The longest kebab (4 photos)
Yoshkar-Ola 157-meter fried skewers!
The longest bridge in the world
The world's longest art gallery
The longest kebab (4 photos)
The longest fingernails in the world (10 photos)
Radhakant Bajpai - man with the long hair from the ears (5 photos)
The longest roll in the world (8 photos)
Top 10 female feet long (10 photos)
The longest letter to God
The longest male language in the world (4 photos)
Wedding dress with the long train in the world
The longest bridge in the world
The world's longest art gallery
The longest kebab (4 photos)
The longest fingernails in the world (10 photos)
Radhakant Bajpai - man with the long hair from the ears (5 photos)
The longest roll in the world (8 photos)
Top 10 female feet long (10 photos)
The longest letter to God
The longest male language in the world (4 photos)
Wedding dress with the long train in the world
Interesting and informative facts about the Tour 2012
Was - was (22 photos)