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OTP raises money for a bronze monument Stas Mikhailov

Public Television of Russia began collecting funds for the installation of the monument Stas Mikhailov. This was reported on the event page in Facebook.

The bronze monument to the singer planned to be installed on one of the quays of the city of Sochi. Design a memorial would be the sculptor Zurab Tsereteli.

Around the monument are also plans to build a bed-park with benches.

The project is engaged in the program "The Social Network».

"Indeed, we are preparing a story about crowdfunding in Russia - a voluntary fundraising people for any purpose. The authors decided as a joke to try to collect money for the monument Stas Mikhailov. Raises funds specialized platform, after the story aired all the money will be returned back to the people ", - said" "the press service of the Public Television of Russia.




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