We do not need the Turkish shore.
What first ask a fisherman, going fishing, which had not faced? Correctly! For what? And so we are still a month and a half before the meeting in Khabarovsk began to torture our guides about what gear to stock up to try their luck in the search for the king of Siberian rivers - the trout.
Anton (our guide for the Sea of Okhotsk) recommended to take a medium-heavy and heavy "stick" and advised to stock up on wobblers, but not exclude the possibility that today the latter can not be very effective. "Last year we mostly caught on them. But a year on year is not necessary "- he said philosophically.
And we have gathered in this time on the river in May, left tributary of the Uda (please do not confuse this with the other eponymous river, right tributary of the Aldan).
55 pictures. Author: sachaja
The idea of rafting on a mountain river in search of trout came to us last year during Shantar trip. Initially, there were two options: either the Uda River, where there is a great chance to catch a real trophy, or in May, where the "deficit" giants with more than compensate for the beautiful scenery. We chose the latter.
We are on the bus to Briakana and loaded into the helicopter, which is headed to the northwest. Before the landing - almost 400 km to the border with the Amur Region.
4. Flying over the vast Siberian taiga, we counted almost a dozen fires, the cause of which is likely to have been numerous dry thunderstorms. It was only later, after a month, will be announced in the Khabarovsk Territory emergency. In the meantime, the sky was relatively clear.
7. After unloading the receiving side is raising the boats, we just pitch a tent and dressed, wandered around the neighborhood of the camp - one for fish, one at the photoshoot.
12.Na next morning, our team went downstream. There were three boats, two of which are "fishing" and one "economic" (with our clothes and food). The weather was comfortable, though, and at times drizzling. The air temperature was about + 18 ... + 20C, so that the heat no one languishing.
16. In the first two or three days the fish hardly bite - were, however, Lenka, but they did not go out, even though cost to recognize that their harsh and greedy bites delivered no less fun than fighting with trout. Especially if you use laytovym spinning.
20.Voda wears away the stone ...
21. But first trout taken from me! Right on the stream, where it is not supposed to bite, especially on the turntable. However, it was also the smallest in the entire trip, not more than 3 kg. However, it was already possible to say that the program is made minimum. Later bite became more frequent, larger fish, and even become more actively resist. Most likely the latter was due to the fact that it was at this time she started to move away from spawning.
24.Ezhednevny schedule was something like this: After breakfast we quickly collected the camp and began alloy necessarily making stops at promising sites with which could be considered omutki at the cliffs, as well as sites at the rapids. But especially happy plёsam.
25. Empirically found that the most catching capacity in these areas were heavy 45 gram spoons white or copper colored. The main thing is to get a foot on the opposite shore, float "spoon" with the flow and letting her sink, make uniform wiring at the bottom. However, the desire to hold spoons across the bottom often ended in tears - "Spoon" firmly could get stuck between the boulders or in crevices of rocks. During the period of the alloy thus it has been lost more than a dozen "DAMov." Especially insulting it was when disappeared "catchability" baubles. Therefore, if the roll is a rare opportunity to get it back, we did not miss the chance.
26. In the end, when the supply of "spoons" came to an end, my friends went trolling «Kastmaster», turntables, not without success, to sexually sinking crankbaits and suspending.
27. On the other boats kept in touch by radio. We informed each other all the news - how much of what is caught, what size, how to bait and so on.
28.Uzhe on the second day imperceptibly, we turned our fishing in a small competition between the boats. And, as is often the fishermen, having learned that the size or number of captured "competitors" of fish superior performance in our boat, we immediately called the numbers more. And only in the evening, sitting around a forest fire and sipping tea, telling each other the truth. And, as a rule, it turns out that she is not less than the boat we suffered hyperbolism. But these jokes are good that not only cause general laughter, but also give birth to even more fishing, repeatedly reinforcing the sporting interest.
29.Hotya record taimens we have not met our river tackles ever so often are not strained as this fishing. Trout bite even heard from afar - clutch began to scream, and lucky, clenched with tension teeth, trying not to give up the slack, working alternately rod, the coil is rapidly beginning to Retractor cord. If a small trout, the problems specific to haul the fish was not, and larger specimens gave a light - intuitively feeling the approach of the land, they rushed back from the fisherman away, reeling and had to start all over again. And sometimes it even happened several times.
30.Vse the others at that moment, abandoning their gear, they came running around. And not only to see how zealously fights at the end of this predator cord or give friendly advice when playing, but also to help it to revive and then gently released back into the pond. After all, with this handsome do you need exactly.
33. To be perfectly frank, I would say that more than 50 caught us taimens was killed only one instance because too deep hook ingestion. Naturally, the fish is not in vain - we used it for food, mostly in the form of sashimi.
At lunchtime we have to catch up the boat with provisions.
35.Takogo variety of dishes during these travels I have not seen, and to be honest did not expect - in addition to the usual soups and taiga men Lenkova soup on the table were always pancakes, cakes, pancakes, salads, vegetables and seafood. And very tasty!
37. Although there lied a little bit, one of the two Sergeyev, as I later learned, is known Khabarovsk coach Kudo, a black belt. But the latter fact does not explain how they had time in a short time and with no apparent hassles ready as culinary delights. Our Yakut tour operators there who have to learn. But something I digress ...
38. On the seventh day of rafting the first time we met other people - three Evenk hunter from a small village Uda. On a makeshift boat with a motor of 15 hp in They walked upstream to repair his cabin.
39. Taёzhniki made on the basis of our short stop, and we talked. There were, of course, and without questioning on our part of the largest taimen caught them. They immediately told that not indulge in spinning and trout are caught in nets in winter pits. And that little bit downstream, a few years ago, almost at the confluence with Mai The yield on the net somehow got giant, which has not been able to get on the ice floe.
40.Zainteresovalis hunters and "Blazer" our friend. The oldest of them meticulously examined the gun on all sides and praised.
41. They told me about life in the village. The fact that except for a small number of Russian live there Evenki, Evens and Yakuts even, but their mother tongue speak only the elderly (later found out that until 1880 it was a district city Uda Uda District Yakutsk region).
42. mainly engaged in fishing and reindeer herding. My question is, how much you have deer, one of them replied that he has 20 goals. In general, sadly ...
43.Iz local stories gave me the impression that the inhabitants of this village are not wanted, and there alone, trying to drown out the problems of alcohol or suicide.
44. Spout our souls, late at night they left, but I also still want to experience night fishing "on the Bat," which is already planned almost from the arrival in May. In this bait I had never fished, and for interest, a "mouse" has acquired a week before a trip to one of our hunting stores, other DIY, from scraps of mink pelts. Reach at the camp in terms of fishing was not ideal - with a fairly strong current. However, little to take pictures of long exposure glow alarmingly close to the sprawling mountains of the forest fire, I went to the river.
45. Prior to the Uda was twenty kilometers, not more. At this point, the largest trout fished weighed about 15 kg. During the eight days of the alloy all have fully caught, and more just talked to each other and enjoy the local beauty.
46. Max alone, our most experienced spinning loudly commenting on the "game" of its homemade lures with unquenchable enthusiasm, on the go, all obkidyval "forward-looking place." Even when caught small flax, he was happy as a child, and shouting: "There! There! "- Pulled the fluttering prey on board.
47.Vdrug once its exclamation excited supplemented with the phrase: "There's something big!". And, indeed, his rod curved in an arc fence with a whistle flew out of the spool, and it was clear that fish are not left to the side of us, and like a torpedo boat went under. Without thinking, we quickly approached the shore. Squinting against the sun, flushed Max jumped on the pebbly beach, and in a more comfortable environment, with the help of one of our guides, ten minutes later dragged the fish, which we broke the team record - 18 kg! Not an outstanding result, but very nice. Especially when it occurs on the last day of the alloy.
50.Cherez hour we were at the venue with a helicopter. In the evening we otmylis in the camp bathhouse, packed up, and the next morning, at the appointed time for us arrived Vertac ... And we left, taking with him the memory of a couple of pebbles with a wonderfully beautiful river in May, and most importantly, a lot of impressions that are stored for long -long years.
55. In the next, and hopefully not the last time, I sincerely thank our guides Khabarovsk Volodya Chebanova, Anton Sorokin and Igor Olkhovskoye for the great time, and his comrades of the "Russian Fishing", without whom this trip would have been impossible .
That's all. Apologies for the long post. Thanks to all.
Anton (our guide for the Sea of Okhotsk) recommended to take a medium-heavy and heavy "stick" and advised to stock up on wobblers, but not exclude the possibility that today the latter can not be very effective. "Last year we mostly caught on them. But a year on year is not necessary "- he said philosophically.
And we have gathered in this time on the river in May, left tributary of the Uda (please do not confuse this with the other eponymous river, right tributary of the Aldan).
55 pictures. Author: sachaja

The idea of rafting on a mountain river in search of trout came to us last year during Shantar trip. Initially, there were two options: either the Uda River, where there is a great chance to catch a real trophy, or in May, where the "deficit" giants with more than compensate for the beautiful scenery. We chose the latter.
We are on the bus to Briakana and loaded into the helicopter, which is headed to the northwest. Before the landing - almost 400 km to the border with the Amur Region.


4. Flying over the vast Siberian taiga, we counted almost a dozen fires, the cause of which is likely to have been numerous dry thunderstorms. It was only later, after a month, will be announced in the Khabarovsk Territory emergency. In the meantime, the sky was relatively clear.



7. After unloading the receiving side is raising the boats, we just pitch a tent and dressed, wandered around the neighborhood of the camp - one for fish, one at the photoshoot.





12.Na next morning, our team went downstream. There were three boats, two of which are "fishing" and one "economic" (with our clothes and food). The weather was comfortable, though, and at times drizzling. The air temperature was about + 18 ... + 20C, so that the heat no one languishing.




16. In the first two or three days the fish hardly bite - were, however, Lenka, but they did not go out, even though cost to recognize that their harsh and greedy bites delivered no less fun than fighting with trout. Especially if you use laytovym spinning.




20.Voda wears away the stone ...

21. But first trout taken from me! Right on the stream, where it is not supposed to bite, especially on the turntable. However, it was also the smallest in the entire trip, not more than 3 kg. However, it was already possible to say that the program is made minimum. Later bite became more frequent, larger fish, and even become more actively resist. Most likely the latter was due to the fact that it was at this time she started to move away from spawning.



24.Ezhednevny schedule was something like this: After breakfast we quickly collected the camp and began alloy necessarily making stops at promising sites with which could be considered omutki at the cliffs, as well as sites at the rapids. But especially happy plёsam.

25. Empirically found that the most catching capacity in these areas were heavy 45 gram spoons white or copper colored. The main thing is to get a foot on the opposite shore, float "spoon" with the flow and letting her sink, make uniform wiring at the bottom. However, the desire to hold spoons across the bottom often ended in tears - "Spoon" firmly could get stuck between the boulders or in crevices of rocks. During the period of the alloy thus it has been lost more than a dozen "DAMov." Especially insulting it was when disappeared "catchability" baubles. Therefore, if the roll is a rare opportunity to get it back, we did not miss the chance.

26. In the end, when the supply of "spoons" came to an end, my friends went trolling «Kastmaster», turntables, not without success, to sexually sinking crankbaits and suspending.

27. On the other boats kept in touch by radio. We informed each other all the news - how much of what is caught, what size, how to bait and so on.

28.Uzhe on the second day imperceptibly, we turned our fishing in a small competition between the boats. And, as is often the fishermen, having learned that the size or number of captured "competitors" of fish superior performance in our boat, we immediately called the numbers more. And only in the evening, sitting around a forest fire and sipping tea, telling each other the truth. And, as a rule, it turns out that she is not less than the boat we suffered hyperbolism. But these jokes are good that not only cause general laughter, but also give birth to even more fishing, repeatedly reinforcing the sporting interest.

29.Hotya record taimens we have not met our river tackles ever so often are not strained as this fishing. Trout bite even heard from afar - clutch began to scream, and lucky, clenched with tension teeth, trying not to give up the slack, working alternately rod, the coil is rapidly beginning to Retractor cord. If a small trout, the problems specific to haul the fish was not, and larger specimens gave a light - intuitively feeling the approach of the land, they rushed back from the fisherman away, reeling and had to start all over again. And sometimes it even happened several times.

30.Vse the others at that moment, abandoning their gear, they came running around. And not only to see how zealously fights at the end of this predator cord or give friendly advice when playing, but also to help it to revive and then gently released back into the pond. After all, with this handsome do you need exactly.



33. To be perfectly frank, I would say that more than 50 caught us taimens was killed only one instance because too deep hook ingestion. Naturally, the fish is not in vain - we used it for food, mostly in the form of sashimi.
At lunchtime we have to catch up the boat with provisions.


35.Takogo variety of dishes during these travels I have not seen, and to be honest did not expect - in addition to the usual soups and taiga men Lenkova soup on the table were always pancakes, cakes, pancakes, salads, vegetables and seafood. And very tasty!


37. Although there lied a little bit, one of the two Sergeyev, as I later learned, is known Khabarovsk coach Kudo, a black belt. But the latter fact does not explain how they had time in a short time and with no apparent hassles ready as culinary delights. Our Yakut tour operators there who have to learn. But something I digress ...

38. On the seventh day of rafting the first time we met other people - three Evenk hunter from a small village Uda. On a makeshift boat with a motor of 15 hp in They walked upstream to repair his cabin.

39. Taёzhniki made on the basis of our short stop, and we talked. There were, of course, and without questioning on our part of the largest taimen caught them. They immediately told that not indulge in spinning and trout are caught in nets in winter pits. And that little bit downstream, a few years ago, almost at the confluence with Mai The yield on the net somehow got giant, which has not been able to get on the ice floe.

40.Zainteresovalis hunters and "Blazer" our friend. The oldest of them meticulously examined the gun on all sides and praised.

41. They told me about life in the village. The fact that except for a small number of Russian live there Evenki, Evens and Yakuts even, but their mother tongue speak only the elderly (later found out that until 1880 it was a district city Uda Uda District Yakutsk region).

42. mainly engaged in fishing and reindeer herding. My question is, how much you have deer, one of them replied that he has 20 goals. In general, sadly ...

43.Iz local stories gave me the impression that the inhabitants of this village are not wanted, and there alone, trying to drown out the problems of alcohol or suicide.

44. Spout our souls, late at night they left, but I also still want to experience night fishing "on the Bat," which is already planned almost from the arrival in May. In this bait I had never fished, and for interest, a "mouse" has acquired a week before a trip to one of our hunting stores, other DIY, from scraps of mink pelts. Reach at the camp in terms of fishing was not ideal - with a fairly strong current. However, little to take pictures of long exposure glow alarmingly close to the sprawling mountains of the forest fire, I went to the river.

45. Prior to the Uda was twenty kilometers, not more. At this point, the largest trout fished weighed about 15 kg. During the eight days of the alloy all have fully caught, and more just talked to each other and enjoy the local beauty.

46. Max alone, our most experienced spinning loudly commenting on the "game" of its homemade lures with unquenchable enthusiasm, on the go, all obkidyval "forward-looking place." Even when caught small flax, he was happy as a child, and shouting: "There! There! "- Pulled the fluttering prey on board.

47.Vdrug once its exclamation excited supplemented with the phrase: "There's something big!". And, indeed, his rod curved in an arc fence with a whistle flew out of the spool, and it was clear that fish are not left to the side of us, and like a torpedo boat went under. Without thinking, we quickly approached the shore. Squinting against the sun, flushed Max jumped on the pebbly beach, and in a more comfortable environment, with the help of one of our guides, ten minutes later dragged the fish, which we broke the team record - 18 kg! Not an outstanding result, but very nice. Especially when it occurs on the last day of the alloy.



50.Cherez hour we were at the venue with a helicopter. In the evening we otmylis in the camp bathhouse, packed up, and the next morning, at the appointed time for us arrived Vertac ... And we left, taking with him the memory of a couple of pebbles with a wonderfully beautiful river in May, and most importantly, a lot of impressions that are stored for long -long years.





55. In the next, and hopefully not the last time, I sincerely thank our guides Khabarovsk Volodya Chebanova, Anton Sorokin and Igor Olkhovskoye for the great time, and his comrades of the "Russian Fishing", without whom this trip would have been impossible .
That's all. Apologies for the long post. Thanks to all.
