Let me go home
On the last day of the Christmas holidays with me there was quite a wild story. I was not allowed in Russia.
My wife and I were returning from Germany, where they were on vacation. Night plane landed in Domodedovo with a slight delay. Seeing the usual queue at passport control, we were tired fell in behind. To dilute the boring waiting, began to pose as a couple of hours will see our young children sleeping in their beds. Children stay at home with my grandparents, and we have issued the first 7 years of holidays together.
And then we like whacked on the head with an ax. My wife checked the documents and easily missed. And I was asked to go into the service room and there informed me that denied entry to Russia until 2016, and that now they send me home.
I live in Russia in 2001, it has long received a residence permit, a Ukrainian citizen. I Moscow family: his wife and two children, working from the moment of arrival, established in Moscow apartment constantly, pay all taxes. Dozens of times traveled outside of Russia - never had no problems. This is my home ...
At first I even did not take seriously, but when I saw that communicate with me quite rude and quite clearly going to be sent out of the country - I was attacked utter confusion. I began frantically to think that I broke this for all these years. The only thing that came to mind - in 2010, I was not sent to the FMS annual confirmation of his residence permit by type (in my opinion, because of the wild place, I could not get an appointment). During this time I have written a fine, which I happily paid.
I did not even specify the exact reason for the ban, citing a number of articles of the law 144-FZ on migration, which contains 8 points, quite blurry. I offered to contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine in the community, so they made a request to the Federal Migration Service to determine the reasons for the detention.
My wife, meanwhile, was already over the turnstile and was waiting for me. When a few minutes later she called me and excitedly asked where I was gone - I'm almost in a state of shock told her the news. I sat in the office locked up for half an hour, trying to explain that I am not a criminal and that I have a family left without a father. All useless.
The situation greatly exacerbated by the fact that it was night from Saturday to Sunday, and before the opening of some state institutions, where they could at least learn something, was more than a day.
After that, everything was like a dream. We were given less than a minute the fact that I passed through the turnstile wife needed items and documents, cynically declared: "faster separation - less tears." The most horrifying thing - seeing his wife crying and not being able to do anything.
Of course, I forgot a lot of things: the charger for almost shrunken phone and laptop (the most important thing in such cases), clothing, forgot to give his wife the keys and documents of the car.
Arriving us a taxi was sent back in my seat locked up. With me, of course, they took the money for the order. Wife took home parents in a car - they had to wake up in the night and drive through the town 50 km.
And I was taken under guard to a small room with an iron door, security and grates. I was trying to ask me to leave the transit area for 2-3 days to determine. But they refused.
When they opened the door - I really felt bad. The room has an area of nearly 50 square meters there were 35 migrants, mostly from the southern republics. They were sitting and lying on piles of bags. It was dirty, full of smoke, stale air. Some people slept, someone was playing cards. It looked very unhappy. The room was dirty toilet, dirty shower and a torn almost from the root socket, which was inserted at two snot charge the phone. As I later saw - charge the phone was a major problem for people who are not able to call your family and tell about their misadventures. My phone is left about 10% of the charge, this was enough for 3-5 brief calls or 10 minutes of feverish search for information on the Internet. How I wished that the plane followed by GPS and put the flight battery is almost full. I thought coming home ...
I was able to call on some helpline. Got people on the other end said that the border guards could have real grounds that it is necessary to understand, and what help he could do nothing.
All foreigners were waiting for them to buy a ticket and will be sent home. I remembered the safety measures before the Olympics, about the recent terrorist attacks in Volgograd, about strengthening the fight against illegal migration in recent months. I decided for myself that I just got "under the distribution". This thought calmed me a little, but did not solve the problem.
There was nowhere to sit, so most of the time I stood leaning against the wall. But then the compassionate workers have given way to some time - said that I could get some sleep.
We must give law enforcement officers guarding us: people fed twice (or buckwheat semolina, bread, tomato juice), once washed the floor and made garbage. But it is treated very rudely shouted. In general, not much different from the detention cells ...
After about 7 hours of waiting in suspense told to leave. They bought me a ticket to Simferopol (I was born in the Crimea) and taken to the plane. Transported in a van, accompanied by border guards directly to the ladder. Brought into the plane and put him on the last row, giving my papers flight attendants. Later I discovered that I was given a special paper in which it was written that I undertake to pay 100% of the cost of the airline ticket for a month, otherwise they will request the money through the courts. At the bottom was written "refused to sign", which was true. Enthusiasm is not added.
In Simferopol airport I was met by guards with dogs and carried out in a special room. Auntie - Shift Supervisor - began to feel sorry for me, almost tea drunk, asked what had happened and said that the case of some absolutely unreal. Then he issued the documents and released. I went to my sister, who lives in Simferopol. She took care of me, and we waited.
Meanwhile, my wife rang round all my friends, thinking what to do next. It was decided to go and write a request to the Federal Migration Service of all instances and access to lawyers.
I got a call from work, and when I told the situation - was asked to write a request to the Federal Migration Service of the organization.
On Monday morning, my wife went to start the passport office at his residence. The head of the Federal Migration Service in our area said it was some kind of savagery, and that Moscow did not cover my entry. Especially surprised by the presence of his residence permit and family members - citizens of Russia. He called someone and then told to go to the central department of the Federal Migration Service in Moscow, where you can see a database of prohibitions.
As we have often, on Monday is the separation of the citizens are not accepted. In general, the reception day was 2 times a week for 3 hours. Naturally, I had to take a turn at 6 am that there was at least some chance of get an appointment. His wife had not slept for three days. Tuesday came in the dark and in the cold take their turn.
And what - they have not worked base! Familiar phrase? Exactly. My wife stayed there for about two hours. The base has not earned. The next day was a reception on Thursday.
On Wednesday, the wife went to a reception at the Federal Migration Service of Russia and has filed a request with copies of all documents for me, myself and our children. They said that it is necessary to wait for a response 30 days. When my wife told me in tears that her husband was deported without explanation, they are still trying to make a joke, like "Well, glad that my husband is not." It was already beyond ...
In parallel, we filed a request in electronic form in various other offices of the FMS, and even in the presidential administration. We must pay tribute - came from everywhere replies that the appeal is accepted and will be considered. But everywhere, too, it was offered to wait about a month - a time limit. Administration of the President directly on the same day forwarded the request to the FMS with the wording "for the purpose of an objective and comprehensive examination." That gave some hope to accelerate.
In oral conversation FMS wife said that now so many people come to the expulsion from the country. Whether they have a plan for the number of deported migrants, or some other indication. And all the people with the prohibition fall into this situation, and, like, we still have a good case, and in others there relatives die, fired from his job, and similar horrors.
On Thursday, the second wife went to a reception at the Federal Migration Service in Moscow - to find out the exact cause of detention in the database. Base this time worked - is happiness.
And now we know the reason - the error border service. ERROR! In the summer, when I drove the kids to the sea and back home - I have not checked the residence and found my usual foreign national without registration. I have supposedly not registered in time, and I was denied entry. Check legitimate reason to stay (residence permit), they certainly do not come to mind. How did it occur to know about my family and work.
Within four months after the closure of the entrance to me about it no one reported. Not reported, and at passport control at the time of departure on vacation at the airport on 29 December. What are they check then? But happily reported back at the entrance.
And now the most interesting. Despite the error, and the fact that they recognized it, we still have to wait a month until our appeal will be considered. And then I do not know how to wait for lifting the ban, and reflect the information in their databases.
At the moment his wife was left alone with two small children. His wife works. Lead children in kindergarten nobody. Well, that is a nanny who can sit with them during the day at home. I must now try to discover ways to transfer money home from abroad. Thank God that my work is done - we have an office in Kiev, where I am now going to work and wait for the resolution of the situation. And if it were not so, I would have easily lost his job, which he gave 10 years of his life. I spent a lot of money on tickets, accommodation. The wife on the verge of a nervous breakdown, she had to work full blockage due to the fact that it runs a week to a reception at the Federal Migration Service for half a day is not sleeping at night.
Children do not understand why their father did not come back from vacation. Crying.
I do not know how to end this whole crazy story, and whether it will be completed at all. When something becomes known, I will write here.
I very much hope that, thanks to the request of the Administration of the President, it will go a little faster.
P.S. Someone maybe ask why I wrote it. Well, wrong, right, sent a month or two to return, which snot dissolve? But I would just like to remind our officials that their every decision, including a mistake, negligence, are real people and their destinies, those ordinary citizens, which always says Putin. Thank God that in my case it's not a very disastrous - almost all are alive and healthy. But that such cases are occurring at every step, form the attitude of people towards their state. But so easy to show at least a little more participation, attention and kindness ...
My wife and I were returning from Germany, where they were on vacation. Night plane landed in Domodedovo with a slight delay. Seeing the usual queue at passport control, we were tired fell in behind. To dilute the boring waiting, began to pose as a couple of hours will see our young children sleeping in their beds. Children stay at home with my grandparents, and we have issued the first 7 years of holidays together.
And then we like whacked on the head with an ax. My wife checked the documents and easily missed. And I was asked to go into the service room and there informed me that denied entry to Russia until 2016, and that now they send me home.

I live in Russia in 2001, it has long received a residence permit, a Ukrainian citizen. I Moscow family: his wife and two children, working from the moment of arrival, established in Moscow apartment constantly, pay all taxes. Dozens of times traveled outside of Russia - never had no problems. This is my home ...
At first I even did not take seriously, but when I saw that communicate with me quite rude and quite clearly going to be sent out of the country - I was attacked utter confusion. I began frantically to think that I broke this for all these years. The only thing that came to mind - in 2010, I was not sent to the FMS annual confirmation of his residence permit by type (in my opinion, because of the wild place, I could not get an appointment). During this time I have written a fine, which I happily paid.
I did not even specify the exact reason for the ban, citing a number of articles of the law 144-FZ on migration, which contains 8 points, quite blurry. I offered to contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine in the community, so they made a request to the Federal Migration Service to determine the reasons for the detention.
My wife, meanwhile, was already over the turnstile and was waiting for me. When a few minutes later she called me and excitedly asked where I was gone - I'm almost in a state of shock told her the news. I sat in the office locked up for half an hour, trying to explain that I am not a criminal and that I have a family left without a father. All useless.
The situation greatly exacerbated by the fact that it was night from Saturday to Sunday, and before the opening of some state institutions, where they could at least learn something, was more than a day.
After that, everything was like a dream. We were given less than a minute the fact that I passed through the turnstile wife needed items and documents, cynically declared: "faster separation - less tears." The most horrifying thing - seeing his wife crying and not being able to do anything.
Of course, I forgot a lot of things: the charger for almost shrunken phone and laptop (the most important thing in such cases), clothing, forgot to give his wife the keys and documents of the car.
Arriving us a taxi was sent back in my seat locked up. With me, of course, they took the money for the order. Wife took home parents in a car - they had to wake up in the night and drive through the town 50 km.
And I was taken under guard to a small room with an iron door, security and grates. I was trying to ask me to leave the transit area for 2-3 days to determine. But they refused.
When they opened the door - I really felt bad. The room has an area of nearly 50 square meters there were 35 migrants, mostly from the southern republics. They were sitting and lying on piles of bags. It was dirty, full of smoke, stale air. Some people slept, someone was playing cards. It looked very unhappy. The room was dirty toilet, dirty shower and a torn almost from the root socket, which was inserted at two snot charge the phone. As I later saw - charge the phone was a major problem for people who are not able to call your family and tell about their misadventures. My phone is left about 10% of the charge, this was enough for 3-5 brief calls or 10 minutes of feverish search for information on the Internet. How I wished that the plane followed by GPS and put the flight battery is almost full. I thought coming home ...
I was able to call on some helpline. Got people on the other end said that the border guards could have real grounds that it is necessary to understand, and what help he could do nothing.
All foreigners were waiting for them to buy a ticket and will be sent home. I remembered the safety measures before the Olympics, about the recent terrorist attacks in Volgograd, about strengthening the fight against illegal migration in recent months. I decided for myself that I just got "under the distribution". This thought calmed me a little, but did not solve the problem.
There was nowhere to sit, so most of the time I stood leaning against the wall. But then the compassionate workers have given way to some time - said that I could get some sleep.
We must give law enforcement officers guarding us: people fed twice (or buckwheat semolina, bread, tomato juice), once washed the floor and made garbage. But it is treated very rudely shouted. In general, not much different from the detention cells ...
After about 7 hours of waiting in suspense told to leave. They bought me a ticket to Simferopol (I was born in the Crimea) and taken to the plane. Transported in a van, accompanied by border guards directly to the ladder. Brought into the plane and put him on the last row, giving my papers flight attendants. Later I discovered that I was given a special paper in which it was written that I undertake to pay 100% of the cost of the airline ticket for a month, otherwise they will request the money through the courts. At the bottom was written "refused to sign", which was true. Enthusiasm is not added.
In Simferopol airport I was met by guards with dogs and carried out in a special room. Auntie - Shift Supervisor - began to feel sorry for me, almost tea drunk, asked what had happened and said that the case of some absolutely unreal. Then he issued the documents and released. I went to my sister, who lives in Simferopol. She took care of me, and we waited.
Meanwhile, my wife rang round all my friends, thinking what to do next. It was decided to go and write a request to the Federal Migration Service of all instances and access to lawyers.
I got a call from work, and when I told the situation - was asked to write a request to the Federal Migration Service of the organization.
On Monday morning, my wife went to start the passport office at his residence. The head of the Federal Migration Service in our area said it was some kind of savagery, and that Moscow did not cover my entry. Especially surprised by the presence of his residence permit and family members - citizens of Russia. He called someone and then told to go to the central department of the Federal Migration Service in Moscow, where you can see a database of prohibitions.
As we have often, on Monday is the separation of the citizens are not accepted. In general, the reception day was 2 times a week for 3 hours. Naturally, I had to take a turn at 6 am that there was at least some chance of get an appointment. His wife had not slept for three days. Tuesday came in the dark and in the cold take their turn.
And what - they have not worked base! Familiar phrase? Exactly. My wife stayed there for about two hours. The base has not earned. The next day was a reception on Thursday.
On Wednesday, the wife went to a reception at the Federal Migration Service of Russia and has filed a request with copies of all documents for me, myself and our children. They said that it is necessary to wait for a response 30 days. When my wife told me in tears that her husband was deported without explanation, they are still trying to make a joke, like "Well, glad that my husband is not." It was already beyond ...
In parallel, we filed a request in electronic form in various other offices of the FMS, and even in the presidential administration. We must pay tribute - came from everywhere replies that the appeal is accepted and will be considered. But everywhere, too, it was offered to wait about a month - a time limit. Administration of the President directly on the same day forwarded the request to the FMS with the wording "for the purpose of an objective and comprehensive examination." That gave some hope to accelerate.
In oral conversation FMS wife said that now so many people come to the expulsion from the country. Whether they have a plan for the number of deported migrants, or some other indication. And all the people with the prohibition fall into this situation, and, like, we still have a good case, and in others there relatives die, fired from his job, and similar horrors.
On Thursday, the second wife went to a reception at the Federal Migration Service in Moscow - to find out the exact cause of detention in the database. Base this time worked - is happiness.
And now we know the reason - the error border service. ERROR! In the summer, when I drove the kids to the sea and back home - I have not checked the residence and found my usual foreign national without registration. I have supposedly not registered in time, and I was denied entry. Check legitimate reason to stay (residence permit), they certainly do not come to mind. How did it occur to know about my family and work.
Within four months after the closure of the entrance to me about it no one reported. Not reported, and at passport control at the time of departure on vacation at the airport on 29 December. What are they check then? But happily reported back at the entrance.
And now the most interesting. Despite the error, and the fact that they recognized it, we still have to wait a month until our appeal will be considered. And then I do not know how to wait for lifting the ban, and reflect the information in their databases.
At the moment his wife was left alone with two small children. His wife works. Lead children in kindergarten nobody. Well, that is a nanny who can sit with them during the day at home. I must now try to discover ways to transfer money home from abroad. Thank God that my work is done - we have an office in Kiev, where I am now going to work and wait for the resolution of the situation. And if it were not so, I would have easily lost his job, which he gave 10 years of his life. I spent a lot of money on tickets, accommodation. The wife on the verge of a nervous breakdown, she had to work full blockage due to the fact that it runs a week to a reception at the Federal Migration Service for half a day is not sleeping at night.
Children do not understand why their father did not come back from vacation. Crying.
I do not know how to end this whole crazy story, and whether it will be completed at all. When something becomes known, I will write here.
I very much hope that, thanks to the request of the Administration of the President, it will go a little faster.
P.S. Someone maybe ask why I wrote it. Well, wrong, right, sent a month or two to return, which snot dissolve? But I would just like to remind our officials that their every decision, including a mistake, negligence, are real people and their destinies, those ordinary citizens, which always says Putin. Thank God that in my case it's not a very disastrous - almost all are alive and healthy. But that such cases are occurring at every step, form the attitude of people towards their state. But so easy to show at least a little more participation, attention and kindness ...