The dog shelter in the booth stray cat
The dog named Rogue let live to his booth cat that owners thrown into the street, bought a thoroughbred kitten instead.
Seven-month cat Lucy, my whole life live in warm cozy house in a village near Moscow Verbilki, suddenly find themselves homeless - in its place bought a thoroughbred kitten and former darling put out the door.
Severe frosts December Lucy did not survive would not come to her rescue a neighbor's dog named Rogue, sheltered cat in his booth.
- This is her first winter on the streets - says correspondent Alina Plotnikov, the sister of the owner good-natured dog. - Who Lucy escapes from the cold in a neighbor with a dog cage. But we pytaemcya find her owner, who would take her to the family.
Meanwhile, Lucy can not forget their old masters: coming to their house, jumps on the window sill and waiting will not be allowed if its inside.
- But she was on the very spot kitten - continues Alina. - These "wonderful" home drive on the street of his former pupil, when they appeared in the house of Lucy.
But Rogue dog showed himself in this story a real gentleman, to which it, however, binds origins: its breed - English piebald hound.
- It is very good in itself, - says Alina. - Good to all concerns and Lucy took just under his wing.
Rogue said its owner, Denis, her husband's sister Aline. He witnessed the budding relationship like cats and dogs.
- Lucy first came to the cage and climbed under it - told us Dennis. - Then it has grown bolder and began to enter the booth to the robbers. That when she saw inside, I went in front. Because of its intellegentnye. Though he is a hunting dog, but cats do not hunt.
To robbers and Luce was more convenient to live together, Denis built cat mini-booth, which insulate his wool sweater. There's Lucy and escaped from twenty below. But no matter how good the relationship of cats and dogs, Luce need a real master. Still, it is a home kitten in the street which is very difficult.
- We are very excited about Lucy families - appeals to readers of Alina. - It would be a real Christmas tale.
Issue Life News, in turn, promises to associate with Alina everyone to take in your house cat Lucy.
Source - lifenews
Seven-month cat Lucy, my whole life live in warm cozy house in a village near Moscow Verbilki, suddenly find themselves homeless - in its place bought a thoroughbred kitten and former darling put out the door.
Severe frosts December Lucy did not survive would not come to her rescue a neighbor's dog named Rogue, sheltered cat in his booth.
- This is her first winter on the streets - says correspondent Alina Plotnikov, the sister of the owner good-natured dog. - Who Lucy escapes from the cold in a neighbor with a dog cage. But we pytaemcya find her owner, who would take her to the family.
Meanwhile, Lucy can not forget their old masters: coming to their house, jumps on the window sill and waiting will not be allowed if its inside.

- But she was on the very spot kitten - continues Alina. - These "wonderful" home drive on the street of his former pupil, when they appeared in the house of Lucy.
But Rogue dog showed himself in this story a real gentleman, to which it, however, binds origins: its breed - English piebald hound.
- It is very good in itself, - says Alina. - Good to all concerns and Lucy took just under his wing.
Rogue said its owner, Denis, her husband's sister Aline. He witnessed the budding relationship like cats and dogs.
- Lucy first came to the cage and climbed under it - told us Dennis. - Then it has grown bolder and began to enter the booth to the robbers. That when she saw inside, I went in front. Because of its intellegentnye. Though he is a hunting dog, but cats do not hunt.
To robbers and Luce was more convenient to live together, Denis built cat mini-booth, which insulate his wool sweater. There's Lucy and escaped from twenty below. But no matter how good the relationship of cats and dogs, Luce need a real master. Still, it is a home kitten in the street which is very difficult.
- We are very excited about Lucy families - appeals to readers of Alina. - It would be a real Christmas tale.
Issue Life News, in turn, promises to associate with Alina everyone to take in your house cat Lucy.
Source - lifenews