Nicety rukozhop or ...
I decided to buy a backlit keyboard. My choice fell on some crap called SVEN Comfort 7200EL. To be honest, in my village, and especially the selection was not. Brought home, plugged in, and she could not get enough into the evening ...
As it turned out she did not light dimmer is why at night tends ebashit the eyes slightly better than xenon from counter basin. According to comments in store it turned out that not only I noticed this "You." For a week I have to this spotlight to muzzle face and could not get used to. And here, in my legal holiday, I decided to take a 100 watt soldering iron and a little bit to make fun of the Chinese miracle of engineering ...
Will 15 ph.
Photo transfer brightness is problematic, but the way it looks from the backlight. The lighting in the room the same as in the first and second photo.
More I'm not pleased with the reflection from the indicators when you turn off the backlight.
If someone suddenly want to repeat these operations remember - there is a guarantee the wood.
Here I was pleasantly surprised. Very often, in such an electroluminescent film keyboards used as a light source. For this film the world - needs an inverter. How to control the brightness by using an inverter, I do not know. And the inverter can be nasty and annoying whistling. But this inverter I have fortunately not found. This modelka used the most common LEDs.
A separate power button backlight is not. lights switched simultaneously with the indicator Scroll Lock. I personally do not use this button, however, after the computer shutdown condition this indicator is not memorized. But the state of Num Lock at startup can be set in the BIOS of the motherboard. In general, I would prefer to move the switch on the backlight key Num Lock. Personally, I feel so comfortable. Catch a viewing wiring and scratched turnip, I decided that this resistor in the circuit once
Otpaivat ... experience in soldering smd I have almost no, and hand soldering only 30 cotton. Well, I just confessed to the
Check. Exactly! Scroll Lock lights and no lights!
Prokidyval postings from the diode Lok us and everything is now as I want to. Yes, rezyuk 100 ohm I really threw. Maybe I did something terrible, but to me it's just a keyboard.
Now zaymёmsya brightness. I had the idea to stick controller, but kurochit body with my hands is Fail. Strong collective farms kagbe not want to. And fuck me, this control is not necessary: once to set and forget. Smoking datasheets on tranzyuk or sculpt to kakuyunit ROLL I was too lazy, too. As the saying goes "All brilliant - just." Side by side, just what we needed, lay dead LED.
Otkolupyvaem and vkolupyvaem resistor in series with the light.
Check ... Nishtyak. Brightness has fallen every 5 - 10. And as the power dissipation of the resistor I also was too lazy to calculate, I just left on Claudia and went to smoke. After 15 minutes rezyuk remained cold, even beauty.
Now back to the blue area. Here, too, there is nothing sverhmudrogo. Turn off dresses and suits on a black Heat-diodes. Unfortunately photos already clad tubes do I have forgotten.
Since we have lock activates the backlight, then check the illumination from CAPSA. Well, I have nothing else expected.
In this and finish. We collect and use. For comparison picture before and after. Thank you for attention.
As it turned out she did not light dimmer is why at night tends ebashit the eyes slightly better than xenon from counter basin. According to comments in store it turned out that not only I noticed this "You." For a week I have to this spotlight to muzzle face and could not get used to. And here, in my legal holiday, I decided to take a 100 watt soldering iron and a little bit to make fun of the Chinese miracle of engineering ...
Will 15 ph.

Photo transfer brightness is problematic, but the way it looks from the backlight. The lighting in the room the same as in the first and second photo.

More I'm not pleased with the reflection from the indicators when you turn off the backlight.

If someone suddenly want to repeat these operations remember - there is a guarantee the wood.

Here I was pleasantly surprised. Very often, in such an electroluminescent film keyboards used as a light source. For this film the world - needs an inverter. How to control the brightness by using an inverter, I do not know. And the inverter can be nasty and annoying whistling. But this inverter I have fortunately not found. This modelka used the most common LEDs.

A separate power button backlight is not. lights switched simultaneously with the indicator Scroll Lock. I personally do not use this button, however, after the computer shutdown condition this indicator is not memorized. But the state of Num Lock at startup can be set in the BIOS of the motherboard. In general, I would prefer to move the switch on the backlight key Num Lock. Personally, I feel so comfortable. Catch a viewing wiring and scratched turnip, I decided that this resistor in the circuit once

Otpaivat ... experience in soldering smd I have almost no, and hand soldering only 30 cotton. Well, I just confessed to the

Check. Exactly! Scroll Lock lights and no lights!

Prokidyval postings from the diode Lok us and everything is now as I want to. Yes, rezyuk 100 ohm I really threw. Maybe I did something terrible, but to me it's just a keyboard.

Now zaymёmsya brightness. I had the idea to stick controller, but kurochit body with my hands is Fail. Strong collective farms kagbe not want to. And fuck me, this control is not necessary: once to set and forget. Smoking datasheets on tranzyuk or sculpt to kakuyunit ROLL I was too lazy, too. As the saying goes "All brilliant - just." Side by side, just what we needed, lay dead LED.

Otkolupyvaem and vkolupyvaem resistor in series with the light.

Check ... Nishtyak. Brightness has fallen every 5 - 10. And as the power dissipation of the resistor I also was too lazy to calculate, I just left on Claudia and went to smoke. After 15 minutes rezyuk remained cold, even beauty.

Now back to the blue area. Here, too, there is nothing sverhmudrogo. Turn off dresses and suits on a black Heat-diodes. Unfortunately photos already clad tubes do I have forgotten.

Since we have lock activates the backlight, then check the illumination from CAPSA. Well, I have nothing else expected.

In this and finish. We collect and use. For comparison picture before and after. Thank you for attention.
