The driver, who considered himself always right
Member of our forum, registered under the name Ohotnick (c onliner), has long been known to users. He often posted videos in which easily guessed his characteristic style of driving.
Most complained drivers "sickening" pedestrian "throw under the wheels", "Now, if all went as I» ...
text and a couple of video under the cut
"The fact that pedestrians are disrespectful to other road users and their lives, as well as violate the one and only rule that is easy to remember even a child - it is like that - he said in an interview. - But !!! Worst of all, they do it with impunity, with the tacit approval of the traffic police. " Recently, the network has a video shot by the registrar, who was installed in the user's machine Ohotnick. There the driver when cornering knocks person.
Judging from the data recorder, the accident occurred on 26 September at the intersection of ul. Bryl and st. Alibegova in Minsk. The driver of the car, which was installed registrar at the intersection crossed a solid line marking and toured cars stopped at a red. He himself began to perform a left turn with the band, which can only be straight. However, he somehow ended up in the maneuver right lane. At this point, pedestrians start moving on the green light.
"The driver did not want to give his inspectors memory card recorder, I tried to hide it - told the traffic police of the Moscow district. - He hid the device under the seat immediately after the accident. But our staff noticed it and asked for a video ».
Recall, the inspectors have the right to demand entry. Videos in this case is considered to be the subject of evidence and refers to "other media" (Article 6.11 PIKoAP). What is the future video history is unknown, but he soon appeared on the service YouTube.
By location recorder, angles, interior parts and brushes, many users of this forum have guessed that the video was filmed by the user Ohotnick. One of the first assumption is expressed stewie_griffin. It is known that Ohotnick owns Opel. The last time he left a message in the forum thread under "Auto" on September 24, that is, two days before the accident described above. After this instructive positions in the spirit of "look how to ride" no longer appear.
In the traffic police said that the accident involving a pedestrian really It was incorporated on September 26 at the intersection of Bryl and Alibegova. "Hitting the driver makes Opel, the wheel was a man - said Love Trepashko. - The circumstances of the accident can be seen on the video. We can only add that the pedestrian has not received serious injuries, had only bruises. The young man had no claims to the car owner. The driver violated traffic rules, paragraph 100 (when turning left or right, the driver must give way to pedestrians crossing (crossing) the carriageway (on a pedestrian crossing, and in his absence - the line of sidewalks or roadsides), to which he turns). The man was drawn up under Article 18.14, paragraph 7, "Violation of the rules of maneuvering or roundabouts", which provides for punishment up to a fine of five basic values ».
Ohotnick himself in an interview earlier said: "Our people tend to assume an abnormal all that is contrary to their thinking. That majority, as you said, according to my driving style abnormal, but almost all agree that the culture of driving on the roads of Belarus, as such, no. But the very culture of the sum of the majority, which considers and my driving style abnormal, from which itself raises the question: what style of driving in this case must be considered normal? .. »
"Formally, it is necessary to pass a pedestrian - described forumchanin situation became subject of one of the rollers. - C carelessness pedestrians located on the transition, without making sure whether they passed, which in turn often leads to fatal outcomes. Never mind that it will be right, because in the next world is unlikely to be counted ».
Most complained drivers "sickening" pedestrian "throw under the wheels", "Now, if all went as I» ...
text and a couple of video under the cut

"The fact that pedestrians are disrespectful to other road users and their lives, as well as violate the one and only rule that is easy to remember even a child - it is like that - he said in an interview. - But !!! Worst of all, they do it with impunity, with the tacit approval of the traffic police. " Recently, the network has a video shot by the registrar, who was installed in the user's machine Ohotnick. There the driver when cornering knocks person.
Judging from the data recorder, the accident occurred on 26 September at the intersection of ul. Bryl and st. Alibegova in Minsk. The driver of the car, which was installed registrar at the intersection crossed a solid line marking and toured cars stopped at a red. He himself began to perform a left turn with the band, which can only be straight. However, he somehow ended up in the maneuver right lane. At this point, pedestrians start moving on the green light.
"The driver did not want to give his inspectors memory card recorder, I tried to hide it - told the traffic police of the Moscow district. - He hid the device under the seat immediately after the accident. But our staff noticed it and asked for a video ».
Recall, the inspectors have the right to demand entry. Videos in this case is considered to be the subject of evidence and refers to "other media" (Article 6.11 PIKoAP). What is the future video history is unknown, but he soon appeared on the service YouTube.
By location recorder, angles, interior parts and brushes, many users of this forum have guessed that the video was filmed by the user Ohotnick. One of the first assumption is expressed stewie_griffin. It is known that Ohotnick owns Opel. The last time he left a message in the forum thread under "Auto" on September 24, that is, two days before the accident described above. After this instructive positions in the spirit of "look how to ride" no longer appear.
In the traffic police said that the accident involving a pedestrian really It was incorporated on September 26 at the intersection of Bryl and Alibegova. "Hitting the driver makes Opel, the wheel was a man - said Love Trepashko. - The circumstances of the accident can be seen on the video. We can only add that the pedestrian has not received serious injuries, had only bruises. The young man had no claims to the car owner. The driver violated traffic rules, paragraph 100 (when turning left or right, the driver must give way to pedestrians crossing (crossing) the carriageway (on a pedestrian crossing, and in his absence - the line of sidewalks or roadsides), to which he turns). The man was drawn up under Article 18.14, paragraph 7, "Violation of the rules of maneuvering or roundabouts", which provides for punishment up to a fine of five basic values ».
Ohotnick himself in an interview earlier said: "Our people tend to assume an abnormal all that is contrary to their thinking. That majority, as you said, according to my driving style abnormal, but almost all agree that the culture of driving on the roads of Belarus, as such, no. But the very culture of the sum of the majority, which considers and my driving style abnormal, from which itself raises the question: what style of driving in this case must be considered normal? .. »
"Formally, it is necessary to pass a pedestrian - described forumchanin situation became subject of one of the rollers. - C carelessness pedestrians located on the transition, without making sure whether they passed, which in turn often leads to fatal outcomes. Never mind that it will be right, because in the next world is unlikely to be counted ».