He left Russia on a background check with the Office
Having access to state secrets Deputy Sergei Rosreestra Sapelnikov against the backdrop of anti-corruption checks in his department left Russia without the permission of the management and security services, the question of a criminal case and declaring it to the international wanted list, the newspaper "Izvestia" on Monday.
"One of the main defendants in this test - the deputy head Sergei Rosreestra Sapelnikov - September 7 fled abroad. His whereabouts are still unknown. The official state secrets is a category 1, Rosreestr and intelligence agencies did not give him permission to leave, "- says the publication.
The publication adds that Sapelnikov been dismissed and denied access to state secrets, and the Investigative Committee decides whether to institute in the criminal case against him for misuse of budgetary funds, fraud and negligence. If necessary Sapelnikova may announce an international search, the newspaper adds.
"A source close to the agency (Rosreestru), suggests that he is now already in the United States and does not intend to return to Russia, because it suggests that it is waiting for the prosecution," - says the publication.
April 4, 1992, issued a decree of Russian President Boris Yeltsin "On the fight against corruption in the public service." The document is the first anti-corruption legal act of the new Russian legislation and served as a reference point in the fight against corruption in the Russian Federation.
In Germany, regardless of the particular specific functions of state employees obliged to fulfill their tasks objectively and fairly for the benefit of society. A civil servant shall be solely responsible for the legality of their actions on duty. Actual problems of struggle against corruption - observance of professional secrecy. In Germany, a civil servant and at the end of life is to keep the confidentiality of information and facts that have become known to him in the normal course of business. Without the permission of a civil servant has the right to testify or make a statement on such matters (cases), even in court.
"One of the main defendants in this test - the deputy head Sergei Rosreestra Sapelnikov - September 7 fled abroad. His whereabouts are still unknown. The official state secrets is a category 1, Rosreestr and intelligence agencies did not give him permission to leave, "- says the publication.

The publication adds that Sapelnikov been dismissed and denied access to state secrets, and the Investigative Committee decides whether to institute in the criminal case against him for misuse of budgetary funds, fraud and negligence. If necessary Sapelnikova may announce an international search, the newspaper adds.
"A source close to the agency (Rosreestru), suggests that he is now already in the United States and does not intend to return to Russia, because it suggests that it is waiting for the prosecution," - says the publication.
April 4, 1992, issued a decree of Russian President Boris Yeltsin "On the fight against corruption in the public service." The document is the first anti-corruption legal act of the new Russian legislation and served as a reference point in the fight against corruption in the Russian Federation.
In Germany, regardless of the particular specific functions of state employees obliged to fulfill their tasks objectively and fairly for the benefit of society. A civil servant shall be solely responsible for the legality of their actions on duty. Actual problems of struggle against corruption - observance of professional secrecy. In Germany, a civil servant and at the end of life is to keep the confidentiality of information and facts that have become known to him in the normal course of business. Without the permission of a civil servant has the right to testify or make a statement on such matters (cases), even in court.