Interestingly, while all of these 4x4
Let's go for a walk with Lyokha bezdoru Montero. Well, there are forests, fields, things like that ... And the rain was on the other day. In general, sooner or later, finally stuck. In the woods. Near, 15 kilometers from the city. Porylis-porylis useless. Call a friend. Niva arrived with a winch. We traveled very confidently, and ... stuck. But man is not upset, but on the contrary, lively, happy.
Next chronicle of what is happening:
16-00. We're stuck
17-30 Arrived field, too, we got stuck on 20 meters ...
18-30. UAZ came with winch and rack for 33 wheels. We took out, reached for Niwa, buried within us at 10 meters.
Commercial Break, everyone is happy, everyone is happy, and nivovod uazovod call friends and happily report that has been started unscheduled pokatushki. I am somewhat puzzled by what is happening.
19-50. 2 vedrovera, one Defender, another field, shnivy, more UAZ. Three more boys dopom to Lyokha, everyone is happy, smeared with impunity, chirping and get underfoot, throw cones. Two girlfriends fighting with vedrovera and shnivy fried skewers, cut vegetables, and now in the package rattled invitingly vodovka ...
22-00. All moderately screwy, fun, happy about UAZ firmly seated Discovery shnivy on the go, but is blocked between the second and UAZ UAZ (it was in stock and sat down in my place). Children in shorts and with someone planshetnikov in Monterey spread the trunk and fun, except for the small, six years who sleeps in my father's Defender.
Last toast to my off-road talent, for people with no talent to sink (almost) Monterey so far would not have slipped. This vodka and brandy in my flask ended.
01-20 Someone's mom Defender went to the nearest locality for more vodka, meat for a shish kebab and brandy. The six-year shift (thrown right into the sleeping bag) in Monterey 10-12 Lethke.
02-00. Mom returned to Defender. During her absence from boredom dragged Discovery, and again put almost the same place.
04-00. Comes gas 66. Obkladyvayut all huyami such bastards, bastards tihushnik and why without it. Its comfort, poured, beaten face))), remove the Discovery, UAZ stock, produce shnivy, which sits on the Discovery place, it is removed again, just poddёrgivayut prepared UAZ and Niva finally removed first.
05-00 None of what home is not out of the question, interrogate me, which was traveling removed navigators, eats and vodka cognac, vysnyaetsya. that is the point abruptly, but my point is, garbage, there can pass on the Oka, and each knows the shortest route (all different), and the route ...
pereprakladyvaetsya Before driving a hefty beard wants to shift his child to his car. On his wife's exhortations, they say, do not touch them there, let them sleep confidently replies: Yes, I always find her. Deftly missing his child by one leg and one arm and pulls out of the trunk. This arm and leg are two different children, with the two-not his. Cautious pushes listlessly stirring the boys back, like "nuihnahuy, let them lie" ... Well, neighing, of course, so for this it is necessary to drink!
05-40. Come on. In the trunk fitters flounder on hummocks sleepy children entangled in the sleeping bags, the hands and feet ...
10-00. Point taken, Nightcrawlers on the asphalt and parting. All warmly thank me (????), type, thanks, dude, what are you done, how fucking that you have pulled out of the city (quite seriously!), I am grateful that dragged. Leaving their homes friends, warmly The Next vyhi.
So the question is: was Che?
Next chronicle of what is happening:
16-00. We're stuck
17-30 Arrived field, too, we got stuck on 20 meters ...
18-30. UAZ came with winch and rack for 33 wheels. We took out, reached for Niwa, buried within us at 10 meters.
Commercial Break, everyone is happy, everyone is happy, and nivovod uazovod call friends and happily report that has been started unscheduled pokatushki. I am somewhat puzzled by what is happening.
19-50. 2 vedrovera, one Defender, another field, shnivy, more UAZ. Three more boys dopom to Lyokha, everyone is happy, smeared with impunity, chirping and get underfoot, throw cones. Two girlfriends fighting with vedrovera and shnivy fried skewers, cut vegetables, and now in the package rattled invitingly vodovka ...
22-00. All moderately screwy, fun, happy about UAZ firmly seated Discovery shnivy on the go, but is blocked between the second and UAZ UAZ (it was in stock and sat down in my place). Children in shorts and with someone planshetnikov in Monterey spread the trunk and fun, except for the small, six years who sleeps in my father's Defender.
Last toast to my off-road talent, for people with no talent to sink (almost) Monterey so far would not have slipped. This vodka and brandy in my flask ended.
01-20 Someone's mom Defender went to the nearest locality for more vodka, meat for a shish kebab and brandy. The six-year shift (thrown right into the sleeping bag) in Monterey 10-12 Lethke.
02-00. Mom returned to Defender. During her absence from boredom dragged Discovery, and again put almost the same place.
04-00. Comes gas 66. Obkladyvayut all huyami such bastards, bastards tihushnik and why without it. Its comfort, poured, beaten face))), remove the Discovery, UAZ stock, produce shnivy, which sits on the Discovery place, it is removed again, just poddёrgivayut prepared UAZ and Niva finally removed first.
05-00 None of what home is not out of the question, interrogate me, which was traveling removed navigators, eats and vodka cognac, vysnyaetsya. that is the point abruptly, but my point is, garbage, there can pass on the Oka, and each knows the shortest route (all different), and the route ...
pereprakladyvaetsya Before driving a hefty beard wants to shift his child to his car. On his wife's exhortations, they say, do not touch them there, let them sleep confidently replies: Yes, I always find her. Deftly missing his child by one leg and one arm and pulls out of the trunk. This arm and leg are two different children, with the two-not his. Cautious pushes listlessly stirring the boys back, like "nuihnahuy, let them lie" ... Well, neighing, of course, so for this it is necessary to drink!
05-40. Come on. In the trunk fitters flounder on hummocks sleepy children entangled in the sleeping bags, the hands and feet ...
10-00. Point taken, Nightcrawlers on the asphalt and parting. All warmly thank me (????), type, thanks, dude, what are you done, how fucking that you have pulled out of the city (quite seriously!), I am grateful that dragged. Leaving their homes friends, warmly The Next vyhi.
So the question is: was Che?
