How to extract salt
Here is a small photo report from the salt mines Sol-Iletsk. This is - one of the largest mines in Russia. Here for the year produced a fantastic amount of salt. Under the cut - 8 photos.
Source ria56.ru
Cramped elevator accommodates no more than 11 people at a time, but in practice all seven already closely.
First in the mine there is nothing interesting: a small tunnel and everywhere salt, as if snow.
In the first large hall statue of Saint Barbara - the patron saint of miners. Naturally, of salt. Miners create here a little salt chapel.
Probably some time this flat "cave" will be a great and profound "hall».
This processor - the main tehika mine.
The height of this "hall" 30 meters. Once in the tunnel under the ceiling entered Harvester and started a long way down, layer by layer.
The lowest point of the mine - 330 m above the ground. There are likely written depth below sea level.
These should be left behind harvester
Tunnels are incredible length
And still have something Soviet
Source ria56.ru

Cramped elevator accommodates no more than 11 people at a time, but in practice all seven already closely.

First in the mine there is nothing interesting: a small tunnel and everywhere salt, as if snow.

In the first large hall statue of Saint Barbara - the patron saint of miners. Naturally, of salt. Miners create here a little salt chapel.

Probably some time this flat "cave" will be a great and profound "hall».

This processor - the main tehika mine.

The height of this "hall" 30 meters. Once in the tunnel under the ceiling entered Harvester and started a long way down, layer by layer.

The lowest point of the mine - 330 m above the ground. There are likely written depth below sea level.

These should be left behind harvester

Tunnels are incredible length

And still have something Soviet
