Terrible Sexual History
This nightmarish story is with the sister of my wife when she was little innocent girl. She once walked with her friends on a large beautiful park and ran away behind a bush popudrit currently spout. Suddenly a man stepped behind a bush in a wide coat, opened it, and there ... and there you would not believe, was the most real penis!
Good girl at the sight would be very grown ugly, she would have then had unsuccessfully treated at the psychotherapist and her whole future life would have been a shocking event that has a break.
But my wife's sister was a bad girl, the real jade. She cried out: "Hey, girls! Go here to see the idiot! ". Muschinko pale, her coat and ran back home.
Behind him in the park ran girls bows, ribbons and pink dresses and shouted: "Hey, wait! We also want to see! Bugsy, listen, whoa! ».
Warm summer sun gently smiling girl in heaven, and my heart was good, good, light and joy ...
via cool-polar-fox
Good girl at the sight would be very grown ugly, she would have then had unsuccessfully treated at the psychotherapist and her whole future life would have been a shocking event that has a break.
But my wife's sister was a bad girl, the real jade. She cried out: "Hey, girls! Go here to see the idiot! ". Muschinko pale, her coat and ran back home.
Behind him in the park ran girls bows, ribbons and pink dresses and shouted: "Hey, wait! We also want to see! Bugsy, listen, whoa! ».
Warm summer sun gently smiling girl in heaven, and my heart was good, good, light and joy ...
via cool-polar-fox
