Night raid Moscow OMON (52 photos)
The working day begins at 6 pm and will end only for lunch the next day.
Before leaving the staff dress up, get weapons ...
Detail of one of the walls. If I am allowed, I will do a detailed report about jobs and studies, it seems perfect for the competition "The most unusual office».
Briefing. "While on duty pay special attention to compliance with the law. Do not send people if you do not know where to send, contact the person who knows. And they sent last time ... »
The person with the camera, no one expected. "Correct form, you will also now shoot!»
Checking the registration period.
On the walls hang for employees of interesting announcements.
Duty on the square lasts for 12 hours, from 9 pm to 9 am. Departure at 8 pm. On the way, someone is sleeping, someone on the phone is overwritten.
Day shift.
The bus arrives at the local police station, give the job here. The tasks are simple: to prevent crime in the territory of the forecourt. Do not allow the organization of illegal parking and possibly removed from the area of illegal taxi drivers. Before going out to patrol the area give handcuffs. They can only be applied if a person has a resistance during the arrest. They say our best handcuffs handcuffs in the world, they cause the least inconvenience to the detainee. On plastic bundles as in the US, while not going to move.
Officer of the local police department shows all the problem areas on the site. "This park is usually rob visitors, and here the point where taxi drivers are, definitely check this 2-fighters, let duty to Parking equipment did not work!" The food riot police do not give, everyone takes their sandwiches and tea. Every 2 hours, you can take a break.
In the square, where, as told in the local police department most likely to occur theft, meets two men. At the sight of seven riot police with a policeman they get nervous and something to talk about bullies, who are operating here.
Fight against illegal taxi drivers is almost impossible. To accuse a taxi driver in the illegal provision of services to the public and make it matter, you need to spend a whole special operation, with witnesses, marked money, etc. Because of 1,000 rubles one does not want to do it. Taxi drivers involved in traffic police, they have a lot of experience to find the reason for the detention. Usually cavil at toning, many problems with the documents for the car, drink some winter to keep warm. No one seems to understand how to solve the problem with the taxi drivers, so I just decided to put on the main points of two riot police who will disperse them.
I do not know how to describe the terrible cold, which was that night, it was the coldest night of this year. After 5 minutes, I finally went cold and get warm in the cafe at the Leningrad station.
Riot used for amplification. Employees Local Police patrol the area together with the soldiers riot police, they have long been unable to cope with crime in the area. Now, almost around the clock here riot policemen will be on duty. Usually one type of man in camouflage enough to solve many problems.
Before entering the Leningrad Station see that something is ...
- This is your bag? - Asks the millionaire man smoking nearby,
- No!
The approach appears this is not a bag and bum.
- Just fell, - says the policeman,
- And you've identified?
The policeman shines a flashlight on a frozen puddle is not yet under the homeless. The man looked about 60, actually 40, peacefully snuffle.
- He was just as bad!
- No, he is very good.
- What to do next will be?
- More of a challenge.
- And can pick it up and put in the building of the station? He's freeze.
- It can not be touched. You saw how he fell? I have not seen. And suddenly he had an injury? Maybe he broke something. Here, only the doctors can decide. First now is.
Caused by radio outfit that was on duty at the homeless in the waiting ambulance. "And let it carry over to the road, there is no longer our territory!" - Joked one of the policemen.
While we were discussing the fate of the homeless, he came to his senses and began to examine dissatisfied men in uniform, violated his sleep. Now in Moscow opened several social accommodations for the homeless. There everyone can get medical care, food, clothing and shelter. But they are half-empty. How Come? It's simple, the only condition to get into a hotel - you can not drink. Most prefer to freeze drunk on the street. Soon the ambulance arrived, the homeless stated frostbite, extreme intoxication, etc., but he refused to be hospitalized. Forcibly taken away to the hospital in the mind of man can not.
Verification of documents have arrived at the station Kirghiz.
No registration, no ticket ...
Nearby gazelle patrol duty service decided to check out a suspicious car with Lithuanian numbers. In addition to the car driver were even 5 people, all citizens of Kyrgyzstan. Documents are no or wrong.
Inspected the car and drove away all the police station.
Stations around the tents. In one of the outbuildings belonging to the company-owner tents find a hostel guest workers.
Guard dorm first as a sluggish tried otmazatsya his players, but quickly realized the futility venture and continued peacefully watching TV.
Unsuspecting visitors from Central Asia sleeping peacefully. As heating devices using conventional electric.
Refrigerator with food.
None of the people in this back room did not have a document. But they all had the same story. "Yesterday arrived, documents stolen (or your choice: lost, taken away, I forgot).»
These residents of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan live right at the station. Administration Station certainly aware of their existence. For housing they perform at the station any work. In his spare time foraged theft, illegal moonlighting valet trade, working as porters.
Why do they say that there are no documents? Because if migrant workers do not have the documents to do with it anything. It can be delivered to the police station, where his words to identify, test and release on the base. How things should happen in reality? Undocumented migrant worker is delivered to the police station, where his process, and give to the migration service. Migration Service communicates with the embassy, where he makes a temporary documents, then Migration Service buys him a plane ticket and sent home. In fact, none of this chain of migrant workers are not needed. In ATS simply refuse to execute them. FMS refuses to accept them, just not enough people to do it. Embassy of Tajikistan in general do not care about their citizens. If they beg for a long time, maybe a couple of months, and guest workers make new documents, which can be sent home. All this time, migrant workers have to feed and house, then buy him a plane ticket and go home. A week later, he will once again be illegally in Russia. The costs of the deportation of migrant workers reach 100 000. So now they just chase and do not give to live in peace, maybe they will leave themselves, or will be a major event indicative of FMS and are evacuated. In the meantime, they will continue to live illegally in the station.
By order of Sobyanin demolished all the tents, many sellers were out of work.
There are no documents - no grounds for deportation. All illegal immigrants are well aware of this. Therefore passport they "lose" almost immediately after crossing the Russian border. This is the "risk group". People go to Moscow without a penny in his pocket. Even if such a worker to get a job, to get the first salary he has something to eat, somewhere to sleep. And where to get the money to stay?
3am, "wake up and get out.»
Especially for lovers of human rights. Was not broken any doors, it is not housing and utility rooms station, nobody's rights were not violated. All photos, where necessary, consent was obtained.
All illegals SWAT ship on the bus. Before that, each recorded at the camera. Approximate dialog looks like:
- Are you a citizen of Russia?
- No
- Citizen of what country you are?
- Tajikistan
- Do you have documents?
- No
- Where are they?
- Lost
- You are legally on the territory of Russia?
- Yes
- Do you have documents proving your legal status?
At this point all hang out and forget the Russian language.
Bus with the guests of the capital went to the police station. An hour later, all the fun migrant workers returned to their burrows. In the ATS, as expected, they are simply not accepted. The formal reason this time was the fact that they have recently been detained, but under the law to detain for the same violation more than once a day can not.
Separately want to say about the stations and their employees. It's just a reserve boors and idiots. Station employees are passengers like animals. If you need to sweep all kicked out of the waiting room. And at 2am Kazansky railway station just shut down and people drive on the street where it was -25. Moreover, no ads, why the station is closed and when there is no will. Just close the door. Passengers on all spit. To the left of the main entrance to all go to the toilet. No one shy gypsy lifts her skirt and pees in a corner. That's because inside the toilet for an extra charge. Administration station makes its several thousand rubles a month, and on the street at each corner nagazheno.
Get out of here, we have cleaning!
At -25 on the street, sometimes riot police went into the building of the station to buy hot tea and a little warm. In the hall heard a scream. A woman employee of the station, yelling obscenities at Georgian who decided to go to get warm, and stood in the doorway at the curtain. "Get out of here tries * First, such a bitch! To me you are no longer seen! "Georgians were not in debt lies mat lady. He decided to check documents. Georgians came from Minsk, also going to leave tomorrow in Minsk. What to do at the Kazan station can not explain. Says something about the girl, about that cold, no registration, no tickets, no nothing. Georgians had an educational talk that matter and swearing at a woman badly. After 15 minutes, the lady rushes screaming at me: "What are you doing here! Why do you have the camera !? You know what station - military facility !!! Get out of here! ". I wanted to send it in the same words as the Georgians. Lady nor found anything better than to ask me to hold riot, with whom I went to the train station.
His friends from Dagestan
And Azerbaijan. Instead, the documents showed the passport guy boxer.
The station is trying to pass a homeless person with a bottle of warm up, kicked him. In the underground homeless too reluctant to let in a frost they are saved in the heating mains.
We went to the police station, there were transvestites in the chamber, which sold close to the station. According to the law to detain them for prostitution is not so simple, it is necessary to prove. But once Sobyanin said Moscow clean, then have to be cleaned. Men in skirts arrested for public drunkenness and leave the police station until morning.
- Girl, and what you were detained?
- For drinking - meets girl bass.
- What's your call?
- Alesha Petrov.
For prostitution can be punished only by a fine. And if you can prove it, having test purchases involving witnesses. Today it was not possible. But standing in the street they should not. Therefore, crucified on a cold bottle of vodka and catching up with "Yaga", these fake "girls" are in the police department.
. And here is the Kirghiz about which I wrote. Very soon they were released. The police did not have the right to hold people without papers more than 3 hours, so all who sat in the chamber for longer than this time, the police had to let go. FMS for people without documents are not particularly interesting, illegals are aware of this and do not even worry about it.

Before leaving the staff dress up, get weapons ...

Detail of one of the walls. If I am allowed, I will do a detailed report about jobs and studies, it seems perfect for the competition "The most unusual office».

Briefing. "While on duty pay special attention to compliance with the law. Do not send people if you do not know where to send, contact the person who knows. And they sent last time ... »

The person with the camera, no one expected. "Correct form, you will also now shoot!»

Checking the registration period.

On the walls hang for employees of interesting announcements.

Duty on the square lasts for 12 hours, from 9 pm to 9 am. Departure at 8 pm. On the way, someone is sleeping, someone on the phone is overwritten.

Day shift.

The bus arrives at the local police station, give the job here. The tasks are simple: to prevent crime in the territory of the forecourt. Do not allow the organization of illegal parking and possibly removed from the area of illegal taxi drivers. Before going out to patrol the area give handcuffs. They can only be applied if a person has a resistance during the arrest. They say our best handcuffs handcuffs in the world, they cause the least inconvenience to the detainee. On plastic bundles as in the US, while not going to move.

Officer of the local police department shows all the problem areas on the site. "This park is usually rob visitors, and here the point where taxi drivers are, definitely check this 2-fighters, let duty to Parking equipment did not work!" The food riot police do not give, everyone takes their sandwiches and tea. Every 2 hours, you can take a break.

In the square, where, as told in the local police department most likely to occur theft, meets two men. At the sight of seven riot police with a policeman they get nervous and something to talk about bullies, who are operating here.

Fight against illegal taxi drivers is almost impossible. To accuse a taxi driver in the illegal provision of services to the public and make it matter, you need to spend a whole special operation, with witnesses, marked money, etc. Because of 1,000 rubles one does not want to do it. Taxi drivers involved in traffic police, they have a lot of experience to find the reason for the detention. Usually cavil at toning, many problems with the documents for the car, drink some winter to keep warm. No one seems to understand how to solve the problem with the taxi drivers, so I just decided to put on the main points of two riot police who will disperse them.

I do not know how to describe the terrible cold, which was that night, it was the coldest night of this year. After 5 minutes, I finally went cold and get warm in the cafe at the Leningrad station.

Riot used for amplification. Employees Local Police patrol the area together with the soldiers riot police, they have long been unable to cope with crime in the area. Now, almost around the clock here riot policemen will be on duty. Usually one type of man in camouflage enough to solve many problems.

Before entering the Leningrad Station see that something is ...
- This is your bag? - Asks the millionaire man smoking nearby,
- No!
The approach appears this is not a bag and bum.

- Just fell, - says the policeman,
- And you've identified?
The policeman shines a flashlight on a frozen puddle is not yet under the homeless. The man looked about 60, actually 40, peacefully snuffle.
- He was just as bad!
- No, he is very good.
- What to do next will be?
- More of a challenge.
- And can pick it up and put in the building of the station? He's freeze.
- It can not be touched. You saw how he fell? I have not seen. And suddenly he had an injury? Maybe he broke something. Here, only the doctors can decide. First now is.

Caused by radio outfit that was on duty at the homeless in the waiting ambulance. "And let it carry over to the road, there is no longer our territory!" - Joked one of the policemen.

While we were discussing the fate of the homeless, he came to his senses and began to examine dissatisfied men in uniform, violated his sleep. Now in Moscow opened several social accommodations for the homeless. There everyone can get medical care, food, clothing and shelter. But they are half-empty. How Come? It's simple, the only condition to get into a hotel - you can not drink. Most prefer to freeze drunk on the street. Soon the ambulance arrived, the homeless stated frostbite, extreme intoxication, etc., but he refused to be hospitalized. Forcibly taken away to the hospital in the mind of man can not.

Verification of documents have arrived at the station Kirghiz.

No registration, no ticket ...

Nearby gazelle patrol duty service decided to check out a suspicious car with Lithuanian numbers. In addition to the car driver were even 5 people, all citizens of Kyrgyzstan. Documents are no or wrong.

Inspected the car and drove away all the police station.

Stations around the tents. In one of the outbuildings belonging to the company-owner tents find a hostel guest workers.

Guard dorm first as a sluggish tried otmazatsya his players, but quickly realized the futility venture and continued peacefully watching TV.

Unsuspecting visitors from Central Asia sleeping peacefully. As heating devices using conventional electric.

Refrigerator with food.

None of the people in this back room did not have a document. But they all had the same story. "Yesterday arrived, documents stolen (or your choice: lost, taken away, I forgot).»

These residents of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan live right at the station. Administration Station certainly aware of their existence. For housing they perform at the station any work. In his spare time foraged theft, illegal moonlighting valet trade, working as porters.

Why do they say that there are no documents? Because if migrant workers do not have the documents to do with it anything. It can be delivered to the police station, where his words to identify, test and release on the base. How things should happen in reality? Undocumented migrant worker is delivered to the police station, where his process, and give to the migration service. Migration Service communicates with the embassy, where he makes a temporary documents, then Migration Service buys him a plane ticket and sent home. In fact, none of this chain of migrant workers are not needed. In ATS simply refuse to execute them. FMS refuses to accept them, just not enough people to do it. Embassy of Tajikistan in general do not care about their citizens. If they beg for a long time, maybe a couple of months, and guest workers make new documents, which can be sent home. All this time, migrant workers have to feed and house, then buy him a plane ticket and go home. A week later, he will once again be illegally in Russia. The costs of the deportation of migrant workers reach 100 000. So now they just chase and do not give to live in peace, maybe they will leave themselves, or will be a major event indicative of FMS and are evacuated. In the meantime, they will continue to live illegally in the station.

By order of Sobyanin demolished all the tents, many sellers were out of work.

There are no documents - no grounds for deportation. All illegal immigrants are well aware of this. Therefore passport they "lose" almost immediately after crossing the Russian border. This is the "risk group". People go to Moscow without a penny in his pocket. Even if such a worker to get a job, to get the first salary he has something to eat, somewhere to sleep. And where to get the money to stay?

3am, "wake up and get out.»

Especially for lovers of human rights. Was not broken any doors, it is not housing and utility rooms station, nobody's rights were not violated. All photos, where necessary, consent was obtained.

All illegals SWAT ship on the bus. Before that, each recorded at the camera. Approximate dialog looks like:
- Are you a citizen of Russia?
- No
- Citizen of what country you are?
- Tajikistan
- Do you have documents?
- No
- Where are they?
- Lost
- You are legally on the territory of Russia?
- Yes
- Do you have documents proving your legal status?
At this point all hang out and forget the Russian language.

Bus with the guests of the capital went to the police station. An hour later, all the fun migrant workers returned to their burrows. In the ATS, as expected, they are simply not accepted. The formal reason this time was the fact that they have recently been detained, but under the law to detain for the same violation more than once a day can not.

Separately want to say about the stations and their employees. It's just a reserve boors and idiots. Station employees are passengers like animals. If you need to sweep all kicked out of the waiting room. And at 2am Kazansky railway station just shut down and people drive on the street where it was -25. Moreover, no ads, why the station is closed and when there is no will. Just close the door. Passengers on all spit. To the left of the main entrance to all go to the toilet. No one shy gypsy lifts her skirt and pees in a corner. That's because inside the toilet for an extra charge. Administration station makes its several thousand rubles a month, and on the street at each corner nagazheno.

Get out of here, we have cleaning!

At -25 on the street, sometimes riot police went into the building of the station to buy hot tea and a little warm. In the hall heard a scream. A woman employee of the station, yelling obscenities at Georgian who decided to go to get warm, and stood in the doorway at the curtain. "Get out of here tries * First, such a bitch! To me you are no longer seen! "Georgians were not in debt lies mat lady. He decided to check documents. Georgians came from Minsk, also going to leave tomorrow in Minsk. What to do at the Kazan station can not explain. Says something about the girl, about that cold, no registration, no tickets, no nothing. Georgians had an educational talk that matter and swearing at a woman badly. After 15 minutes, the lady rushes screaming at me: "What are you doing here! Why do you have the camera !? You know what station - military facility !!! Get out of here! ". I wanted to send it in the same words as the Georgians. Lady nor found anything better than to ask me to hold riot, with whom I went to the train station.

His friends from Dagestan

And Azerbaijan. Instead, the documents showed the passport guy boxer.

The station is trying to pass a homeless person with a bottle of warm up, kicked him. In the underground homeless too reluctant to let in a frost they are saved in the heating mains.

We went to the police station, there were transvestites in the chamber, which sold close to the station. According to the law to detain them for prostitution is not so simple, it is necessary to prove. But once Sobyanin said Moscow clean, then have to be cleaned. Men in skirts arrested for public drunkenness and leave the police station until morning.

- Girl, and what you were detained?
- For drinking - meets girl bass.
- What's your call?
- Alesha Petrov.

For prostitution can be punished only by a fine. And if you can prove it, having test purchases involving witnesses. Today it was not possible. But standing in the street they should not. Therefore, crucified on a cold bottle of vodka and catching up with "Yaga", these fake "girls" are in the police department.

. And here is the Kirghiz about which I wrote. Very soon they were released. The police did not have the right to hold people without papers more than 3 hours, so all who sat in the chamber for longer than this time, the police had to let go. FMS for people without documents are not particularly interesting, illegals are aware of this and do not even worry about it.