"The Matrix." About the special effects, risks and talents
The first part of the "Matrix" trilogy came out almost 15 years ago. Also in 1999, a Livejournal, the world population reached 6 billion people, the band Nightwish wrote dedicated solar eclipse song Sleeping Sun, Mika Hakkinen was the last time won the title of "Formula 1", the brothers Larry and Andrew Wachowski vengeance to conquer Hollywood, and the company Nokia phone perfectly propiarit 8110.
In the XXI century "cozy zhezheshechka" slowly die off, humans have bred up to 7 billion and not rest on their laurels, Tarja Turunen left Nightwish, the famous Finnish driver retired from racing, Larry Wachowski had transformed into Lana Wachowski, and the Nokia 8110 has become a legend and remains its due "Matrix". The film was still the Wachowski brothers rightly called a true cultural phenomenon. He still looks like a very modern cinema, and it seems that the tape came out recently.
We will not delve into Unclear interpretations of the ancient philosophers, the many cultural references and kinomanskih ciphers Wachowski. Instead, we look at how the director managed to remove almost perfect from a technical point of view the film.
Money talks much
"Matrix" - another vivid example of the fact that the legendary film becomes due diligence and talents of the members of the crew, not the special effects, or just one big name in the credits. That diligence with which the young brothers Wachowski came to the creation of his masterpiece, reminiscent of perseverance and thoroughness of James Cameron during the filming of the first two "Terminator".
And be sure to take the risk. Without it, the "Matrix" did not come to light. After all, originally Hollywood bosses trusted Wachowski only $ 10 million in the creation of the film, the script of which very few people understand (old Sean Connery was offered the role of Morpheus, and explained his refusal, saying that did not understand a damn thing in this story). $ 10 million - is not just a little, it is criminal, is negligible for a picture of this magnitude. At Andrew and Larry had two options: to remove the money to a fantastic standard boevichok class «B», which no one would have thought when leaving the theater, or risk. They chose the latter.
Almost all of the original budget of "The Matrix" Polish-American adventurers spent on the very first episode of the escape character Carrie-Anne Moss by police and Alerts led by Hugo Weaving. After that, the Wachowski left biting their nails and pray that impressed studio executives passage, saw the potential of the picture and yet allocated the normal amount.
As you may have guessed, bigbossam liking covered with latex Trinity, to perform somersaults over the rooftops. In addition, there was an additional $ 50 million, and the brothers were able to breathe freely. Of course, this is not the almost $ 100 million, for which they expected, but it is now for the future of "The Matrix" could not worry. Moreover, Hollywood has always knew how and what you can save. Despite the fact that the plot of the main action taking place ribbon in the US survey conducted in Australia.
Green Continent, however, gave the Yankees a few surprises. It turned out that Australia is not suitable for outdoor pictures slum - not just in the cities were dark damp corners with rusty garbage cans, beating from underground steam and crunchy underfoot debris. We had to make decorations.
Once the whole group was almost thrown out of the country for a kangaroo shooting a scene with a helicopter on a rope which hung Neo and Morpheus. "Helicopter" lifted into the air without the consent of the authorities, who have rebelled terribly violation of the law on the prohibition of private flights without the required permits. Six months of negotiations and ennaya amount enriched Australian treasury, have done their job: the laws have changed the needs of the Wachowski brothers, so that the scene with the helicopter still removed.
Cadres decide everything
All engaged in the "Matrix" actors worked selflessly. Believe me, it's not just high-sounding words. Almost all of the action scenes in the film are not fulfilled, or stunt karate and glavgeroya. Before filming began, back in 1997-1998, involved in the fighting scenes celebrities to sweat honed movements in martial arts.
To teach the actors to fight after long persuasion took the famous Chinese director militants Yuen Woo-Ping. By Keanu Reeves, Carrie-Anne Moss, Hugo Weaving and Laurence Fishburne placed a "prescription" Chinese coaches, who for months taught the actors the art of kung fu.
The result exceeded all expectations: It did not take either doubles or stuntmen, no nefarious methods such as simplification of the script. Actors are fighting as if this half a lifetime to earn their bread with caviar.
In the most spectacular scenes of fights it was not without special cables. Hitching them glavgeroya can run on the walls and just jump on a couple of meters tall, managing cuffs give scoundrels. The main thing with this - to look as natural as possible and at ease, and filmmakers have long cables get the hand to "wash" on the computer.
Posted in [mergetime] 1368001890 [/ mergetime]
By the way, the most difficult episode of all, without exception, the participants called the shooting a fight scene with Neo and Agent Smith in the subway. It spent several weeks in a "basket" left hundreds of failed takes, independently perform all the tricks actors terribly tired. But it turned extremely spectacular.
Remember one of the opening scenes, in which glavgeroy, while still being simple clerk's office, not the savior of mankind, runs away from the "men in black" through the maze of tables and chairs? Then Keanu Reeves gets out of the window and on the roof trying to escape. The actor is not afraid of heights and actually filmed at high altitude at one of the office buildings.
Just how full cast Wachowski used resource, says the episode in which Neo enters the Matrix simulation. People scurry past him, many of which are similar to each other. Brotherhood directors do not become wiser and collected several pairs of twins.
Actor merits in "The Matrix" are undeniable, but for many the film became a milestone in the development of the craft of visual effects.
A new level of special effects
Maybe in a hundred years of the "Matrix" and does not remember, but in the textbooks on cinematography certainly will long to describe the scene with delayed passage of time and the flight of bullets. No, this is not the Wachowski came up with a "chip", but they brought it to perfection and had a manageable impact on the film industry. It's no joke - a couple of years after the release of "The Matrix" effect with bullets flying by slowly appeared in more than two dozen films.
In fact, to shoot such episodes is not too difficult if there is a suitable technique. With bullets - the easiest. They simply dorisovyvali on the computer after the completion of filming. But to create the effect of "fly-around" fixed object it took a few dozen cameras. First, they wanted to do a cheap trick. For example, while the filmmakers were trying to recreate the desired effect with the help of fast moving on special tracks around the actors trolley with a fixed camera on it. It did not work: the trolley broke down one after the other, and the result was far from ideal sought by the Wachowski.
I had to resort to using technology. To create a special effect on the trajectory of the "flight" have established dozens of cameras that were shooting at the same time the right time (for example, Trinity jump). In fact, we are talking about each shot multiple cameras arranged in a circle. Then, it was enough "glue" produced at different camera footage, and the effect of frozen time is ready! If necessary, the object to slightly move in the frame, the camera was not removed at the same time, and with a lag of one another. It remains to apply the appropriate background, and the episode can be inserted into a movie.
Soon after, slowly drifting in the air of bullets followed by another iconic scene, or rather, a few episodes of the helicopter. The moment when Neo sniper shooting room in which kept captive Morpheus, was shot in the pavilion. Keanu Reeves was seated in specially for the occasion simulated helicopter cockpit, suspended on cables. But the actor was shooting almost really, only plants with blank cartridges.
The collision with the helicopter skyscraper filmed using layouts. One of them came for the high-rise, and the second was a copy of "rotorcraft" on a smaller scale. Then, 14 years ago, all impressed with the effect of "glass wave" coming from a skyscraper when it crashed helicopter. Larry and Andrew were literally obsessed with the idea to remove this wave, and wanted to use natural materials. Directed ditched a few weeks out to reproduce this effect, but nothing worked. I had to go to computer technology. In the final version agreed on the following order of shooting: first mock helicopter contact with the layout of the building, then the latter for effect explode Brake force indicators, then it is taken for the master computer. Reflecting in the windows of the city panorama superimposed later.
For one of the most complex and memorable episodes include a skirmish in the lobby of the skyscraper. Armed to the teeth with Neo and Trinity spread to the nines columns, run on the walls and smartly shoot any innocent virtual commandos. To the actors feel at ease, they handed casts light weapons, weighing only 200-300 However, the scene had to retake two dozen times, fully restoring the destroyed pyrotechnical props. This is the price a flawless frame sought by the Wachowski.
Posted in [mergetime] 1368002183 [/ mergetime]
The brothers managed to make incredible - for $ 60 million with a small (in this case 20% of the budget was spent on special effects) to make a film, caressed by critics, welcomed by the audience and in a short time has become a cult classic. Time brutal inflated Terminators passed, an era of cinematic cyberpunk and adynamic glavgeroev in fashionable sunglasses.

In the XXI century "cozy zhezheshechka" slowly die off, humans have bred up to 7 billion and not rest on their laurels, Tarja Turunen left Nightwish, the famous Finnish driver retired from racing, Larry Wachowski had transformed into Lana Wachowski, and the Nokia 8110 has become a legend and remains its due "Matrix". The film was still the Wachowski brothers rightly called a true cultural phenomenon. He still looks like a very modern cinema, and it seems that the tape came out recently.

We will not delve into Unclear interpretations of the ancient philosophers, the many cultural references and kinomanskih ciphers Wachowski. Instead, we look at how the director managed to remove almost perfect from a technical point of view the film.
Money talks much
"Matrix" - another vivid example of the fact that the legendary film becomes due diligence and talents of the members of the crew, not the special effects, or just one big name in the credits. That diligence with which the young brothers Wachowski came to the creation of his masterpiece, reminiscent of perseverance and thoroughness of James Cameron during the filming of the first two "Terminator".

And be sure to take the risk. Without it, the "Matrix" did not come to light. After all, originally Hollywood bosses trusted Wachowski only $ 10 million in the creation of the film, the script of which very few people understand (old Sean Connery was offered the role of Morpheus, and explained his refusal, saying that did not understand a damn thing in this story). $ 10 million - is not just a little, it is criminal, is negligible for a picture of this magnitude. At Andrew and Larry had two options: to remove the money to a fantastic standard boevichok class «B», which no one would have thought when leaving the theater, or risk. They chose the latter.
Almost all of the original budget of "The Matrix" Polish-American adventurers spent on the very first episode of the escape character Carrie-Anne Moss by police and Alerts led by Hugo Weaving. After that, the Wachowski left biting their nails and pray that impressed studio executives passage, saw the potential of the picture and yet allocated the normal amount.

As you may have guessed, bigbossam liking covered with latex Trinity, to perform somersaults over the rooftops. In addition, there was an additional $ 50 million, and the brothers were able to breathe freely. Of course, this is not the almost $ 100 million, for which they expected, but it is now for the future of "The Matrix" could not worry. Moreover, Hollywood has always knew how and what you can save. Despite the fact that the plot of the main action taking place ribbon in the US survey conducted in Australia.
Green Continent, however, gave the Yankees a few surprises. It turned out that Australia is not suitable for outdoor pictures slum - not just in the cities were dark damp corners with rusty garbage cans, beating from underground steam and crunchy underfoot debris. We had to make decorations.

Once the whole group was almost thrown out of the country for a kangaroo shooting a scene with a helicopter on a rope which hung Neo and Morpheus. "Helicopter" lifted into the air without the consent of the authorities, who have rebelled terribly violation of the law on the prohibition of private flights without the required permits. Six months of negotiations and ennaya amount enriched Australian treasury, have done their job: the laws have changed the needs of the Wachowski brothers, so that the scene with the helicopter still removed.
Cadres decide everything
All engaged in the "Matrix" actors worked selflessly. Believe me, it's not just high-sounding words. Almost all of the action scenes in the film are not fulfilled, or stunt karate and glavgeroya. Before filming began, back in 1997-1998, involved in the fighting scenes celebrities to sweat honed movements in martial arts.
To teach the actors to fight after long persuasion took the famous Chinese director militants Yuen Woo-Ping. By Keanu Reeves, Carrie-Anne Moss, Hugo Weaving and Laurence Fishburne placed a "prescription" Chinese coaches, who for months taught the actors the art of kung fu.

The result exceeded all expectations: It did not take either doubles or stuntmen, no nefarious methods such as simplification of the script. Actors are fighting as if this half a lifetime to earn their bread with caviar.
In the most spectacular scenes of fights it was not without special cables. Hitching them glavgeroya can run on the walls and just jump on a couple of meters tall, managing cuffs give scoundrels. The main thing with this - to look as natural as possible and at ease, and filmmakers have long cables get the hand to "wash" on the computer.
Posted in [mergetime] 1368001890 [/ mergetime]
By the way, the most difficult episode of all, without exception, the participants called the shooting a fight scene with Neo and Agent Smith in the subway. It spent several weeks in a "basket" left hundreds of failed takes, independently perform all the tricks actors terribly tired. But it turned extremely spectacular.

Remember one of the opening scenes, in which glavgeroy, while still being simple clerk's office, not the savior of mankind, runs away from the "men in black" through the maze of tables and chairs? Then Keanu Reeves gets out of the window and on the roof trying to escape. The actor is not afraid of heights and actually filmed at high altitude at one of the office buildings.


Just how full cast Wachowski used resource, says the episode in which Neo enters the Matrix simulation. People scurry past him, many of which are similar to each other. Brotherhood directors do not become wiser and collected several pairs of twins.


Actor merits in "The Matrix" are undeniable, but for many the film became a milestone in the development of the craft of visual effects.
A new level of special effects
Maybe in a hundred years of the "Matrix" and does not remember, but in the textbooks on cinematography certainly will long to describe the scene with delayed passage of time and the flight of bullets. No, this is not the Wachowski came up with a "chip", but they brought it to perfection and had a manageable impact on the film industry. It's no joke - a couple of years after the release of "The Matrix" effect with bullets flying by slowly appeared in more than two dozen films.


In fact, to shoot such episodes is not too difficult if there is a suitable technique. With bullets - the easiest. They simply dorisovyvali on the computer after the completion of filming. But to create the effect of "fly-around" fixed object it took a few dozen cameras. First, they wanted to do a cheap trick. For example, while the filmmakers were trying to recreate the desired effect with the help of fast moving on special tracks around the actors trolley with a fixed camera on it. It did not work: the trolley broke down one after the other, and the result was far from ideal sought by the Wachowski.



I had to resort to using technology. To create a special effect on the trajectory of the "flight" have established dozens of cameras that were shooting at the same time the right time (for example, Trinity jump). In fact, we are talking about each shot multiple cameras arranged in a circle. Then, it was enough "glue" produced at different camera footage, and the effect of frozen time is ready! If necessary, the object to slightly move in the frame, the camera was not removed at the same time, and with a lag of one another. It remains to apply the appropriate background, and the episode can be inserted into a movie.


Soon after, slowly drifting in the air of bullets followed by another iconic scene, or rather, a few episodes of the helicopter. The moment when Neo sniper shooting room in which kept captive Morpheus, was shot in the pavilion. Keanu Reeves was seated in specially for the occasion simulated helicopter cockpit, suspended on cables. But the actor was shooting almost really, only plants with blank cartridges.


The collision with the helicopter skyscraper filmed using layouts. One of them came for the high-rise, and the second was a copy of "rotorcraft" on a smaller scale. Then, 14 years ago, all impressed with the effect of "glass wave" coming from a skyscraper when it crashed helicopter. Larry and Andrew were literally obsessed with the idea to remove this wave, and wanted to use natural materials. Directed ditched a few weeks out to reproduce this effect, but nothing worked. I had to go to computer technology. In the final version agreed on the following order of shooting: first mock helicopter contact with the layout of the building, then the latter for effect explode Brake force indicators, then it is taken for the master computer. Reflecting in the windows of the city panorama superimposed later.



For one of the most complex and memorable episodes include a skirmish in the lobby of the skyscraper. Armed to the teeth with Neo and Trinity spread to the nines columns, run on the walls and smartly shoot any innocent virtual commandos. To the actors feel at ease, they handed casts light weapons, weighing only 200-300 However, the scene had to retake two dozen times, fully restoring the destroyed pyrotechnical props. This is the price a flawless frame sought by the Wachowski.

Posted in [mergetime] 1368002183 [/ mergetime]
The brothers managed to make incredible - for $ 60 million with a small (in this case 20% of the budget was spent on special effects) to make a film, caressed by critics, welcomed by the audience and in a short time has become a cult classic. Time brutal inflated Terminators passed, an era of cinematic cyberpunk and adynamic glavgeroev in fashionable sunglasses.