About hazing
I'm up in the Moscow Afgan appeal in the amount of 500 first hit the Kattakurgan. It is in Uzbekistan. There has been a month and a half. Like as acclimatization. In Uzbekistan, it was not so hot. We settled on canned silos with an infrastructure that was in the midst of the steppe.
The town with the green, with a water tower, a barracks, a kitchen, sportgorodkom and ditches with water.
And then a month later we loaded into the column GAZ-66 and sent to a military airfield. And Shindant civilian aircraft. To which the ladder before our eyes rolled up in Shindante muster. That these their robes were more like parrots, rather than on the military.
PHOTO given as examples
And right at the airport we disassembled in different regiments. I got into the artillery regiment. And just a week left two divisions in the raid. And the raid went PDP has been in the state of the second division. EDP was based on BMP. On the tower instead of a machine gun and cannon equipment exploration - a laser rangefinder.
At the time, a very cool thing. That's actually because of it and took it PRP. To a command post commander of the division accurately measure the range of targets. Although in principle there is no special need if you have a good map and compass there. But compass, maps and the tablet calculator - it's long. And here vzhiiik - and the exact distance there!
So this was a carrier PDP demobilization. A commander of the PDP was Sgt. Also demobilization. Another scout in the state of the crew of the machine - the grandfather. And with them, the commander of the reconnaissance platoon - Lieutenant. Almost the same age as these Dembele. Four people. And I have arrived a week ago in the raid as I understand it in the service.
Grub to cook. Wash the dishes. Clean up in the car. Well and all kinds serve masters including Lieutenant.
And everything is nothing. And it was possible to endure even this bestiality. By the way, Lieutenant Intelligence saw everything, understood everything. I saw me at times beaten. But just silent and looked away.
What type did not interfere.
He probably also think that right now I do not really beaten, and taught there a fucking life! Which I think he would want to dress you learn. Cattle !!!
Well ...
And nothing ...
But the PDP drove from diesel engine. EDP was based BMPeshki. She arrangement is such that the engine is under the armor plate in front of the tower in a very close hold. There is a well, the engine can not crawl. For any of the slightest need to repair the engine in the tackle to pull out of the hatch after disconnecting all tubing.
And then or weight that is there to change or put on the tires on the ground and already on the ground to make repairs. And it was absolutely unclear where diesel drives. Everything else in the car was fine. Persecuted not so much. Especially there was no danger - diesel oil - is all the same not gasoline. It has zaebeshsya ignite.
And even after a five-minute drive across the floor around the PDP was a layer of diesel fuel which is two inches thick. In just a few hours away to catch up on the floor, two buckets. And this despite the fact that he had to go with open hatches on the subject of the threat of detonation.
As a result, diesel fuel plus the dust - and exit on arrival at the place inside was full of fucked up. And on this ERP we constantly moved battalion commander. Reid was in Herat. We dangled it on fire, then MP division commander in Herat itself on the CP Commander Infantry Regiment - all painfully like our rangefinder.
By which was very convenient to pinpoint the smoke and then did not puzzle over cards and right during the gallop to adjust it to the left and right of the gallop, gallop and gallop further closer.
And after each movement I had to pull out all BMPeshki. All things, all the food, all the equipment. All dredged diesel, wash with hot soapy water all floors and all that was marred diesel fuel, and all that was in the dust. Then, all laid back and prepare the beds for rest gentlemen.
Then prepare a meal. Feed gentlemen. Wash them dishes. All this is put into the machine. Usually as soon as I finished doing it again, it was necessary to have somewhere to go. And upon his arrival back again. And to top it all the night I had a dream to guard their masters. I walked around with a gun BMPeshki. From time to time one of them would wake up to see if I can not sleep.
And the officer who lieutenant he saw it all. And more than that, he was with them at the same time. And there was one difference - well, just that he did not beat me. And the rest ratio was about the same as that of Dembele and grandfathers.
But that's not all ...
The fact that I was a signalman. And it is clear that I have taken in the raid as a servant. But the battalion commander told me that in a raid in the crew PDP is taken as a communicator with a portable radio. In case you need to climb to somewhere on the roof of the building or in the mountains.
I do not just have to signalmen, with a soldering iron, I was a friend since childhood. So for two weeks I had to learn to work with the radio station. But it was not the P-105. And something more complicated. And heavier.
But there was one problem - the raid quickly ended the match. What is disposable lighters, we learned only after the restructuring. Zippo lighters we did not know. And lighter flints were nowhere to take. And a light was a very big problem. And my lords including the lieutenant got into the habit light a glowing blade closing the contacts on the battery of my portable alkaline station.
Recharge in a raid they were nowhere. This can be done only in the regiment. But the batteries were very receptive and charging long enough. But if shorting contacts that will not survive even the toughest battery. I weakly tried to bring the people as saying that - as well as the truth in the mountains where the climb, then what to do if they will put the batteries in such a way? But the people did not say anything - but only gave me that cuffs are not too much talking.
And so it happened ...
It was necessary to take the station and go for combing with the infantry at some of the districts of Herat. It was necessary not to go with this shit lieutenant and with Dembele. And with the battalion commander and with another soldier. I knew that the batteries are completely planted them and that we will not be enough to keep in touch with the fire for several hours.
But there were three sets of batteries. And it would be enough even for a day of continuous duty. But they put them all in a couple of weeks of the raid. I looked pleadingly at the lieutenant - well, can you finally tell battalion commander saying that so and so. You're an officer. But he was blown away and zassal themselves take responsibility.
And take her I had to ...
I said that the division komanidru sdohshie batteries that support the connection will fail. What other right now attainable in the vicinity. Well, maybe just one day at the firing. But right now we are in Herat, and fire dick knows where. Before she even reached necessary. And the infantry battalion has already started a chain down the street and go right now, or we with them, and we report to the division commander saying that here is such garbage! What arpolk crap and fire support will not.
Because there is such a asshole signalman Ivan Grankin which raspizdyay and chmoshnik who went to raid planted with batteries and which have yet to learn and to teach life. And anything that can not be trusted, and which is necessary to recheck all over ...
This is the official version ...
And that suits this suchenka lieutenant and Dembele, and even the kind of battalion commander. And this time I have not beaten a demobilization and hearts moved a couple of times in the face with his fist division commander himself.
This is how most of all and look with the official point of view, when the climbs certain schools that it was impossible to hide or silence.
And here's the question ...
What should have been for a good while to do so, and with the lieutenant Dembele?
Because of the infantry battalion that went on combing without fire support.
Dismiss this fucking lieutenant from the army, start a criminal investigation and ruthlessly to give disciplinary battalion three years old? Because he and zassal. And it would be if I said battalion commander how it all happened? And then it would be with me if I said it was all?
Probably still would have brought a criminal case. But it is possible that in the disciplinary battalion would get me. Because it is not reported because it was me and not them signalman. Maybe they do spies smuggled ...
And so it turns out that everything is beneficial all the blame on raspizdyaystvo Wani Grankina, signalman whose hands grow from assholes. Which nothing can not be trusted. In general, they are all men. And if something happens where it is likely just statistics, and this is still nothing can be done. Because the soldier wherever kiss - it all ass.
Against this background, the officer can already did not bother with the performance of their service. And just to throw at the soldiers anything. Saying that the soldiers - well, full of freaks. Here's a youth comes into the army - irresponsible, Krivorukov, dull and stupid.

The town with the green, with a water tower, a barracks, a kitchen, sportgorodkom and ditches with water.
And then a month later we loaded into the column GAZ-66 and sent to a military airfield. And Shindant civilian aircraft. To which the ladder before our eyes rolled up in Shindante muster. That these their robes were more like parrots, rather than on the military.
PHOTO given as examples

And right at the airport we disassembled in different regiments. I got into the artillery regiment. And just a week left two divisions in the raid. And the raid went PDP has been in the state of the second division. EDP was based on BMP. On the tower instead of a machine gun and cannon equipment exploration - a laser rangefinder.

At the time, a very cool thing. That's actually because of it and took it PRP. To a command post commander of the division accurately measure the range of targets. Although in principle there is no special need if you have a good map and compass there. But compass, maps and the tablet calculator - it's long. And here vzhiiik - and the exact distance there!
So this was a carrier PDP demobilization. A commander of the PDP was Sgt. Also demobilization. Another scout in the state of the crew of the machine - the grandfather. And with them, the commander of the reconnaissance platoon - Lieutenant. Almost the same age as these Dembele. Four people. And I have arrived a week ago in the raid as I understand it in the service.
Grub to cook. Wash the dishes. Clean up in the car. Well and all kinds serve masters including Lieutenant.
And everything is nothing. And it was possible to endure even this bestiality. By the way, Lieutenant Intelligence saw everything, understood everything. I saw me at times beaten. But just silent and looked away.
What type did not interfere.
He probably also think that right now I do not really beaten, and taught there a fucking life! Which I think he would want to dress you learn. Cattle !!!
Well ...
And nothing ...
But the PDP drove from diesel engine. EDP was based BMPeshki. She arrangement is such that the engine is under the armor plate in front of the tower in a very close hold. There is a well, the engine can not crawl. For any of the slightest need to repair the engine in the tackle to pull out of the hatch after disconnecting all tubing.
And then or weight that is there to change or put on the tires on the ground and already on the ground to make repairs. And it was absolutely unclear where diesel drives. Everything else in the car was fine. Persecuted not so much. Especially there was no danger - diesel oil - is all the same not gasoline. It has zaebeshsya ignite.
And even after a five-minute drive across the floor around the PDP was a layer of diesel fuel which is two inches thick. In just a few hours away to catch up on the floor, two buckets. And this despite the fact that he had to go with open hatches on the subject of the threat of detonation.
As a result, diesel fuel plus the dust - and exit on arrival at the place inside was full of fucked up. And on this ERP we constantly moved battalion commander. Reid was in Herat. We dangled it on fire, then MP division commander in Herat itself on the CP Commander Infantry Regiment - all painfully like our rangefinder.
By which was very convenient to pinpoint the smoke and then did not puzzle over cards and right during the gallop to adjust it to the left and right of the gallop, gallop and gallop further closer.
And after each movement I had to pull out all BMPeshki. All things, all the food, all the equipment. All dredged diesel, wash with hot soapy water all floors and all that was marred diesel fuel, and all that was in the dust. Then, all laid back and prepare the beds for rest gentlemen.
Then prepare a meal. Feed gentlemen. Wash them dishes. All this is put into the machine. Usually as soon as I finished doing it again, it was necessary to have somewhere to go. And upon his arrival back again. And to top it all the night I had a dream to guard their masters. I walked around with a gun BMPeshki. From time to time one of them would wake up to see if I can not sleep.
And the officer who lieutenant he saw it all. And more than that, he was with them at the same time. And there was one difference - well, just that he did not beat me. And the rest ratio was about the same as that of Dembele and grandfathers.
But that's not all ...
The fact that I was a signalman. And it is clear that I have taken in the raid as a servant. But the battalion commander told me that in a raid in the crew PDP is taken as a communicator with a portable radio. In case you need to climb to somewhere on the roof of the building or in the mountains.
I do not just have to signalmen, with a soldering iron, I was a friend since childhood. So for two weeks I had to learn to work with the radio station. But it was not the P-105. And something more complicated. And heavier.
But there was one problem - the raid quickly ended the match. What is disposable lighters, we learned only after the restructuring. Zippo lighters we did not know. And lighter flints were nowhere to take. And a light was a very big problem. And my lords including the lieutenant got into the habit light a glowing blade closing the contacts on the battery of my portable alkaline station.
Recharge in a raid they were nowhere. This can be done only in the regiment. But the batteries were very receptive and charging long enough. But if shorting contacts that will not survive even the toughest battery. I weakly tried to bring the people as saying that - as well as the truth in the mountains where the climb, then what to do if they will put the batteries in such a way? But the people did not say anything - but only gave me that cuffs are not too much talking.
And so it happened ...
It was necessary to take the station and go for combing with the infantry at some of the districts of Herat. It was necessary not to go with this shit lieutenant and with Dembele. And with the battalion commander and with another soldier. I knew that the batteries are completely planted them and that we will not be enough to keep in touch with the fire for several hours.
But there were three sets of batteries. And it would be enough even for a day of continuous duty. But they put them all in a couple of weeks of the raid. I looked pleadingly at the lieutenant - well, can you finally tell battalion commander saying that so and so. You're an officer. But he was blown away and zassal themselves take responsibility.
And take her I had to ...
I said that the division komanidru sdohshie batteries that support the connection will fail. What other right now attainable in the vicinity. Well, maybe just one day at the firing. But right now we are in Herat, and fire dick knows where. Before she even reached necessary. And the infantry battalion has already started a chain down the street and go right now, or we with them, and we report to the division commander saying that here is such garbage! What arpolk crap and fire support will not.
Because there is such a asshole signalman Ivan Grankin which raspizdyay and chmoshnik who went to raid planted with batteries and which have yet to learn and to teach life. And anything that can not be trusted, and which is necessary to recheck all over ...
This is the official version ...
And that suits this suchenka lieutenant and Dembele, and even the kind of battalion commander. And this time I have not beaten a demobilization and hearts moved a couple of times in the face with his fist division commander himself.
This is how most of all and look with the official point of view, when the climbs certain schools that it was impossible to hide or silence.
And here's the question ...
What should have been for a good while to do so, and with the lieutenant Dembele?
Because of the infantry battalion that went on combing without fire support.
Dismiss this fucking lieutenant from the army, start a criminal investigation and ruthlessly to give disciplinary battalion three years old? Because he and zassal. And it would be if I said battalion commander how it all happened? And then it would be with me if I said it was all?
Probably still would have brought a criminal case. But it is possible that in the disciplinary battalion would get me. Because it is not reported because it was me and not them signalman. Maybe they do spies smuggled ...
And so it turns out that everything is beneficial all the blame on raspizdyaystvo Wani Grankina, signalman whose hands grow from assholes. Which nothing can not be trusted. In general, they are all men. And if something happens where it is likely just statistics, and this is still nothing can be done. Because the soldier wherever kiss - it all ass.
Against this background, the officer can already did not bother with the performance of their service. And just to throw at the soldiers anything. Saying that the soldiers - well, full of freaks. Here's a youth comes into the army - irresponsible, Krivorukov, dull and stupid.