Russia as it is.
Basov Farm - one of the dying. It has an elongated shape, and the distance between residential buildings is on average kilometer, filled with abandoned and decaying huts, so the neighbors for months with each other are not seen. We were able to meet and talk with the residents of the two basses. As in the rest of the dying farms, these people were elderly and nowhere to go from here is not going to ...
It will be 35 pictures and author's comments to them.
1. On Basov us, "point", so to speak, that it is very friendly, nice woman.
Her name is Luda it - the director of the House of Culture village Chulanovo.
2. In Chulanovo Luda was born and raised, but most of his life lived in Kharkov and has only recently returned back to his native village, for some personal reasons.
Immediately after his return, she got into the power company, and she had to travel a lot in different ways, including abandoned, hamlets and villages.
When he learned that we were just looking for such and she gladly shared with us information where to find these places, and farm Basov was one of them ...
Luda many more interesting things said and invited us to the festival "Lukomorye" which a week was held in the snow crab (we went there, and I will write about this soon).
And this is - Chulanovskii House of Culture, which she manages ...
3. In the past year there have made repairs and bought a musical instrument. But the water did not have spent ...
The entire building is about 100 sq.m. According to Luda, have been allocated to repair as much as 3 million rubles.
The photo №1 shows that the staircase in a completely indecent kind and currently needs a new renovation, the building just outside plastered, the roof had inexpensive, slate, and within the repair looks like
4. At this House of Culture also no amenities!
Do you believe that it is worth 3 million rubles?
I was, to put it mildly, somewhat surprised by this figure, given the fact that my friends in the nearest regional center added two 90 sq.m. home, held there all the conveniences made in the unfinished part of this renovation and completely blocked the 200 sq.m. metal tile roof of the house, and outside all plaster plastered road, and it cost them a total of just over a million (taking into account the materials and pay the builders work). Price for repair Chulanovskri Culture House overstated, at least 5 times in my mind ... I wonder whose house has been renovated in the 'small' the remaining amount?
Well, okay, it was not a lyrical (but very sad) digression on how officials spend taxpayers' money on the beautification of our villages (which no one would go to check for compliance with the budget and actual costs).
We go to Basov, where for a long time no one and nothing repaired ...
The road there is the endless, literally, open spaces ...
Fields of sunflowers, diluted with lush greenery, spread so far that the end can not see ...
The sun, peeking from behind the clouds of rare, plays the bright spots on them, and the wind, in tandem with flowers, creating a living carpet that is constantly in motion ...
All of this insanely beautiful!
Roads same everywhere (even in the "dying" Basov) very good quality and regularly put in order.
In my opinion, this - the card of the Belgorod region, which is usually noted and admired than many drivers who are here in transit.
5.Nu, that's got ...
6.Srazu just at the entrance to Basov, we had met a woman Shura, who was sitting on the bench, next to his, worldly-wise, at home.
Beside her walked shaggy goat, hung with brambles ...
Now 9.Babushka home alone, her grandfather's children were taken to Kharkov treated. The old man for a long time had pneumonia, but in the district hospital, as usual, found nothing, prescribed conventional tablets cough and sent him home. When my grandfather very zaplohelo children took him to the Kharkiv hospital where he was immediately hospitalized and treated so far ...
- How do you live here, Baba Shura? - I asked
- Bad time, my child! Oh, how badly ... - Baba Shura zashmygala nose and began to wipe tears ...
10.- My neighbor beating me, when no one sees, and steal our animals, even if only for a moment to leave it unattended ...
- How is beating ?! - Is not a joke, we were surprised. - For what ???
- Who knows what? - Grandmother sobbed. - Just beat all ...
- Yes, how can it be ?! - We have rebelled - chtoli council is not on your neighbor no?
- Nope, little children ... And I turned to the police, the statement wrote, but to no avail ... We have a policeman, asked around, wrote papers, but this was the end ...
11. Health now I have not at all, the last time a neighbor over the head with a stick hit, since the head always hurts, and hurts ... - Baba Shura continued to sob.
- And in the leg, probably also fell because the foot does not go ...
- Actually, - she continued - is terrible people - and my neighbor - bull, and his wife, and son. All the time I am afraid that they are with me do something ...
And constantly steal ... The last time my grandfather accompanied me to the station, stole our rooster. My grandfather came home, and there is no cock ...
Before that, more than once, and picked up our tools and animals ... - outrage captures Baba Shura so that she even stopped crying ...
- And do not leave us out of here, away from these bastards! - Summarized grandmother and sighed.
It will be 35 pictures and author's comments to them.

1. On Basov us, "point", so to speak, that it is very friendly, nice woman.
Her name is Luda it - the director of the House of Culture village Chulanovo.

2. In Chulanovo Luda was born and raised, but most of his life lived in Kharkov and has only recently returned back to his native village, for some personal reasons.
Immediately after his return, she got into the power company, and she had to travel a lot in different ways, including abandoned, hamlets and villages.
When he learned that we were just looking for such and she gladly shared with us information where to find these places, and farm Basov was one of them ...
Luda many more interesting things said and invited us to the festival "Lukomorye" which a week was held in the snow crab (we went there, and I will write about this soon).
And this is - Chulanovskii House of Culture, which she manages ...

3. In the past year there have made repairs and bought a musical instrument. But the water did not have spent ...
The entire building is about 100 sq.m. According to Luda, have been allocated to repair as much as 3 million rubles.
The photo №1 shows that the staircase in a completely indecent kind and currently needs a new renovation, the building just outside plastered, the roof had inexpensive, slate, and within the repair looks like

4. At this House of Culture also no amenities!
Do you believe that it is worth 3 million rubles?
I was, to put it mildly, somewhat surprised by this figure, given the fact that my friends in the nearest regional center added two 90 sq.m. home, held there all the conveniences made in the unfinished part of this renovation and completely blocked the 200 sq.m. metal tile roof of the house, and outside all plaster plastered road, and it cost them a total of just over a million (taking into account the materials and pay the builders work). Price for repair Chulanovskri Culture House overstated, at least 5 times in my mind ... I wonder whose house has been renovated in the 'small' the remaining amount?
Well, okay, it was not a lyrical (but very sad) digression on how officials spend taxpayers' money on the beautification of our villages (which no one would go to check for compliance with the budget and actual costs).
We go to Basov, where for a long time no one and nothing repaired ...
The road there is the endless, literally, open spaces ...
Fields of sunflowers, diluted with lush greenery, spread so far that the end can not see ...
The sun, peeking from behind the clouds of rare, plays the bright spots on them, and the wind, in tandem with flowers, creating a living carpet that is constantly in motion ...
All of this insanely beautiful!
Roads same everywhere (even in the "dying" Basov) very good quality and regularly put in order.
In my opinion, this - the card of the Belgorod region, which is usually noted and admired than many drivers who are here in transit.

5.Nu, that's got ...

6.Srazu just at the entrance to Basov, we had met a woman Shura, who was sitting on the bench, next to his, worldly-wise, at home.
Beside her walked shaggy goat, hung with brambles ...



Now 9.Babushka home alone, her grandfather's children were taken to Kharkov treated. The old man for a long time had pneumonia, but in the district hospital, as usual, found nothing, prescribed conventional tablets cough and sent him home. When my grandfather very zaplohelo children took him to the Kharkiv hospital where he was immediately hospitalized and treated so far ...
- How do you live here, Baba Shura? - I asked
- Bad time, my child! Oh, how badly ... - Baba Shura zashmygala nose and began to wipe tears ...

10.- My neighbor beating me, when no one sees, and steal our animals, even if only for a moment to leave it unattended ...
- How is beating ?! - Is not a joke, we were surprised. - For what ???
- Who knows what? - Grandmother sobbed. - Just beat all ...
- Yes, how can it be ?! - We have rebelled - chtoli council is not on your neighbor no?
- Nope, little children ... And I turned to the police, the statement wrote, but to no avail ... We have a policeman, asked around, wrote papers, but this was the end ...

11. Health now I have not at all, the last time a neighbor over the head with a stick hit, since the head always hurts, and hurts ... - Baba Shura continued to sob.
- And in the leg, probably also fell because the foot does not go ...
- Actually, - she continued - is terrible people - and my neighbor - bull, and his wife, and son. All the time I am afraid that they are with me do something ...
And constantly steal ... The last time my grandfather accompanied me to the station, stole our rooster. My grandfather came home, and there is no cock ...
Before that, more than once, and picked up our tools and animals ... - outrage captures Baba Shura so that she even stopped crying ...
- And do not leave us out of here, away from these bastards! - Summarized grandmother and sighed.
