How this is done in America
My American friend soundly drunk, and fell. Violations were recorded and the court sentenced him. Punishment and sophisticated, and the American concrete.
No, he went to prison, he had no right away.
He was awarded a year ... to blow into a tube.
That this device.
Tube white is at the top of the device. With this machine the tube turns into your enemy, and at your expense.
So, my friend was sent to a special agency that is collaborating with the police. There has been installed inside the machine control unit and the cabin in the coiled telephone wire was removed this thing.
The device is not sold, only given in liznig. Month using it costs about $ 100, which includes installation, but if you lose the device or in a rage grohnesh the wall, then you pay the full cost - $ 1,200.
The device is made in Germany and created his apparently direct descendants esesovstsev that in some sinister bunker gave the word to avenge the defeat in the last war, the whole of humanity.
Effective this revenge follows:
Before you start the car you have to breathe in a white tip.
But to clarify - not just to breathe.
You press a button on the side and the device shows the willingness to take your breath questionable freshness.
Then you have to make a deep breath and very gently blow into the device, which then emits a nasty squeak, indicating that the pressure is sufficient breathing. Breathe accounts for about ten seconds, because there is no capacity in the device, which means you do not inflate it like a balloon. However, this thing makes you breathe for a long time, to breath came out of all of your depth - because you can not have a drink right now, is not it?
Next gizmo emits another beep otherwise - this means that the breath is sufficient. And you immediately have to make a short breath - thereby you close the inlet valve to the tube no foreign air from the cabin or the street.
Then about five seconds you hate looking at the small screen and two small light bulbs. If the lights green, you can start the car. If the red, the machine will be locked and all retry dyhnut will be available in an hour.
Of course, hard drinking in the restaurant, you can ask some of your faithful friend to breathe into the phone for you.
But as soon as you drive off from the pub in the next five minutes, the instrument beeps again and will require clarification - so who is behind the wheel. And again it would have to breathe right while driving.
Further, if you do not never jammed the motor and keep moving, this infernal machine controlling you once an hour - is to check to see whether you uncork a bottle while driving. But the time for control within the hour she chooses itself - this can be in the tenth minute, and can be on the forty-fifth.
But what happens if you still drink and the instrument you caught?
Everything is thought out: the machine will not stop, because you can at this time to be somewhere in a tunnel or on a bridge. It will continue normal movement, but immediately begin flashing all the lights and the lights and the horn will honk intermittently desperate - everyone should see that the car goes with which something is not right. And you will be forced to immediately stop nearby, so go for the impossible, and the police can be seen.
But that's not all. If within three months of the instrument or five times gave you the stage of intoxication, it can even lock the car and you have to call service to unlock it. The instrument warns you in advance that you bjaka and that his kindness in this month is already at the limit. To give you a chance to nullify these five attempts, it offers you to call for service and calibrate the instrument. This procedure involves and reset. But if regular calibration free, something extraordinary exclusively for the extra money - that is, a kind of fine.
Counts still the most hidden system unit. He's like an airplane black box records the date and time when you blew up, and the result is drunk or sober testimony lifestyle behind the wheel. Interestingly, these data are not transmitted to the police.
That's how my friend is living with the Breathalyzers. For six months he lived, but another six months suffer.
About suffering here in question is not in vain, because in addition to all this a permanent procedure, there are side issues.
For example, when it is cold, it has to be repeated several times the initial ritual because when you breathe into the device before, the steam from the breath turns to ice that blocks the analyzer and the device shows that you do not breathe in it. So you have to make several attempts before the machine actually "feel" your breath. In addition, if the unit is somehow "does not understand" your breath, or you blew strongly enough or not so gently, it requires to breathe again. From this my friend, quite naturally, dizzy and he "cursed the day when he sat behind the wheel ..." Well, and so on.
It is clear that Russian craftsmen in America right there goal as this device to cheat.
But the assumption that there "that Russian is good, the German death" has not been confirmed, because the game is not worth the candle.
Doing some "pump device", which should mimic your breath pointless - too hard.
Planting close friend to breathe instead of you? But where will you find this friend at 7 am, when you go from home to work? Yes, and how to teach a friend to breathe correctly, if you yourself do not always work?
In short, my friend, "hit"!
And together, this American-German "mockery" works without violating your civil rights and punishing only for what you are guilty.
And really - if you take a driver's license in America, where the machines can not, you can not go to work. You may be out of this expel and you sit on the neck of the state - on the dole.
Therefore, the main purpose of punishment - to check that you are sober behind the wheel, and painful procedure test discourage you from driving drunk in the future.
That is, you will be punished only for what offended. And at your expense.
That's what we do not like the damned amerikosov! ..))
My American friend soundly drunk, and fell. Violations were recorded and the court sentenced him. Punishment and sophisticated, and the American concrete.
No, he went to prison, he had no right away.
He was awarded a year ... to blow into a tube.
That this device.

Tube white is at the top of the device. With this machine the tube turns into your enemy, and at your expense.
So, my friend was sent to a special agency that is collaborating with the police. There has been installed inside the machine control unit and the cabin in the coiled telephone wire was removed this thing.
The device is not sold, only given in liznig. Month using it costs about $ 100, which includes installation, but if you lose the device or in a rage grohnesh the wall, then you pay the full cost - $ 1,200.
The device is made in Germany and created his apparently direct descendants esesovstsev that in some sinister bunker gave the word to avenge the defeat in the last war, the whole of humanity.
Effective this revenge follows:
Before you start the car you have to breathe in a white tip.
But to clarify - not just to breathe.
You press a button on the side and the device shows the willingness to take your breath questionable freshness.
Then you have to make a deep breath and very gently blow into the device, which then emits a nasty squeak, indicating that the pressure is sufficient breathing. Breathe accounts for about ten seconds, because there is no capacity in the device, which means you do not inflate it like a balloon. However, this thing makes you breathe for a long time, to breath came out of all of your depth - because you can not have a drink right now, is not it?
Next gizmo emits another beep otherwise - this means that the breath is sufficient. And you immediately have to make a short breath - thereby you close the inlet valve to the tube no foreign air from the cabin or the street.
Then about five seconds you hate looking at the small screen and two small light bulbs. If the lights green, you can start the car. If the red, the machine will be locked and all retry dyhnut will be available in an hour.
Of course, hard drinking in the restaurant, you can ask some of your faithful friend to breathe into the phone for you.
But as soon as you drive off from the pub in the next five minutes, the instrument beeps again and will require clarification - so who is behind the wheel. And again it would have to breathe right while driving.
Further, if you do not never jammed the motor and keep moving, this infernal machine controlling you once an hour - is to check to see whether you uncork a bottle while driving. But the time for control within the hour she chooses itself - this can be in the tenth minute, and can be on the forty-fifth.
But what happens if you still drink and the instrument you caught?
Everything is thought out: the machine will not stop, because you can at this time to be somewhere in a tunnel or on a bridge. It will continue normal movement, but immediately begin flashing all the lights and the lights and the horn will honk intermittently desperate - everyone should see that the car goes with which something is not right. And you will be forced to immediately stop nearby, so go for the impossible, and the police can be seen.
But that's not all. If within three months of the instrument or five times gave you the stage of intoxication, it can even lock the car and you have to call service to unlock it. The instrument warns you in advance that you bjaka and that his kindness in this month is already at the limit. To give you a chance to nullify these five attempts, it offers you to call for service and calibrate the instrument. This procedure involves and reset. But if regular calibration free, something extraordinary exclusively for the extra money - that is, a kind of fine.
Counts still the most hidden system unit. He's like an airplane black box records the date and time when you blew up, and the result is drunk or sober testimony lifestyle behind the wheel. Interestingly, these data are not transmitted to the police.
That's how my friend is living with the Breathalyzers. For six months he lived, but another six months suffer.
About suffering here in question is not in vain, because in addition to all this a permanent procedure, there are side issues.
For example, when it is cold, it has to be repeated several times the initial ritual because when you breathe into the device before, the steam from the breath turns to ice that blocks the analyzer and the device shows that you do not breathe in it. So you have to make several attempts before the machine actually "feel" your breath. In addition, if the unit is somehow "does not understand" your breath, or you blew strongly enough or not so gently, it requires to breathe again. From this my friend, quite naturally, dizzy and he "cursed the day when he sat behind the wheel ..." Well, and so on.
It is clear that Russian craftsmen in America right there goal as this device to cheat.
But the assumption that there "that Russian is good, the German death" has not been confirmed, because the game is not worth the candle.
Doing some "pump device", which should mimic your breath pointless - too hard.
Planting close friend to breathe instead of you? But where will you find this friend at 7 am, when you go from home to work? Yes, and how to teach a friend to breathe correctly, if you yourself do not always work?
In short, my friend, "hit"!
And together, this American-German "mockery" works without violating your civil rights and punishing only for what you are guilty.
And really - if you take a driver's license in America, where the machines can not, you can not go to work. You may be out of this expel and you sit on the neck of the state - on the dole.
Therefore, the main purpose of punishment - to check that you are sober behind the wheel, and painful procedure test discourage you from driving drunk in the future.
That is, you will be punished only for what offended. And at your expense.
That's what we do not like the damned amerikosov! ..))