My first time
The first time in a girl's breasts
1986. 14 years. Most juice puberty crisis. Pollutions, involuntary erections and an inner glow when accidentally, and when you touch a cute classmate deliberately not what hands, and even the elbow or knee. And in such a difficult time for the body I went to training camps in Krasnodar, rowing and canoeing. In his native Kostroma River in April it was still under ice, and in Krasnodar is a plus 10-15, and even, say, somewhere swimming in the channel.
Arriving in Krasnodar, in the company of coaches and a group of friends, I managed to catch a cold and get swollen lymph nodes under the arm, popularly called "bitch's udder." Two or three days the tumor has grown, I have suffered ever-increasing pain, and when he could not stand, went to the hospital, the local Dolittle (the manager I spoke only about the cold, afraid that home send) and the reception of some doctor gave direction to heating (?). Somehow I live until the next day, I came with a complaint to the same office that I was worse. And happily I began to lose consciousness.
Continued under the cut ...
The doctor called "fast", I was taken to the hospital and immediately on the operating table. I remember that as the mother of a surgeon, when he was informed that initially I was directed to heating. Then he scares me that if I came later in the day would have to cut his hand.
And sobsno subject. A short time after the operation caused me to the treatment. Montserrat Caballe is sitting there with a straight face Ranevskaya and says that now will take blood from a vein. Not afraid? No, I kid! I sit down, tuck. No, the right to give. I give the right. Fleece, needle tyk - blood. Everything is fine. Here Ranevskaya says Montserrat - For girls who first?
Here the corner of my eye I see how because shirmochki put forward several girls, age 17-18, in white robes, holding Daddy. Yeah, intern. I sit, not rock the boat, I think that it should be. Suitable first, something squeaks hoarsely. The nurse gives her a place. The rubber tube on the biceps, work cam, fleece and trembling fingers stuck a needle into the vein. Nurse rigidly fix my hand and said that the wrong done - needle is inserted into a cut up, not down. He looks at me - how are you? fine! - And says the first, so she converted the shot. The first has the right sticks.
The second could not pick up a gun, so much hand shaking and then came third. Unfortunately, I look vaguely remember, but I liked it very much. Calmly and confidently, taking my hand and pulls harness - work cam. Since there was a table between us, it's a little bent and I saw in the neckline gown, except that under the robe robe nothing. A chest there. With an empty head, a colored pony in rainbow country, I looked at her. And she again said - work cam. I had a couple of times a mechanically shrink-to unclench your fingers before you realized that squeezing her breasts, very well located in my hand as she leaned over the table.
That's the first time I let suddenly, but significantly and fully, not touched any bumps classmates, and it is currently formed, resilient and beautiful girl's breasts.
1986. 14 years. Most juice puberty crisis. Pollutions, involuntary erections and an inner glow when accidentally, and when you touch a cute classmate deliberately not what hands, and even the elbow or knee. And in such a difficult time for the body I went to training camps in Krasnodar, rowing and canoeing. In his native Kostroma River in April it was still under ice, and in Krasnodar is a plus 10-15, and even, say, somewhere swimming in the channel.
Arriving in Krasnodar, in the company of coaches and a group of friends, I managed to catch a cold and get swollen lymph nodes under the arm, popularly called "bitch's udder." Two or three days the tumor has grown, I have suffered ever-increasing pain, and when he could not stand, went to the hospital, the local Dolittle (the manager I spoke only about the cold, afraid that home send) and the reception of some doctor gave direction to heating (?). Somehow I live until the next day, I came with a complaint to the same office that I was worse. And happily I began to lose consciousness.
Continued under the cut ...

The doctor called "fast", I was taken to the hospital and immediately on the operating table. I remember that as the mother of a surgeon, when he was informed that initially I was directed to heating. Then he scares me that if I came later in the day would have to cut his hand.
And sobsno subject. A short time after the operation caused me to the treatment. Montserrat Caballe is sitting there with a straight face Ranevskaya and says that now will take blood from a vein. Not afraid? No, I kid! I sit down, tuck. No, the right to give. I give the right. Fleece, needle tyk - blood. Everything is fine. Here Ranevskaya says Montserrat - For girls who first?
Here the corner of my eye I see how because shirmochki put forward several girls, age 17-18, in white robes, holding Daddy. Yeah, intern. I sit, not rock the boat, I think that it should be. Suitable first, something squeaks hoarsely. The nurse gives her a place. The rubber tube on the biceps, work cam, fleece and trembling fingers stuck a needle into the vein. Nurse rigidly fix my hand and said that the wrong done - needle is inserted into a cut up, not down. He looks at me - how are you? fine! - And says the first, so she converted the shot. The first has the right sticks.
The second could not pick up a gun, so much hand shaking and then came third. Unfortunately, I look vaguely remember, but I liked it very much. Calmly and confidently, taking my hand and pulls harness - work cam. Since there was a table between us, it's a little bent and I saw in the neckline gown, except that under the robe robe nothing. A chest there. With an empty head, a colored pony in rainbow country, I looked at her. And she again said - work cam. I had a couple of times a mechanically shrink-to unclench your fingers before you realized that squeezing her breasts, very well located in my hand as she leaned over the table.
That's the first time I let suddenly, but significantly and fully, not touched any bumps classmates, and it is currently formed, resilient and beautiful girl's breasts.