Employees of the Federal Migration Service in search of illegal immigrants on the market
It is no secret that the events of a month ago on Manezh Square clearly showed both the authorities and the public the existence of serious inter-ethnic problems in the country. The result was the strengthening of control over foreigners within the territory of Russia. This primarily affected our former compatriots, immigrants from the former Soviet Union. Foremost among illegal immigrants - Central Asians: Tajiks, Uzbeks, Kyrgyz. They often violate migration legislation of the Russian Federation. Employees of the Federal Migration Service periodically test markets, crowded places, buildings and dormitories, and every time many stopped to check documents of people from Central Asia are illegals. Recently I was able to visit one of these raids.
The meeting was scheduled for the morning near the metro station "Student." It was known only that this time should be the object of inspection market. Already on the site revealed that this famous Dorogomilovka - one of the most famous and most reputable capital markets. To start a group of employees of the FMS was divided: some people go "exploration" to assess the situation on the "object". They soon returned, and the senior group described what he saw: "There are all civilized: a large indoor hall, several different departments, all sellers are dressed in uniforms, sellers of meat - a red fish - in a vest. Our customers at random people 150. But it is possible, once there is such an order, they are formalized. Check would not hurt. All we can not grasp, and we therefore one department, such as meat, there most of the black. "
The main difficulty in the beginning of the operation, as I understand it, in time to catch illegal immigrants by surprise, they are not frightened away. The rumor about the appearance of the FMS staff is spread at lightning speed, and if you linger a little, to a certain delay - all run away. Therefore it is important to catch the maximum catch of the network, well, who escaped - nothing can be done. It so happened this time - did not have time to come to operatives meat department and show your identity, in all corners of the huge market hall began stirring someone somewhere ran, and the number of vendors for the counters fell on the eyes. However, the inhabitants of the meat department was already nowhere to go. A cursory inspection of documents showed that virtually all foreigners here (by the way, according to the law, foreign citizens have no right to work as sellers), almost all - citizens of Tajikistan, many do not have all the documents - "the chief took." Well, there was a short command "to build in column one," and the detachment went to the administration building.
There is already one of the offices of the headquarters staff have settled with a laptop. A total of 15 people were detained, among them a woman of European appearance. First to test it caused her. The lady turned out to be a citizen of Moldova and explained quite frankly, that is the seller, and the migration card purchased for 4000 rubles ... "It's not expensive," - says the head of the Task Force. "Normal price - 15 000. There, look at all the cars in the Metro Ring branches such advertisements plastered. But most importantly - it does nothing. When checking there is nothing easier than to check the card number on the database, and you can see everything at once. That is, you want a vivid example? Now the show. " Pulling from the stack first got a passport, it is the owner, "Safarov have? Come here.
So, where is your migration card? Let's check". He dials the number in the database with a map that holding. "If the card is issued officially, the program immediately confirm this. Well, look: yes, indeed, this number is in the database, but it is registered on a completely different name. So, Safarov, whoever you are, Ismaildzhon, recognize bought the card? »
Scared Tajik instantly forget the Russian language is silent and closing face with his hand. Only the threat to provide an interpreter in prison, which he threatened the use of false documents, a little untie his tongue:
- Uh-uh, I is issued here.
- And when?
- I do not know.
- Who do you work here?
- Loader. (porters represented almost all - in contrast to the sellers, they are, in fact, an alien may work as a loader).
- How long you work?
- Uh-uh, I do not know.
Anything more is not going. The customer is sent back into the hallway, his place is taken by the next. Here interesting case: in the Tajik passport pasted stamp entitling temporary residence in the territory of the Nizhny Novgorod region for three years. It means that the owner can live and work exclusively in the territory of the region. This, of course, does not mean that he can not go to Sochi and Tambov, but work anywhere except in their region, he has no right.
- So, so what are you doing here?
- No, I have not worked.
- But we pick you up at the counter.
- I just went. Loader helped. Not for money, just like that.
- Just? So you Faizulloev, altruistic?
Faizulloev silent and just smiles. Apparently, he's really an altruist.
"It is a common phenomenon. Decorate yourself permission in the region and themselves go to Moscow. Three years later, they can get an official residence permit, which allows you to live and work anywhere. But the case of violation, we make a note in the database, and is now the residence permit, he will not get ».
The crowd in the hall is not thins. Several members of the Federal Migration Service has brought a couple of people, though now catch someone already difficult: all gone. Among the Tajiks stands an elderly woman with a good Slavic face.
- Where are you from? - Asks one of her employees.
- With Ukraine.
- And how you brought into this "black sea»?
- Yes, as everyone came to work.
- And that, for the citizens of Ukraine did not have some sort of preferential treatment? - I ask operative.
- No of course. Here for the Kyrgyz - no problem. Sold ass bought wreck in some seedy Russian village, has applied - and, three months later a full-fledged citizen of the Russian Federation. Still, we have the same military base there. The Americans, too, but it's something I have not heard that many Kyrgyz have become US citizens. And we are good. Slavs - Ukrainians, Belarusians - we do not need. What for? We have also won the Tajiks, Uzbeks there. Populated of the country, then there will be only rename, and all is well. However, the Orthodox brothers? - He looks on the Tajiks. Those amicably nod in response.
End of routine check I had to wait was not. Drafting of protocols, registration, preparation of cases for transfer to the court takes several hours.
But in the end a couple of days at this picture, and in other markets will be about the same as that was. However, investigators say that the results from such raids, apart from a few caught illegal immigrants is still there: the foreigners in trade was, though not much, but a little less, the administration that such checks do not elate, begins more critically relate to the verification of documents for registration on work.

The meeting was scheduled for the morning near the metro station "Student." It was known only that this time should be the object of inspection market. Already on the site revealed that this famous Dorogomilovka - one of the most famous and most reputable capital markets. To start a group of employees of the FMS was divided: some people go "exploration" to assess the situation on the "object". They soon returned, and the senior group described what he saw: "There are all civilized: a large indoor hall, several different departments, all sellers are dressed in uniforms, sellers of meat - a red fish - in a vest. Our customers at random people 150. But it is possible, once there is such an order, they are formalized. Check would not hurt. All we can not grasp, and we therefore one department, such as meat, there most of the black. "

The main difficulty in the beginning of the operation, as I understand it, in time to catch illegal immigrants by surprise, they are not frightened away. The rumor about the appearance of the FMS staff is spread at lightning speed, and if you linger a little, to a certain delay - all run away. Therefore it is important to catch the maximum catch of the network, well, who escaped - nothing can be done. It so happened this time - did not have time to come to operatives meat department and show your identity, in all corners of the huge market hall began stirring someone somewhere ran, and the number of vendors for the counters fell on the eyes. However, the inhabitants of the meat department was already nowhere to go. A cursory inspection of documents showed that virtually all foreigners here (by the way, according to the law, foreign citizens have no right to work as sellers), almost all - citizens of Tajikistan, many do not have all the documents - "the chief took." Well, there was a short command "to build in column one," and the detachment went to the administration building.

There is already one of the offices of the headquarters staff have settled with a laptop. A total of 15 people were detained, among them a woman of European appearance. First to test it caused her. The lady turned out to be a citizen of Moldova and explained quite frankly, that is the seller, and the migration card purchased for 4000 rubles ... "It's not expensive," - says the head of the Task Force. "Normal price - 15 000. There, look at all the cars in the Metro Ring branches such advertisements plastered. But most importantly - it does nothing. When checking there is nothing easier than to check the card number on the database, and you can see everything at once. That is, you want a vivid example? Now the show. " Pulling from the stack first got a passport, it is the owner, "Safarov have? Come here.

So, where is your migration card? Let's check". He dials the number in the database with a map that holding. "If the card is issued officially, the program immediately confirm this. Well, look: yes, indeed, this number is in the database, but it is registered on a completely different name. So, Safarov, whoever you are, Ismaildzhon, recognize bought the card? »
Scared Tajik instantly forget the Russian language is silent and closing face with his hand. Only the threat to provide an interpreter in prison, which he threatened the use of false documents, a little untie his tongue:
- Uh-uh, I is issued here.
- And when?
- I do not know.
- Who do you work here?
- Loader. (porters represented almost all - in contrast to the sellers, they are, in fact, an alien may work as a loader).
- How long you work?
- Uh-uh, I do not know.

Anything more is not going. The customer is sent back into the hallway, his place is taken by the next. Here interesting case: in the Tajik passport pasted stamp entitling temporary residence in the territory of the Nizhny Novgorod region for three years. It means that the owner can live and work exclusively in the territory of the region. This, of course, does not mean that he can not go to Sochi and Tambov, but work anywhere except in their region, he has no right.
- So, so what are you doing here?
- No, I have not worked.
- But we pick you up at the counter.
- I just went. Loader helped. Not for money, just like that.
- Just? So you Faizulloev, altruistic?
Faizulloev silent and just smiles. Apparently, he's really an altruist.
"It is a common phenomenon. Decorate yourself permission in the region and themselves go to Moscow. Three years later, they can get an official residence permit, which allows you to live and work anywhere. But the case of violation, we make a note in the database, and is now the residence permit, he will not get ».
The crowd in the hall is not thins. Several members of the Federal Migration Service has brought a couple of people, though now catch someone already difficult: all gone. Among the Tajiks stands an elderly woman with a good Slavic face.
- Where are you from? - Asks one of her employees.
- With Ukraine.
- And how you brought into this "black sea»?
- Yes, as everyone came to work.
- And that, for the citizens of Ukraine did not have some sort of preferential treatment? - I ask operative.
- No of course. Here for the Kyrgyz - no problem. Sold ass bought wreck in some seedy Russian village, has applied - and, three months later a full-fledged citizen of the Russian Federation. Still, we have the same military base there. The Americans, too, but it's something I have not heard that many Kyrgyz have become US citizens. And we are good. Slavs - Ukrainians, Belarusians - we do not need. What for? We have also won the Tajiks, Uzbeks there. Populated of the country, then there will be only rename, and all is well. However, the Orthodox brothers? - He looks on the Tajiks. Those amicably nod in response.
End of routine check I had to wait was not. Drafting of protocols, registration, preparation of cases for transfer to the court takes several hours.
But in the end a couple of days at this picture, and in other markets will be about the same as that was. However, investigators say that the results from such raids, apart from a few caught illegal immigrants is still there: the foreigners in trade was, though not much, but a little less, the administration that such checks do not elate, begins more critically relate to the verification of documents for registration on work.