Reid General Badanov
December 17, 1942 began a raid on the village Tatsinskaya 24th Panzer Corps Gen. Badanov.
The raid of the 24th Panzer Corps in the village of General Badanov Tazinskaya became one of the most glorious pages of our military history. During the raid the housing destroyed 11,292 enemy soldiers and officers, captured 4769 people, knocked out 84 tanks and 106 guns, only in the area Tazinskaya destroyed up to 10 batteries and ... 431 aircraft. It was after the raid raid Tatsinskiy the troops began to go a joke that the best means of combating enemy aircraft is a tank tracks.
German approaching Christmas 1942. Troops surrounded by Manstein tried to release a group of troops in Stalingrad Paulus.
Operation "Vintergevitter" pursued Manstein became our command tactical surprise. Of course, we were expecting the unlocking stroke, but not from the south and from the west, where the distance between the main forces encircled the Germans and was the smallest.
302 Infantry Division of the Red Army, which took the brunt, was quickly dissipated, resulting in the front of the 51 th Army, a gap. This ensured the rapid advance of the German units. By the end of the 6th Armored Division reached the southern shore of the river Aksay, and 23th Panzer Division - in the area north of Nebykova. December 13, crossed the Aksai, the 6th Armored Division went to the village Upper Kuma.
It is surrounded by army troops Paulus supplied by air and were not going to give up. Supply 6th Army was going to the airport, located in the village Tazinskaya.
Vasily Mikhailovich Badanov shortly before the war
At this difficult time our command and hatched a plan to arrange for Tazinskaya tank raid in order to, on the one hand, to destroy the airfield, and on the other - to get Manstein to halt the offensive and throw the power to fight to break into the German rear Russian tanks.
German Ju-52 aircraft coming from Tatsinskiy airfield, carry Paulus food and ammunition. At this difficult time our command and hatched a plan to arrange for Tazinskaya tank raid in order to, on the one hand, to destroy the airfield, and on the other - to get Manstein to halt the offensive and throw the power to fight to break into the German rear Russian tanks.
Badanov was an experienced captain. After graduating in 1916 Chuguyivske military school, the revolution he was a lieutenant and commanded a company. At the beginning of the war Badanov commanded the 55th Armored Division 12th Armored Brigade, and September 2, 1941 assumed command formed in Kharkov the 12th Tank Brigade, and in March 1942, losing to Abraham Solomonovich Kirnos team, headed by the 24th Panzer Corps .
24 Panzer Corps was formed in spring 1942, and was re-formed in the fall after lost two thirds of Kharkov. Until November 1942 the body was in reserve Bids. The composition of the body were the 4th Guards Tank Brigade, 54th Armored Brigade, 130th Tank Brigade, 24th Motorized Rifle Brigade, 658 th antiaircraft artillery regiment 413th Separate Guards mortar battalion.
T-34-76 1942 issue with the two tower hatches
When introduced into a fight with Osetrovskaya foothold in the band of the 4th Guards Rifle Corps in the area occupied by the Italians, building Badanov not met significant opposition. Blocking part involved in the depths of the Italian front, in the catchment area of Chira, soon fled under pressure from the Soviet attacks, throwing guns and cars. Many officers tore insignia and tried to escape. Badanov managed by the end of the first day of the operation to go to the area Tverdokhlebova, Lofitskoe the end of the second day to move to tarry, to the end of the third day come to Ilyinke, and by the end of the fourth day, seize the Tatsinskaya, Apanaskino.
More than 15 thousand Italians were captured. Remains of Italian divisions withdrew, leaving the transport and storage of food. Many staffs started shooting from the field, losing touch with the troops. Parts attacked by Soviet tanks tried to escape. 8th Italian army, which had to the autumn of 1942 about 250 thousand soldiers and officers lost in killed, wounded and captured half of its members.
December 21 at eight o'clock in the evening of the 24th Panzer Corps reached the village Bolshinka. General Badanov ordered the commanders of the 54th Tank Brigade, Colonel VM Polyakov and 130th Tank Brigade Lieutenant Colonel C, K. Nesterov smuggle their connections on surviving bridge over the river Big and beating Bolshinku from the north and north-west, by the end of 21 December master this settlement. 4th Guards Tank Brigade Colonel GI Kopylov task was the morning of December 22 release Ilinka. After crossing the water obstacle, part of the 130th Tank Brigade destroying enemy outposts, they broke into the north-eastern outskirts Bolshinki and engaged the enemy with the Nazis. Lacking data on the forces attacking the enemy has put forward its reserves against the 130th Tank Brigade. At this time, the 54th Tank Brigade dealt him a blow from the northwest. December 21 to 23 hours the village was taken.
Tatsinskoy the airport a few hours before it broke the Russian tanks. Planes captured body Badanov
At night, December 23 Manstein relocated 11 Panzer Corps against Badanov. At the 6th Panzer Division, approaching forced marches, she had to stop the daring and dangerous invasion of General Badanov.
Meanwhile, skillfully using detours and coverage, Corps General Badanov five days has overcome a fighting about 240 km. On the morning of December 24 the enemy suddenly broke through to part Tazinskaya and captured it. Thus it was seized food, artillery, clothing store and fuel depots, and at the airport and trains 428 aircraft.
Unprotected road to the airfield tankers showed local pioneers Gregory Volkov and Fyodor Ignatenko. A few days later Fyodor Ignatenko killed by a sniper, and Gregory Volkov, was captured by the Nazis, and December 29, 1942 executed with seriously wounded soldiers. After the war, he was Tazinskaya monument.
December 24 the vanguard of the German 6th Panzer Division, supported by assault guns captured area north Tazinskaya. As of December 25, 1942 the body Badanov had 58 tanks in service: 39 T-34 tanks and 19 tanks T-70.
But there arrived two German armored divisions. Housing Badanov was trapped. General Vatutin sent to help Badanov two motorized corps and two infantry divisions, but General Raus with his 6th Panzer Division repelled all attacks. Part Badanov resisted fiercely. Many have fought to the last bullet. Last minute Tazinskaya in silos and granaries covered terrifying picture - the ruined tanks, anti-tank guns twisted, broken supply convoys, the wounded, the frostbitten men to death.
In heavy fighting frosty night of 28 December 24 Panzer Corps surprise attack of the enemy broke through the front and left of the circle to the area Ilinka crossed the river quickly. The Soviet Supreme Command and the Supreme Council noted heroism Badanov regiments. Their heroic resistance to the end and, more importantly, their unprecedented tank raid deep into the rear of the Germans were to become a great example for the rest of the Red Army.
Capture Soviet tank airfield Tazinskaya and destruction on it a large number of transport planes significantly complicate the provision of Nazi troops surrounded at Stalingrad, and accelerated their surrender. The Soviet government highly appreciated the feat of tank shell. For demonstrating their military skill, bravery and courage of the 24th Panzer Corps December 26, 1942 it was transformed into the 2nd Guards Tank Corps and received the honorary title Tatsinskiy and his commander Vasily Mikhailovich Badanov became the country's first knight of the Order of Suvorov II degree.

The raid of the 24th Panzer Corps in the village of General Badanov Tazinskaya became one of the most glorious pages of our military history. During the raid the housing destroyed 11,292 enemy soldiers and officers, captured 4769 people, knocked out 84 tanks and 106 guns, only in the area Tazinskaya destroyed up to 10 batteries and ... 431 aircraft. It was after the raid raid Tatsinskiy the troops began to go a joke that the best means of combating enemy aircraft is a tank tracks.
German approaching Christmas 1942. Troops surrounded by Manstein tried to release a group of troops in Stalingrad Paulus.
Operation "Vintergevitter" pursued Manstein became our command tactical surprise. Of course, we were expecting the unlocking stroke, but not from the south and from the west, where the distance between the main forces encircled the Germans and was the smallest.
302 Infantry Division of the Red Army, which took the brunt, was quickly dissipated, resulting in the front of the 51 th Army, a gap. This ensured the rapid advance of the German units. By the end of the 6th Armored Division reached the southern shore of the river Aksay, and 23th Panzer Division - in the area north of Nebykova. December 13, crossed the Aksai, the 6th Armored Division went to the village Upper Kuma.
It is surrounded by army troops Paulus supplied by air and were not going to give up. Supply 6th Army was going to the airport, located in the village Tazinskaya.
Vasily Mikhailovich Badanov shortly before the war

At this difficult time our command and hatched a plan to arrange for Tazinskaya tank raid in order to, on the one hand, to destroy the airfield, and on the other - to get Manstein to halt the offensive and throw the power to fight to break into the German rear Russian tanks.
German Ju-52 aircraft coming from Tatsinskiy airfield, carry Paulus food and ammunition. At this difficult time our command and hatched a plan to arrange for Tazinskaya tank raid in order to, on the one hand, to destroy the airfield, and on the other - to get Manstein to halt the offensive and throw the power to fight to break into the German rear Russian tanks.

Badanov was an experienced captain. After graduating in 1916 Chuguyivske military school, the revolution he was a lieutenant and commanded a company. At the beginning of the war Badanov commanded the 55th Armored Division 12th Armored Brigade, and September 2, 1941 assumed command formed in Kharkov the 12th Tank Brigade, and in March 1942, losing to Abraham Solomonovich Kirnos team, headed by the 24th Panzer Corps .
24 Panzer Corps was formed in spring 1942, and was re-formed in the fall after lost two thirds of Kharkov. Until November 1942 the body was in reserve Bids. The composition of the body were the 4th Guards Tank Brigade, 54th Armored Brigade, 130th Tank Brigade, 24th Motorized Rifle Brigade, 658 th antiaircraft artillery regiment 413th Separate Guards mortar battalion.
T-34-76 1942 issue with the two tower hatches

When introduced into a fight with Osetrovskaya foothold in the band of the 4th Guards Rifle Corps in the area occupied by the Italians, building Badanov not met significant opposition. Blocking part involved in the depths of the Italian front, in the catchment area of Chira, soon fled under pressure from the Soviet attacks, throwing guns and cars. Many officers tore insignia and tried to escape. Badanov managed by the end of the first day of the operation to go to the area Tverdokhlebova, Lofitskoe the end of the second day to move to tarry, to the end of the third day come to Ilyinke, and by the end of the fourth day, seize the Tatsinskaya, Apanaskino.
More than 15 thousand Italians were captured. Remains of Italian divisions withdrew, leaving the transport and storage of food. Many staffs started shooting from the field, losing touch with the troops. Parts attacked by Soviet tanks tried to escape. 8th Italian army, which had to the autumn of 1942 about 250 thousand soldiers and officers lost in killed, wounded and captured half of its members.
December 21 at eight o'clock in the evening of the 24th Panzer Corps reached the village Bolshinka. General Badanov ordered the commanders of the 54th Tank Brigade, Colonel VM Polyakov and 130th Tank Brigade Lieutenant Colonel C, K. Nesterov smuggle their connections on surviving bridge over the river Big and beating Bolshinku from the north and north-west, by the end of 21 December master this settlement. 4th Guards Tank Brigade Colonel GI Kopylov task was the morning of December 22 release Ilinka. After crossing the water obstacle, part of the 130th Tank Brigade destroying enemy outposts, they broke into the north-eastern outskirts Bolshinki and engaged the enemy with the Nazis. Lacking data on the forces attacking the enemy has put forward its reserves against the 130th Tank Brigade. At this time, the 54th Tank Brigade dealt him a blow from the northwest. December 21 to 23 hours the village was taken.

Tatsinskoy the airport a few hours before it broke the Russian tanks. Planes captured body Badanov

At night, December 23 Manstein relocated 11 Panzer Corps against Badanov. At the 6th Panzer Division, approaching forced marches, she had to stop the daring and dangerous invasion of General Badanov.
Meanwhile, skillfully using detours and coverage, Corps General Badanov five days has overcome a fighting about 240 km. On the morning of December 24 the enemy suddenly broke through to part Tazinskaya and captured it. Thus it was seized food, artillery, clothing store and fuel depots, and at the airport and trains 428 aircraft.
Unprotected road to the airfield tankers showed local pioneers Gregory Volkov and Fyodor Ignatenko. A few days later Fyodor Ignatenko killed by a sniper, and Gregory Volkov, was captured by the Nazis, and December 29, 1942 executed with seriously wounded soldiers. After the war, he was Tazinskaya monument.
December 24 the vanguard of the German 6th Panzer Division, supported by assault guns captured area north Tazinskaya. As of December 25, 1942 the body Badanov had 58 tanks in service: 39 T-34 tanks and 19 tanks T-70.
But there arrived two German armored divisions. Housing Badanov was trapped. General Vatutin sent to help Badanov two motorized corps and two infantry divisions, but General Raus with his 6th Panzer Division repelled all attacks. Part Badanov resisted fiercely. Many have fought to the last bullet. Last minute Tazinskaya in silos and granaries covered terrifying picture - the ruined tanks, anti-tank guns twisted, broken supply convoys, the wounded, the frostbitten men to death.
In heavy fighting frosty night of 28 December 24 Panzer Corps surprise attack of the enemy broke through the front and left of the circle to the area Ilinka crossed the river quickly. The Soviet Supreme Command and the Supreme Council noted heroism Badanov regiments. Their heroic resistance to the end and, more importantly, their unprecedented tank raid deep into the rear of the Germans were to become a great example for the rest of the Red Army.
Capture Soviet tank airfield Tazinskaya and destruction on it a large number of transport planes significantly complicate the provision of Nazi troops surrounded at Stalingrad, and accelerated their surrender. The Soviet government highly appreciated the feat of tank shell. For demonstrating their military skill, bravery and courage of the 24th Panzer Corps December 26, 1942 it was transformed into the 2nd Guards Tank Corps and received the honorary title Tatsinskiy and his commander Vasily Mikhailovich Badanov became the country's first knight of the Order of Suvorov II degree.