If there's a hell of a thing going on in your life, maybe it's just a bad apartment room.

Importance of apartment number Or play a part at home. Therefore, every lover of numerology should pay attention to what numbers appear in the room of his home. After all, each number carries a certain energy. And all combinations, according to experts, have a huge impact.

And the patterns work anyway. Therefore, it is better to know in advance what awaits you if you settle in an apartment with a specific room. This is especially important if you are buying an apartment. After all, an unsuccessful number can ruin all plans.

“The only numbers we can’t do anything about are our date of birth.” In all other cases, we have a certain freedom of choice. We can choose an apartment number, we can choose a phone number or even a work office number, says numerologist Maria Kuzmenko.

If a person lives in a private house, he takes into account only the number of the house. If a person lives in an apartment, the number of the house plays a small role, but almost everything depends on the number of the apartment. Moreover, if there is more than one digit in the room, then they are all summed up to get from 1 to 9.

Numerologist notes that if there is a “0” in the room, then this is a bad sign. After all, zero in any case means emptiness and loss. Often the owners of such housing face loneliness, can be left alone at any stage of life.

  1. Housing with room-piece There are more people who are focused on themselves. There is rarely a place for unity and cohesion, everyone lives on their own. Ideal place for selfish people, as well as those who do not want to create a strong family, but aims to build a dizzying career.
  2. Two in the apartment accompanies the creation and development of relationships. Families always live in these apartments. However, there is no need to talk about harmony here, because one of the partners will always doubt his choice or the reliability of the second half. Residents often marry twice in their lives. Therefore, it is quite risky for a young family after the wedding to move to a house or apartment with a two in the room. But for a couple where a husband and wife already have one unsuccessful marriage, such housing will be ideal.

  3. Three turns out to be a very favorable figure in the above key. Here live people who have a good education, are in demand at work. Their future is predictable and cloudless. They know how to build strong relationships. And even if the family breaks up, the apartment number has nothing to do with it. In such a house often live large families. Often people in the house, which is listed under the number 3, provided so well that their housing even outside looks better, stands out. Quality windows and doors, well-kept yard. Even from the street is nice to see.

  4. The ambiguous number 4 attracts straight people who are often preoccupied with material success. Although these residents often have problems with addiction, they often drink. Often, it is strong drinks that become the main source of problems for those who live in an apartment or house under the number 4.
  5. The top five in this case is a very good number. It involves a lot of communication, a lot of travel, a lot of interests. Such people do not sit in one place, constantly meet interesting people. The disadvantage here is that such a diverse life of all family members separates them from each other. It is worth finding more common interests, spending time together more often, so as not to distance yourself completely.

  6. Numerologists call six the number of lovers. Therefore, housing with such a room is not suitable for a quiet and peaceful family life. And this is dangerous only for those families who have officially registered marriage. If a couple lives in a civil marriage, then they are not threatened with a bad influence of the six.
  7. The seven forces people to develop spiritually. Without this, residents will want to change their consciousness with the help of strong drinks or other means. Often regression occurs through dependence on the Internet or computer games. Without spiritual self-knowledge and development, it is unlikely to be possible to live comfortably and happily here.

  8. A heavy figure that forces people to constantly feel responsible and work hard. If a person lives in such a housing incorrectly, if he does not live consciously, he will quickly learn painful lessons. Such an apartment (or house) is not suitable for everyone. But those who stand the test, fate can bring generous gifts.
  9. Nine creates strong male energy around them. Single women who live in such houses get used to doing everything themselves, it is difficult for them to build adequate relationships. In general, energetic people live here, who need to learn how to use their energy correctly, direct it in a productive direction.

Of course, everyone should decide whether to listen to the recommendations of numerologists or not. After all, many people believe that happiness is not in numbers, but in each of us. You can live happily without depending on numbers.

What do you think of that? How accurately do numerologists describe your home?


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