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Again, nostalgia post!
There is a lot of letters ...
If you went to school, then at least once received from classmates ornamented thick notebook with matters of frankness. Those surveys have become the prototype of today's social networks.
"When you pick a rose you, look no injections, when fall in love with a boy, Look no mistake!" - This warning from the classical school folklore looked even more significant if to bring him to decorate with colored pens and curls. This will confirm any who once, as a schoolboy, was producing its own notebook with questions for classmates - profile.
Anketomaniya begins around the fourth class and symbolized a kind of transition from childhood to adolescence.
If you get into the hands of a notebook with a proposal to answer the questions, it means that you trust and your social status in the class is high. Aba who were not given the questionnaire.
- It was very disappointing when you're someone allowed to fill in the questionnaire, but, as a rule, we do it in a classroom filled with everything except the obvious outsiders, - says Catherine, a graduate of the "zero" years. - Besides the usual personal data, we tried to ask unusual questions. For example, I had a question in the questionnaire: "What would you do, we will be stuck in a lift together?" So I provoked a stream rather trite response from the boys, most of which was decent, "stuck - know!»
"Questionnaire-otkrovenniki" were interesting in that they vividly reflect his time.
So, in the seventies, some housewives strove questionnaires ask philosophical questions such as "For the sake of what or whom you would sacrifice life?" Or "Who of literary characters would you like to be like?»
When in the nineties came the first television commercials, some questionnaires immediately you see "Your favorite soap».
Graduates of the "zero" in their children's questionnaires entered points, "What would you do if you found a million?", "What do you parents gave on the last New Year's Eve?" And "What kind of food do you hate?»
However, anyone will tell you, all these minor points were camouflage cover for the main burning question: "What boy (girl) do you like in the classroom?" After all, for the sake of all and was started precisely because it was purely girly undertaking: tied first sympathy, very much like to know other people's deepest secrets, and women, even young, always like to talk about feelings.
- The objectives were two - to find out who to like and understand how classmates are you most. The teenager is very important to know that he is loved and interesting people - that's the reason why there were profiles, - says Natalya, the former anketovladelitsa. - I remember we once one girl on the obvious question, "Do you like the hostess profiles?" The answer is "No". It was rude and against the rules, it all began to lunge for a bite. And I have connected with this tradition pleasant memories: I invited the boy who liked me, answer the questions in my profile. He at first refused, but then, when it did his friend agreed and took my profile home! I have not slept all night, with trepidation wondering what he will respond to "major" issues. And when I got back from his notebook, then I found her veiled confirmation that I told him, too, like me. It was such a joy! Then, in high school, we had even "friends", that is considered to be a couple.
But most of the young gentlemen were not up to the development of their "early" classmates.
- A neighbor on the desk in my application to the question "Who are you friends of the girls?" Straightforward answer: "I am no one to make friends, druzhilka have not increased," - says Olga lipchanka Solomatin. - But in parentheses marked "joke».
The beauty of the questionnaire has been and that it does not plow a field for creativity. Skilled workers were doing their best to notebook with questions and a bright light shone dazzled. Depending on the era graced its pages pasted magazine clippings or inserts of gum. Times have changed, Alla Pugacheva displacing Michael Jackson. On one page viewed Terminator, on the other - complete gallery of characters in the series "Ellen and the boys».
- When we started in the classroom questionnaire boom, I was 10 years old, and I remember it like it was written in one column, "My favorite singer (singer)" two names - Natalia Gulkina and Viktor Tsoi. A strange combination, right? - Says Svetlana, a graduate of all the same "zero". - A very cool girl flavored spirits of their notebooks. I remember that my friend profile smelled perfume "Wall-to-Wall" factory "New Dawn". Necessarily in each questionnaire were "secret" pages, cleverly folded and decorated with the word "No!" Unauthorized rolled out a page, a little Ninny, addressed to him read the phrase: "Well, what did you sow, for it is written - it is impossible!»
- We are with all the guys were waiting until all the girls in this profile write all about yourself, then takes it from the owner, they hid in the men's room and read, and the woman jumping at the door and could not do anything. And I learned from the answers which the girl he loves and draw conclusions as to its "roll up" - shares memories of a former student and now have two children, dad, Igor. - The most valuable were then decals are stuck, dipped in hot water and a large set of markers eighteen colors. "Perevodilki" we shoved in a pocket at the end of a notebook with the word "hostess gift profiles».
All shared his memories of the golden tradition of school time, unanimous: nice to remember my childhood, in which there were iPhones and the Internet. Nowadays children do not even need a beautiful, ready profiles, which are sold in stationery stores. Homemade notebooks with sequins and photographs of actors confident displace social networks. The current student to express sympathy classmate, enough to put a "Like" to her pictures in your account.
There is a lot of letters ...

If you went to school, then at least once received from classmates ornamented thick notebook with matters of frankness. Those surveys have become the prototype of today's social networks.
"When you pick a rose you, look no injections, when fall in love with a boy, Look no mistake!" - This warning from the classical school folklore looked even more significant if to bring him to decorate with colored pens and curls. This will confirm any who once, as a schoolboy, was producing its own notebook with questions for classmates - profile.
Anketomaniya begins around the fourth class and symbolized a kind of transition from childhood to adolescence.
If you get into the hands of a notebook with a proposal to answer the questions, it means that you trust and your social status in the class is high. Aba who were not given the questionnaire.
- It was very disappointing when you're someone allowed to fill in the questionnaire, but, as a rule, we do it in a classroom filled with everything except the obvious outsiders, - says Catherine, a graduate of the "zero" years. - Besides the usual personal data, we tried to ask unusual questions. For example, I had a question in the questionnaire: "What would you do, we will be stuck in a lift together?" So I provoked a stream rather trite response from the boys, most of which was decent, "stuck - know!»
"Questionnaire-otkrovenniki" were interesting in that they vividly reflect his time.
So, in the seventies, some housewives strove questionnaires ask philosophical questions such as "For the sake of what or whom you would sacrifice life?" Or "Who of literary characters would you like to be like?»
When in the nineties came the first television commercials, some questionnaires immediately you see "Your favorite soap».
Graduates of the "zero" in their children's questionnaires entered points, "What would you do if you found a million?", "What do you parents gave on the last New Year's Eve?" And "What kind of food do you hate?»
However, anyone will tell you, all these minor points were camouflage cover for the main burning question: "What boy (girl) do you like in the classroom?" After all, for the sake of all and was started precisely because it was purely girly undertaking: tied first sympathy, very much like to know other people's deepest secrets, and women, even young, always like to talk about feelings.
- The objectives were two - to find out who to like and understand how classmates are you most. The teenager is very important to know that he is loved and interesting people - that's the reason why there were profiles, - says Natalya, the former anketovladelitsa. - I remember we once one girl on the obvious question, "Do you like the hostess profiles?" The answer is "No". It was rude and against the rules, it all began to lunge for a bite. And I have connected with this tradition pleasant memories: I invited the boy who liked me, answer the questions in my profile. He at first refused, but then, when it did his friend agreed and took my profile home! I have not slept all night, with trepidation wondering what he will respond to "major" issues. And when I got back from his notebook, then I found her veiled confirmation that I told him, too, like me. It was such a joy! Then, in high school, we had even "friends", that is considered to be a couple.
But most of the young gentlemen were not up to the development of their "early" classmates.
- A neighbor on the desk in my application to the question "Who are you friends of the girls?" Straightforward answer: "I am no one to make friends, druzhilka have not increased," - says Olga lipchanka Solomatin. - But in parentheses marked "joke».
The beauty of the questionnaire has been and that it does not plow a field for creativity. Skilled workers were doing their best to notebook with questions and a bright light shone dazzled. Depending on the era graced its pages pasted magazine clippings or inserts of gum. Times have changed, Alla Pugacheva displacing Michael Jackson. On one page viewed Terminator, on the other - complete gallery of characters in the series "Ellen and the boys».
- When we started in the classroom questionnaire boom, I was 10 years old, and I remember it like it was written in one column, "My favorite singer (singer)" two names - Natalia Gulkina and Viktor Tsoi. A strange combination, right? - Says Svetlana, a graduate of all the same "zero". - A very cool girl flavored spirits of their notebooks. I remember that my friend profile smelled perfume "Wall-to-Wall" factory "New Dawn". Necessarily in each questionnaire were "secret" pages, cleverly folded and decorated with the word "No!" Unauthorized rolled out a page, a little Ninny, addressed to him read the phrase: "Well, what did you sow, for it is written - it is impossible!»
- We are with all the guys were waiting until all the girls in this profile write all about yourself, then takes it from the owner, they hid in the men's room and read, and the woman jumping at the door and could not do anything. And I learned from the answers which the girl he loves and draw conclusions as to its "roll up" - shares memories of a former student and now have two children, dad, Igor. - The most valuable were then decals are stuck, dipped in hot water and a large set of markers eighteen colors. "Perevodilki" we shoved in a pocket at the end of a notebook with the word "hostess gift profiles».
All shared his memories of the golden tradition of school time, unanimous: nice to remember my childhood, in which there were iPhones and the Internet. Nowadays children do not even need a beautiful, ready profiles, which are sold in stationery stores. Homemade notebooks with sequins and photographs of actors confident displace social networks. The current student to express sympathy classmate, enough to put a "Like" to her pictures in your account.