev .
PS In any case, he hid in a bunker, in order to avoid direct exposure to the sleepers and sharp minusov ...
With jokes and rhymes we reached a certain city, even now I do not remember what it was called. Took to the streets to breathe, take a refreshing dip. Smoke, again, for all to see - to show people that we are not maminkiny sons and adults, independent man.
Among the sellers, traders, collectors of bottles and the like folk, the station in small groups roamed the Roma. They did the usual thing for myself - a divorce suckers gullible people for money:
- Gold, diamond, gold-plated pen, to tell fortunes, tell, show, etc.
My brother once their rebuffs, he was older than the two of us for one year and was, like, looking for us. When the gypsies around us a little flock, shouting excitedly, saying, Now lay out the truth, brother face Einstein replied:
- Everything you say, then ... Well, tell me, mother, half-life of cesium!
Roma calmed down and tried to digest the newly received information. My brother went on sadly:
- Do not know, so ... And the third in a row planet from the Sun ?! And I do not know? Eeeh ... And you said that everything lay ...
And Roma lost to us all interest. They evaporated as suddenly as it appeared. I quietly asked his brother, almost in a whisper:
- And a half-life of cesium?
- 30 years. Dozhivёsh to my age, and did not know this. - He said authoritatively.
- And the third in a row planet from the Sun? - I was interested in drawing in the mind of the solar system.
- This one, on which stand ...
15-20 minutes of parking we bother to focus a total of a gypsy camp.
And then comes to me the grandmother of theirs, of the gypsies. While my brothers portrayed Onotole, or, at worst, Alexandra friends, the grandmother took me aside. Looking at my hand, something kept saying, like, right now all recognize myself, grandson ... Considering his hand, she always wondered how a bud could not find the line, as if I was wearing gloves.
Then she took me by the shoulders and looked into my eyes. So deep, piercing eyes ... Have you ever seen how people are moving hair? And I've seen. After 3-4 seconds the game in daylight Babkino face rigid with terror. His gray hair was combed back, and roots in the area of the forehead shevelelilis. In my opinion, it is aged for 20 more years, if not received the sickly discharge current. Her eyes were wild, chilling fear. After 5 seconds, she screamed like a siren. And all eyes were on us - it is something incoherent to speak their language, pointing his finger at me. Her countrymen moved away from us and were baptized, someone in that much - who with his right hand, who left ... And the old woman came to, she turned and gave dёru. Sorry, there was no stopwatch, because it had a good chance to put the record in the 100m. The remains of the camp hobbled behind her, looking anxiously at us.
And I stood there and thought that I could see my grandmother in my eyes? What frightened her so? Babayka? Shaitan? Then, because of their age, it seemed ridiculous. And now, as adults, sometimes I recall the case and again wonder. It's been more than 15 years, is alive and well, pah-pah-pah ... But sometimes the thought creeps in that without some kind of devilry is not done.
Recently, the media, including Internet, overflowing the subject. I do not want to delve into all sorts of debris, I want to read your authoritative opinion on the matter. Maybe you have a website people involved or familiar with divination, mysticism, Freddy Krueger and all such nonsense. Someone fumbles - explain to me, when the end of the world what sinister forces me asleep. Thanks in advance !!!
Instead of an epilogue I want to say the following: This site sit for a couple of years, although recently registered. Specificity motley company has already learned. Especially amusing is that in any matter under discussion, as if in a barrel of honey, a spoon of tar present. Ie if the 99 reviews on the positive, then there appear 100th only one that will take up his head, and say that all morons. And he was, say, 38 years every day is faced with this kind of thing, and it does not matter that the date of birth in the profile - in 1993 ... So, the subsequent picture is quite predictable, but nevertheless, I would like to read reviews seasoned experiences YaPovtsev .
PS In any case, he hid in a bunker, in order to avoid direct exposure to the sleepers and sharp minusov ...
